You're going along wonderfully. You're feeling great and your visualization time feels so wonderful then a negative thought pops into your mindset. You shoo it away and get back on track and here comes another one! It's as if they are doing their best to bring you down somehow. The thoughts ... Views: 2099
I am a positive thought author. My life is all about living life through positive thought but not only that, I have Fibromyalgia. Now you would never think that someone with this crazy chronic illness could ever be someone who all day long talks about how to be positive no matter what the ... Views: 2091
Oh those little things in life. You know the ones... Washing the car, cleaning up the pet poop, eating a bowl of ice cream, getting through all those daily moments that we all go through. The question is, how are
you when it comes to those little things? Do you dread the after breakfast rush ... Views: 1525
In order to create a better life for yourself it is going to take change, and that change starts within your own mind. And as you learn to shift your thoughts from the negative to the positive you will find that life will begin to show a change for the better.
When we think repetitive ... Views: 1548
If you are a writer, there is only one thing that drives you: writing. If you were unable to ever see your work in print, a true writer would write nonetheless, even if the work was seen by an audience of one. This article will show you how it is completely unnecessary to invest your heart and ... Views: 2702
Everything is going on along perfectly fine and then that thought creeps into your mind: "What if something happens so that everything isn't as good?" Then your worry-mind takes over and decides that it is going to give you a full account of the worst case scenarios for any and everything. ... Views: 2882
Each year many of us make New Year resolutions knowing full well that we are going to try to uphold our promises to ourselves. "This year I’m giving up smoking," or "This year I'm going to start and finish that book I want to write," then about three weeks into the New Year we have already set ... Views: 2565
Family stories are amazing to me. You hear of family members long ago and through the retelling of their lives you can get an idea of who they were. And by hearing about who they were, you can find timeless wisdom that can apply to your own life now. My great grandma was one of those people. ... Views: 1471
Everyone seems to want something more than they currently have. Whether it is a better relationship, a career, or just plain old money, we tend to seek and attain beyond what we have at the moment. This is just as it should be. We came to this physical reality to experience and to co-create. ... Views: 2045
Just because it happened before doesn't mean it will happen again. YOU have the power to change it.
We can sometimes be under the impression that the situations that seem to keep coming back in life time and time again are there to stay but really…they're not.
A repetitive cycle that keeps ... Views: 1608
Every parent wants their child to grow up to enjoy life and be successful. Each and every one of us has something in our past that we don't want our children to experience as they get older. We protect them and nurture them hoping they will never experience hurt yet as they get older they come ... Views: 3028
It takes new thought to solve a problem. To solve a problem, you can not use the same mind as your former self. In order to solve problems you have to think outside the box and expect change. If you have a repetitive problem that just keeps showing up in your life you have to think differently ... Views: 1706
You can be steadfast and strong with your own inner thoughts and feelings of unbound joy. The renewal of life can happen every moment and your own thoughts and feelings can reflect this wonderful feeling. Take a look at the world around you and all it has to offer. When you begin to shift your ... Views: 1128
You're driving along and as you tap your fingers to the beat of the radio you happen to notice a billboard with the number 111 in the corner. "Wonder what it is doing there?" you think to yourself but you soon forget about the crazy out of place number as you pull in to the parking lot of your ... Views: 2546
It will happen when you envision and make a mold of what you want. When you can see it, feel it, and know that it can happen, expect it to come to you and trust how the Universe brings it to you. Then it will happen.
It will happen when you stay strong and trust that what you desire is really ... Views: 1283
Each and every day we encounter an opinion or belief that is in direct contrast to what we believe. We either accept that someone has a different opinion or we become frustrated with that person's opinion. And when you accept someone else's view of your life you then assume a belief about ... Views: 2573
Have you ever blamed someone else for the life you are living? Or expect that someone else is the one responsible for giving you the life you want? Have you ever thought, "If I had different parents, siblings, or life conditions, I would have what I want in life."
