Yoga Therapy - by Christophe Mouze and Ciara Cullen
Submitted on Apr 29, 2007 from
In this article we will look briefly at yoga as therapy, specifically how this can happen in the West. A lot of people in the West seek out yoga because they hope it might prove to be a means of healing an ailment or an injury. These ailments can range from stiff or painful backs to more serious ... Views: 875
“What Is Core Belief Engineering?” I asked Fay Minifie, my friend and Core Belief Engineering Practitioner. She explained, “It is a process that lets you examine and change the unconscious beliefs with which you run your life. It takes you back to your ‘core’ beliefs - who you really were before ... Views: 3066
Soul is the inborn individualized manifestation of Spirit. Soul is a akin to a drop in the oceans of the One Spirit.
Our souls are part of the One Spirit. Through Soul, that Spirit is within each of us.
Our souls know our rights form our wrongs. Soul recognizes truth and Truth understands ... Views: 756
In light of what happened on September 11, we all have been struggling with ways to cope with this tragedy. The Expanding Light would like to offer the support we (Ananda Sanga) have been given from our community, to you, our larger spiritual community. These are some tools to deal with this ... Views: 636
I would like to be the blanket a newborn baby is wrapped in, as she falls asleep next to her loving mother and father.
I would like to be the teddy bear a sleeping boy hugs as his father carries him from the car after paying a late-night visit to family.
I would like to be a shiny, new 50 ... Views: 960
Without much digging into the dusty mineshafts of my memory, I can pinpoint one of my most embarrassing moments. I was in high school and it involved a beautiful girl named Summer.
I don’t recall the exact grade we were in; it was probably the tenth grade. Summer was in one of my classes and I ... Views: 873
Barry sat and held the empty frame in his hands, having removed it from the wall. It was a plain wooden picture frame, designed to hold a 4 by 5 inch photograph. It looked like the many others that adorned the wall in the hallway of his grandfather’s home. While it looked the same as the other ... Views: 1255
The other day I was reflecting on life’s journey. In my youth I had looked at life as a straight path. My goal was always clear in my mind as to my spiritual direction. Then, as the saying goes, “life happened? Now, in my forties, I sense that life is more like a maze than a straight path. ... Views: 4152
In seeking insights into the direction which education in the new age might take it will prove useful to establish the basic purpose which education serves and so throw light on the inadequacies of present educational approaches. Firstly, it must be understood for whom education exists and the ... Views: 858
TODAY's PARENTS are faced with several obstacles that seriously challenge our children's health and development. We try to provide our children with a healthy diet, good morals and educational experiences, yet popular culture bombards them with negative influences, such as:
* junk food - full ... Views: 1213
Did you know that there is enough money on this planet for everyone (yes, everyone) to have a million dollars? So why is it that Bill Gates has BILLIONS, others have a million, and others have only a small amount? The answer is simple: consciousness. Each of us has played out the beliefs from ... Views: 812
Imagine that the Universe is like a Cosmic Kitchen, ready and willing to take your orders and fulfill them. The Cosmic Menu is Infinite, so you can order anything you want. The key is knowing what you want and how to place your order effectively using affirmations and visualizations.
What DO ... Views: 710
The Genie we all have inside us is awaiting our instructions and ready to grant our every wish. Of course, if it were this easy we would all live in castles and zip around on magic carpets. If you're not where you want to be in life, what commands are you giving your Genie?
Your Three Wishes ... Views: 1224
Successful professionals just seem to sit back and respond to inquiries for their services. Why is that?
The answer may be that they are using strategic personal marketing to develop Personal Brand loyalty. They are marketing themselves just as a company markets a product. They recognize that ... Views: 1464
If you suffer from Bipolar disorder,you can try the following six steps to daily heal yourself from within. "Quotes Added".
1) Self-Discovery= I spent many years not knowing who or what I was. Any type of discovery takes knowledge and time.
