Financial disasters, droughts and floods, earthquakes and other natural upheavals encourage many people to pray and seek a hopeful outcome. Unfortunately, too often, it takes an extreme situation to bring us to our knees in prayer and hopefulness for our lives. For we American’s this is a time ... Views: 940
The question is: “Can people be fooled?” The answer is of course they can, especially when people are out of touch with reality! We, too, often only hear what we want to hear. We ignore the messages that we are not interested in and we definitely ignore the messages that might possibly offer ... Views: 1279
Hummingbirds are amazing creatures of Earth. They are the smallest bird in the world, yet they possess great power and abilities. It flies and flitters and when you watch their movement you become enchanted by their agility and speed. Their long beaks or bills enable them to feed in some of ... Views: 1246
Many people have fallen into a state of fear and extreme worry. That is a normal and natural happening and feeling to experience especially with the recent disasters that have happened around the world. While so many are in pain and disbelief, I accept as true that it is important to stay ... Views: 1261
I do not believe that most of us think about living a life of mediocrity but in truth that is exactly what is happening.
Mediocrity is when we do not strive to be our best and stretch ourselves to reach our goals. If we do not expect the best out of ourselves or others, then we are ... Views: 1600
Accountability and confidence are invaluable attributes to help anyone move in the positive direction towards success. When you invoke and understand these 2 attributes, you just might make magic happen as you strive to transform your life and reach your highest potential. Okay everyone ... Views: 1227
Declare daily, the truth that the Lord is guiding you! Your Creator has destined you to leave your mark! Your job is to believe and trust that it is all coming together. Don’t be in doubt, or fear or even feeling that you are inadequate; instead begin to visualize what it is you are seeking. ... Views: 1102
Are you one of those people who have made so many commitments that you are having a hard time keeping them? You have compromised your health and sacrificed your family life because you had a strong need to help others. You are a leader in your community, but you fail your family. So how do ... Views: 1300
Learning to live a self-disciplined life allows us to control our tongue; that is, we can speak from wisdom not conceit and from understanding not brazenness. A self-disciplined person enables him/her to be focused and centered on those talents that will help you reach your destiny in a timely ... Views: 1568
There are two people living on the inside of us. The positive “ Yes I can do it” personality and then the negative fearful side of you that hides and feels insecure. We all have the ability to be thoughtful and considerate and then some one comes along and cuts us off and we become angry and ... Views: 1278
You don’t need to be wealthy or have lots of money in order to be generous! Jesus said: “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.” ACTS 20:35 I know that when I give to others, I feel beyond amazing! It can be as small and simple as offering a kind word or gesture towards ... Views: 1073
Our words have the power to lift the spirits of others We don’t know what other people are going through; they may be smiling on the outside but hurting on the inside. We can bring healing to others, which in turn enables us to heal our lives at the same time.