Guess are the ... Views: 1162
The power of thought. Isn't it amazing how whatever you focus on becomes the life you lead? Every thought that you invest in becomes your reality through the Law of Attraction. So why is it that the negative thoughts just sneak in and do their best to derail all that you've been thinking ... Views: 4637
You know what you don't want but do you know what you do want? Isn't it funny how when you ask a group of people where they want to go to eat they can immediately tell you where they don't want to go, but finding the answer to where to go seems to take forever. It's great to know what you ... Views: 1113
I remember the days when I was always trying to catch up, constantly feeling as if I was always chasing down my dreams and my life. Time seemed to get away and I felt like I never had enough time to get it all done. This was before I found the knowledge of what life really is about, and when ... Views: 2356
Are you working so hard, visualizing, meditating, pushing, pulling, doing everything you can to make your dreams of the life that you want manifest into your life? Do you figure that by putting more attention toward it ? and giving it your all ? that it will bring it all that much faster?
You ... Views: 5911
We were given thought and emotions and while it's our choice whether we use them for positive or negative, why even have negative emotions? It is not realistic to say I don't get angry or frustrated anymore since I found the Law of Attraction. Even the best of us will have negative emotions ... Views: 3914
How many times have you said to yourself, "Today is the day that all my dreams come true" and then the day passes. You see little progress in the Law of Attraction in your life. You are intentionally watching each thought and living in the now. After a while, those feelings of the day passing ... Views: 3057
Do you ever feel as if you are repeating your past mistakes over and over again? No matter what you do it seems that a particular past event keeps popping up? Can you ever get rid of the past mistakes of your life and move forward?
When using the Law of Attraction intentionally your past is a ... Views: 3636
Could it be that easy? Just decide that the life that you want is going to be yours and then just steer it in that direction? Yes, it can be that easy when you are intentionally applying the Law of Attraction in your life. However, if your life is not headed in a direction that you are happy ... Views: 1057
If you're like most people you are basically happy with a few areas of your life and then there are the other areas that you just can't seem to make work. Whether it is finance or relationship, career or health, you have some areas that always seem to be what you need the most work on. You ... Views: 1066
Each time the television blares it's as if the whole world is going to financially crumble. Jobs lost, gas costs going up, and no money to be seen anywhere for anyone. Every day that passes seems to be a bit bleaker than the next. So are you doomed to riding out the economy of the world right ... Views: 1799
One of the keys to having the Law of Attraction work intentionally is to be aware of your natural state of being. Now what exactly does that mean? Let's take a look at who you really are.
Your physical body is like a shell. It is not forever eternal. If it was, you would be immortal, but your ... Views: 1598
Really think about this. How wonderful would it be to have the life that you want? We don't mean a fast forward version and a 'quick think' of how wonderful life 'could' be. We're talking about really thinking and feeling how it would be to have the life that you truly, really, one hundred ... Views: 1269
You've been visualizing on the end result that you want. All your focus goes straight to the end result, yet everything but what you focus on comes into your life. What gives? Isn't the Law of Attraction supposed to bring to you what you want? Remember, the Law of Attraction brings what you ... Views: 1026
You wake up and shuffle off to the bathroom to find a quarter lying on the sink. You wonder how it got there. You put it in your pocket and forget all about it until lunchtime.
You meet a business associate for lunch at the local café. As you sit and wait for him to get there, you notice ... Views: 3602
Is it possible to just 'fake it' and act like you are applying the Law of Attraction? What do you think?
The Law of Attraction is a simple concept: whatever you focus on in your life, and however you feel about things, will send a vibration out to the Universe that the Universe will match in ... Views: 10828
Is it possible to just 'fake it' and act like you are applying the Law of Attraction? What do you think?