Once you receive the knowledge you need about your ... Views: 1100
Several years ago Ann Landers asked her readers if they had it to do all over again, would they still become parents. An overwhelmingly large number said no, they would not. They all had their individual tales of woe to justify their stands, but it was evident that they all felt trapped in ... Views: 887
During the past few years that I have been writing my weekly AskPhilippa column, my life lessons have come back to me through letters from my readers. I want to share these lessons with you as gifts for the New Year. This coming year is full of promise and unlimited possibilities. Let’s ... Views: 928
AskPhilippa — April 2, 2000 — Dating A Man's Man
Dear Philippa:
What is it with guys who prefer to spend more time with their friends than their girlfriends? They're all attentive at first, then after you've been together a while you feel like you have to beg them to go out with you. I had it ... Views: 855
Focus on feelings and interpersonal relationships - not on food and weight. Family members are often the forgotten members, especially other children. It is important that they talk about their feelings.
Do not let the eating disordered family member disrupt the entire household. The family ... Views: 1654
"I'm glad I had the chicken pox."
"Why is that?"
"Because it meant I went to bed without dinner."
"Well, why would you be glad about that?"
""Because it means I didn't have any calories."
The above conversation with a six year old girl took place in my waiting room as I was saying ... Views: 1504
One of the things that is so difficult to understand is the dedication to thinness beyond a reasonable doubt. I know it is hard to comprehend how someone could relentlessly pursue something that is killing her/him and ruining the family, etc. Who or what is telling her to do these things? Where ... Views: 1589
Reliv International,, is a food science company providing soy based nutritional supplements, functional foods (Reliv International is an industrial affiliate of the Functional Foods for Health Institute at the Universiyt of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois), sports nutrition ... Views: 1456
The email inboxes of net-savvy parents are often flooded with home business scams.
We're prime targets. We know our way around a computer keyboard, and we love to spend time with our kids, so we're marked for every home-business opportunity in the book.
And it's true: a lot of us would love ... Views: 950
Last week, I found grace. It was right there, alongside homemade brownies and a box of Legos.
September 11th spawned some overwhelming feelings. I was so distracted by them that, for two days, I forgot to buy dog food. The first night, we got creative and concocted some high-protein solution ... Views: 1014
The connection between the food you eat and the energy you radiate is common sense. You have felt, I'm sure, the lethargy after a holiday meal and the spring in your step after a wholesome breakfast. But is there a way to tailor your eating routine to maximize your energy levels all the time? ... Views: 1175
A few of my childhood friends are radiating love, joy, and nervousness like never before, which could only mean one thing: they’re pregnant for the first time.
In my conversations with these friends, it’s all I can do to not get teary when they talk about how excited they are for the baby’s ... Views: 955
Twenty-four percent of women and 17 percent of men say they would give up more than three years of life to be thinner. That’s according to a poll conducted by Psychology Today magazine.
At the same time, studies show that half of American women overestimate the size of their bodies. ... Views: 949
I'm about to tell you a fundamental secret to preventing and treating mommy burnout.
Ask yourself: When was the last time you were "in the zone"?
When was the last time you experienced that hypnotic feeling of being so utterly concentrated that you lost track of the rest of the world?
When ... Views: 834
We hear a lot about the Supermom Syndrome but rarely about our Superdads.
We place higher expectations on fathers in today's society than ever before. Unlike previous generations, dads today are expected to take a proactive role in caring for the children physically as well as financially. ... Views: 821
On Father's Day, we celebrate the guys in our lives. Not just our dads and the fathers to our children, but all the men who have made a positive impact on a child’s life.
A number of recently published studies call attention to the effects of good fathering. Men who play an active role in ... Views: 705
Feeling drowsy? You may not be getting enough sleep.
Sleep deprivation can lead to a loss of strength and a compromised immune system as well as a decrease in concentration, memory, and learning ability. Perhaps most noticeably, sleep loss often results in a downright rotten mood and the ... Views: 1195
Recently I was filling my car at a gas station after work. The city was experiencing an unusually high rate of thefts of fuel. Gas and runs. In order to combat this problem some stations with rear pumps required the driver to prepay with credit or debit card on that pump. This was due to the ... Views: 903
Recently I was filling my car at a gas station after work. The city was experiencing an unusually high rate of thefts of fuel. Gas and runs. In order to combat this problem some stations with rear pumps required the driver to prepay with credit or debit card on that pump. This was due to the ... Views: 806
Sales and business growth is all about establishing and then developing good business relationships. This takes time and energy--a lot of both. Gone are the days when you showed your customer your product and they said, "Okay, let's go with it." If you offer a service, it takes even longer to ... Views: 878
September 11, 2001 early in the morning, our sky was falling. It was an act that affected our entire world. In the midst of all the people whose lives were taken; it didn't take our dignity or our strength.
