As spiritual awakening beckons, the longing to go beyond the manifested grows. While there is no set expression that can clearly define the process of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, the study of transcendental knowledge can help foster the process. This is what Gyan Marg aspires to ... Views: 646
The urge for spiritual awakening is not only the most profound, but also the most compelling. It takes great amount of grit and fortitude to pursue spiritual awakening and enlightenment, and break through the chains of materialism and manifested worldliness.
Guiding the true seeker towards ... Views: 2466
Even the most enlightened of spiritual teachers would be hard-pressed to put down spiritual awakening in words. While most of us at some point or the other do come across out-of-the-ordinary experiences, not all of them necessarily point towards spiritual awakening.
If you go out asking, most ... Views: 775
Spirituality is a move into your inner self, a deep journey that begins on the outside and culminates in the discovery of the hidden. This transcendence has to originate from within--intrinsically to culminate in the ultimate Spiritual Awakening.
However, the path to Spiritual Awakening lies ... Views: 1026