The power is within you to ... Views: 1367
Do you feel good about who you are? I hope you can answer “YES” to the above question; however, if you can’t, I am here to tell you that you need to be bold enough to feel good about you. Being against yourself will never help you but it will most definitely keep you stuck in a negative and ... Views: 1271
Bitterness is poison that affects your attitude and the way you live your life. You may have a good reason to feel bitterness but it does not improve the quality of your life. It does instead alter your attitude and behavior and causes you to live without joy and inner peace. When you feel ... Views: 986
Love is both a gift and a task. So how do you love? If God so loved us that he willingly died for us, then we can learn much from His example and work on learning more about how to love each other. To heal your life requires you to feel and share love. It is impossible to truly live in joy ... Views: 998
In self-reflection, this past weekend I realized that I have done just that, I enjoyed 7 hours of contentment and inner peace. In making some conscious choices, I was able to make the time for myself to intentionally relax and enjoy my day. I treated me to a moment in time where I was able to ... Views: 1387
When someone does us wrong, we want to get even and let the world know about the evil side of that person. While you may be right in feeling upset or hurt about the bad behavior of others, I believe our Heavenly Father would prefer for us to swallow our pride and turn the other cheek. Be the ... Views: 1460
Sometimes it is difficult to open your mind and take a look at different ideas or opinions other than your own. I have found, however, that when I open my mind, I realize a great deal of rewarding benefits. You have the power to heal your life and empower yourself in the process when you view ... Views: 1295
Times do get tough; sometimes we want to give up because things don’t seem fair. We get discouraged and think maybe what I want isn’t meant to be for me, yet I want you to know just because your life gets tough, don’t give up, give in or get so discouraged that you settle for mediocrity. ... Views: 1113
Think about those words for a moment! Maybe it’s time to stop doubting and struggling and start making positive changes for your life so you can empower yourself to reach your highest potential? Stop setting up roadblocks or procrastinating in ways that continually cause you to live in anger, ... Views: 1134
Life has been difficult for many lately, floods, fires, lack of funds; conflict in government and confusion is surrounding all of us. The Earth is convulsing and its people are suffering. These are certainly challenging times for everyone yet I am here to say: “Please stay in faith.” When ... Views: 1000
How many people are missing out on receiving life’s fullest because they are not making the time or at least utilizing the right energy to take advantage of all the resources at their disposal?
It is true that the Internet and Google itself has offered all of us who live today many ... Views: 1931
This article is well timed because in our country we have just come out of two bad hurricanes and wild fires. We can all find a reason to be negative and live in fear, worry and self-pity but if you refuse to give these negative emotions your attention, you can easily move beyond them and ... Views: 992
Are you holding back because you feel vulnerable to revealing your true self? Each one of us is dealing with something and I believe that is why we tend to hold back our honesty and instead put on a mask to hid our true identity.
I feel confident that we are all trying to bring out our ... Views: 1417
How you started is not important – how you finish is what counts! You can break the chains that bind you and you can create changes that will transform your life if you make the right choices that will enhance your development and improve your thinking and your life. You may be facing ... Views: 989
Too often people think that if they surrender they are showing their weaknesses and flaws. I am here to tell you that it takes a great deal of strength to surrender your worries, fears and concerns to the Holy Spirit. We all suffer troubles and great concerns in our lives whether they ... Views: 1031
We live a more enjoyable life when we live and share with others within a community of support, encouragement and friendship. We can be happy by our selves but our greatness comes when we work together and share experiences with others. We become stronger when we are supported and encouraged ... Views: 1219
If you believe you are disadvantaged in your life and that is why you can’t get ahead, that is exactly how your life will play out. It is impossible for you to have all the advantages that life has to offer if you don’t believe it is possible for you and that it belongs to you too! If you ... Views: 1493
We all have issues and problems that need to be attended to but it is wrong to put pressure on others to solve your problems or make you feel better. That is your job! Take responsibility for your feelings, for how you value yourself and for what is happening in your life. If something isn’t ... Views: 1644
At this time of year, we all go shopping to buy gifts for our loved ones and we try to make a point of making that gift memorable. Have you ever thought of the gift that you receive daily from your Creator? It is a gift of life, of abundance and riches that no material object can improve upon ... Views: 1112
I once heard a doctor say this statement on TV as she was asking people to exercise, eat well and improve the quality of their life for the New Year: “If you don’t take care of your body…where else are you going to live?” We all need to repeat this statement over and over again so that it will ... Views: 1144