On that fateful morning, I hadn't even turned on the TV. I walked my two children to ... Views: 1150
In my journey through life to create the things that I aspire to do and be, a business opportunity found me through a friend, and it was one of the greatest ideas I had ever seen become a reality. It is a Network Marketing company that that was joyous and rewarding rather than the traditional ... Views: 965
Are you aware of the single ** most powerful ** asset in your business? Is it money? Is it employees? Is it your credentials or intellectual knowledge? Is it your products or services?
No, actually, it is none of these. Your single most important business asset is your MIND ... more ... Views: 625
I was to see the surgeon about the broken tendon in my hand and so was handed a large folder containing my medical records to take with me to the other side of the hospital. It was the first time I was pleased to have to wait to see the physician. I skimmed the records as quickly as I could, ... Views: 798
When we coach guys (and in our upcoming tape program), we concentrate on three things: First, throughput--that is, getting a lot of women through your system, in front of you, and somewhere on your personal seduction spectrum. Second, we focus on technology--that is, knowing what to say and what ... Views: 1244
Let's go over some of the basics of getting women on-line. First, sending out 23 emails and getting no response shouldn't be a big deal to you. On-line, no response is the norm, so you have to be able to move quickly through large numbers of women. The secret is quickly, quickly, quickly--using ... Views: 898
With the on set of Winter one illness that seems to hit us all at some time is the dreaded cold or even worse the flu. A cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat that can lead to respiratory conditions i.e. bronchitis.
You can try Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia) to help alleviate ... Views: 1553
Hello! My name is Denise Cooney for those of you who do not know me, I am blessed with the gifts that include being a medical intuitive and reader. I write books, teach classes but more importantly I live life.
Part of what we all miss on this great journey in life is that we only live in the ... Views: 1027
You have done it several times in your life. You have made a New Years Resolution or a promise to yourself to start a physical activity routine, join a gym or use the exercise bike that you bought two years ago rather than it ending up in your next garage sale. We have all heard this story ... Views: 1101
The hands of the clock (tha pages of the calendar) are going faster than we would like. How in the world am I going to finish this -- in time? How am I going to get through all this traffic -- in time? How am I going to be able to pay my bills -- in time?
I'm dreading class tomorrow. I have to ... Views: 988
When we talk about creating a writing space, we're really talking about two kinds-a physical space and a mental space. You need both in which to work.
Sure it would be great to have a fantastic office with a great view, but if you can't keep others out of it or get yourself into it, it won't ... Views: 807
"Defenses operate to protect us from uncomfortable or unacceptable self-awareness."
Almost everyone nowadays knows what it means to say an alcoholic is "in denial." This is the alcoholic who tells himself and the world "I can quit any time I want to." He doesn't quit, though, and doesn't ... Views: 2281
This time of year you often hear stories on the TV news about holiday depression and how to cope with it. Though the holidays are a rough time emotionally, I've never seen many people who suffer from what could objectively be called holiday depression. Clinics like ours see many more depressed ... Views: 2014
Divorce is so common in our society today that it's a shame people don't do it more carefully. Too often it's just another stage of self-deception, doomed to disappointment--an out of control emotional process, the dark side of falling in love. Though occasionally mature people can agree ... Views: 1275
Here is a quote from Yogi Bhajan, whose teachings were the inspiration for this article:
The process of self-healing is the privilege of very human being. Self-healing is not a miracle, nor is it a question of being able to do something that most people can't. Self-healing is a process that ... Views: 8729
What's the point of any of this? Where is the meaning in my day-to-day life?
That's the nagging question that bothers me every single day. And I don't have the answer?yet. I'll tell you what's helped though.
Keeping a personal journal online.
Let me explain. Everybody says that keeping a ... Views: 807