The Law of Attraction is a simple concept: whatever you focus on in your life, and however you feel about things, will send a vibration out to the Universe that the Universe will match in ... Views: 10828
When applying the Law of Attraction what you focus on is what it is all about. Think of your focus as a laser beam and whenever you focus on something, whether it is negative or positive, you are sending out a laser beam that directly brings something back to you. So when you focus over and ... Views: 1431
Today is the day you have the big meeting where you want everyone to pay attention and really understand where you are coming from. You want others to agree with you and work as a team. Or maybe you have a co-worker that you just want to get along with. No really…you want to get along, not ... Views: 3781
"I do believe in spooks! I do believe in spooks!" Remember that classic line in the Wizard of Oz, when the Cowardly Lion affirms over and over again, "I do believe in spooks! I do believe in spooks!" Look at what he attracted. Who says fear isn't good for something? Well I guess it depends ... Views: 1063
You've been reading about and applying the Law of Attraction for some time now and you wonder if it really is real because what you have wanted and asked for just hasn't come along. So what is causing this in your life? There is a missing key to the Law of Attraction that seems to get lost in ... Views: 1547
There really is a method to applying the Law of Attraction intentionally to obtain the life that you want to live. We have listed some of the important points to think on when you are applying the Law of Attraction. Think of it as your instruction manual to the life that you want. Each point ... Views: 1144
What really is reality? Two different people can be experiencing the same situation yet they have completely different experiences through the situation. Isn't that amazing? What makes the situation different for each person? Their perception of the experience that they have created with ... Views: 1205
Focus and feel good…that's it, right? That is all you have to do to get what it is that you want in life through the Law of Attraction. Yes…and no.
Yes you should have a focus and keep your eyes on the focus. And yes you should feel good as you focus but there is much more to applying the ... Views: 985
So you're great at manifesting the small stuff; the parking spot, miniscule amounts of money, getting the table you want in the restaurant, but you stop short when it comes to manifesting the big stuff. Why does this happen, and what can you do to change it?
It's all about attachments.
You ... Views: 1293
You come home from work and see that your next door neighbor, once again, has another new vehicle. You feel envious and wish it was you. "Why does he get everything? I wish I had his luck!"
Or maybe your cousin calls to tell you she's getting married. You tell her how happy you are for her ... Views: 5059
When you are faced with a challenge in your life and it feels as if doors are closing right and left, what do you do? Do you just accept the fact that things seem to be falling apart or do you rise to the occasion and keep moving forward? In the Law of Attraction, if you keep the focus on what ... Views: 1234
How does the 'inner you' or the Core Being as we call it, have anything to do with the Law of Attraction? It has everything to do with the Law of Attraction.
When applying the Law of Attraction you are actually creating from your inner you. The Core Being is the one directing your physical ... Views: 1085
How comfortable are you with change? Change is an incredible indicator that what you have been focusing on is coming to you. So how can change be a great thing?
Let's start from the beginning. When you find the Law of Attraction and realize that it has been working in your life without you ... Views: 984
No matter what circumstances are in your life you are always free to choose a better thought and feeling. It doesn't matter where you live or what you do or don't do in life… you always have freedom. Realize that you are the only person who can do this for you. When you realize that you have ... Views: 1014
Belief in what it is that you desire is one of the most important thoughts and feelings when it comes to the Law of Attraction. We have all kinds of different beliefs. Your beliefs in the world and your own world make a huge difference in what will be attracted to you through the LOA.
Take a ... Views: 1036
Make it a point to find the positive in every situation. This can sound a bit like you’re not seeing what is around you in the world these days, but quite the contrary: When you make an effort to find the positive, you will contribute to a growing population providing positive mass ... Views: 1022
You have to change if you want your life to change. There is no question about it. When you are living life and not enjoying what it is giving out to you, the only way to change it is by changing your thoughts and feelings to reflect the life that you desire. So how can someone just change ... Views: 2612
Don't tell us you haven't thought of it. Why does it seem to take so long to manifest certain desires? Why so easy to manifest a parking spot or a penny on the sidewalk, but so hard to manifest that beautiful home and the financial security you want? And is there a time delay in manifesting ... Views: 1459
It can be difficult to find what is best for you when you have opinions and thoughts from others that conflict with what you want for your life. When applying the Law of Attraction intentionally, your thoughts of what you want are all that matters.
When getting advice from someone you love, ... Views: 1018