Sometimes we think that the odds are against us; however, in truth, the glorious flow of the Infinite Intelligence is working with you, for you and through. The problem is that we don’t believe it is possible and we think that the odds are against us because we don’t feel smart enough, valuable ... Views: 1431
Crying over what happened yesterday doesn’t produce freedom and it doesn’t get you moving forward. Nothing that has happened in the past surprises your Creator! He knows everything! Maybe it is time to release your regrets, your bitterness and choose to live in the present moment of now where ... Views: 1549
We are often bold in the secret desires of our thoughts and mind when we talk to ourselves about what we want to manifest for our lives but we are shy in making our secret desires know to our Infinite Intelligence. Possibly you are not believing that you can handle it or deserve it or even ... Views: 1525
Most people are unaware of a very important and harmful truth, that is, when you listen to and watch violent and negative energy shows or movies, you are emotionally affected in a harmful way. Do you realize that you have the power to choose what goes into your mind 24/7? Maybe you are a ... Views: 1403
When you stay in faith, you soon begin to see that God is mapping out all the details of your life. Don’t let a bad break or a disappointment become an obstacle in your life and set you on a downward spiral. When you believe in the power of God and trust unconditionally, He will absolutely ... Views: 1528
You must have deep roots that will keep you grounded in inner peace and balance if you want to live your life in contentment and harmony. Surface roots can easily cause a tree to topple in times of storms because surface roots are shallow roots. The same holds true for us humans. We all need ... Views: 1024
You must have deep roots that will keep you grounded in inner peace and balance if you want to live your life in contentment and harmony. Surface roots can easily cause a tree to topple in times of storms because surface roots are shallow roots. The same holds true for us humans. We all need ... Views: 962
I think if we took a poll of most of the people in the world about how much time they spend on worrying each day, we would be enormously surprised. Too many people worry all the time, however, it has been said that we have to stop worrying and turn our problems over to our Creator if we want to ... Views: 1123
If you are a seeker of inner peace, you must protect your mind and keep it free from stress and anxiety. We were not designed to be in stress and tension all the time, yet, too often, we all seem to live our lives that way. It is easy to live in a state of worry and definitely more challenging ... Views: 1093
It is easy to start looking for a scapegoat for all the things we think we cannot do or have not done. Most of us have a difficult time facing reality so we place the blame on outside forces. Maybe that technique has worked for you in the past; but in actuality, it is a malicious tool that can ... Views: 1115
This is not a trick question but rather an honest insight into the inner workings of each one of us. We usually share with our friends and associates a piece of who we are, the piece that we want them to like or connect with; however, there is a secret, a hidden piece of you that doesn't want to ... Views: 1300
To nourish means to supply with what is necessary for life, health and growth. When I speak about nourishing the body, we all get the idea that we need to supply our bodies with food, hopefully good food and maybe exercise. Yet when I speak about nourishing the soul, many people turn a deaf ear! ... Views: 1047
Do you believe in the power of God and that all things are possible through Him? God is a big God. He is not vindictive, small minded or petty, rather God is a loving and compassionate God who wants to give you all the gifts that you were created to receive. It is yours and my job to be open to ... Views: 1272
Faith and Hope are gifts that we do not feel or touch but are rather invisible gifts that need to be practiced if we want them to increase in their power and strength for us.
I frequently share my words of wisdom and my positive thoughts with others but I can see and sense that I am often ... Views: 1591
We are a diverse group of people, with many different thoughts, beliefs and feelings about what we consider to be our optimum well-being. As I was researching this topic because I believe in it totally, I discovered that the most ideal State where people experience the most healthy well-being is ... Views: 1181
I believe we are in a crisis in the world today and many people feel caught up in worry, fear and anxiety so they act out foolishly to numb their discomfort. There are more people drinking too much today, taking drugs and smoking pot than ever before in our history. There are a lot of mixed ... Views: 1176
Do you believe that you have control over the abundance, success and wealth that flows into your life? Many people tend to think that they have to be born healthy, lucky, and wealthy to achieve success in life but that is not nearly the case at all. While a little luck (or soul power) always ... Views: 1384
Never do anything out of obligation instead do everything with gratitude and love. In other words, go through each experience with a purpose and reason for doing it. As an intuitive expert, I want you to know about some basic life principles that will help you. Do not act out of resentment or ... Views: 3234
Can there ever be too much joy in the world? We tend to become confused in life and think that our lives are meant to be hard and difficult. If that is your belief, I am here to tell you that you are living your life backward. We have become too busy, crazy with activity and stress in our lives ... Views: 2102