While I have my opinions, I rarely discuss politics especially in a professional capacity, but I have to say, I am thrilled this year's elections are over. Maybe it was all the disparaging ads (and the millions of dollars behind them) or the way it brought out the worst in people on social ... Views: 1069
Do you ever feel like the world is against you? Like you are working so hard to move toward your goals, but your feet are encased in thick mud? Or you are doing everything right, but something…some unseen force is wreaking havoc behind the scenes and everything is coming out wrong?
If ... Views: 1131
I hear this often from clients:
“I’ve done everything I can to find my soulmate. Setting intentions, visualizing the perfect relationships, and actively looking through online dating and social events. But nothing works…I’m never going to meet someone!”
“That promotion I’ve worked so hard ... Views: 1218
Do you have great ideas, but find it hard to speak up in meetings? Or maybe you procrastinate and can’t get tasks done on deadline? For every common mental block we face in the workplace, there’s a root cause. Generally, it comes from some negative belief about yourself that you picked up way ... Views: 1297
Is it really possible to get everything done all the time? I used to live with a written To Do list that was a mile long – full of my kids’ activities, errands to run and areas I needed to clean or organize. I gave up this list years ago and said I would only have on my To Do list what I could ... Views: 1170
How many times have you wanted to do something in your life, such as a trip, go to a program, visit a friend, and for whatever reason, you told yourself no… I cannot do this.
Why, I wonder do we do this? We take away what joy, passion or experience our spirit wants to have. We do not give ... Views: 1406
Have you ever had a bright idea that excited you and sounded incredible? Your energy was flowing and you couldn’t wait to get started or move to the next step. So you decide to commit yourself to it and begin. This happens all the time to me. I will have lots of great ideas for myself, my ... Views: 1336