It is very hard to lose weight without the proper motivation. What motivates us to do anything? Is it the goal, the outcome, success, competition, etc. whatever it is it drives us to push until we get what we want. So how come the obesity rates are going up? And how is it that so many people ... Views: 969
The upper body is one of many problem areas for women, but not so much for men. The arms, triceps, biceps, chest, shoulders and upper back are all incorporated into upper body exercises. For a woman, it's the flab that sags underneath the arm that starts to appear as we age that is a huge ... Views: 1069
People exercise for many reasons but one of the main reasons is to lose weight. There are so many ways to exercise its hard to know what's right for you. Any form of exercise is good however the best exercises to lose weight are the most effective exercises. To see weight loss results you need ... Views: 1770
For the thousands of people who experience heartburn on a daily basis without any relief, its time to try a natural remedy for acid reflux. Heartburn symptoms include pain in the chest, burning in the throat, difficulty swallowing, and in chronic cases a persistent cough, hoarseness, and sore ... Views: 24387
More than half of Americans would like to lose weight. But less than half of that number are seriously trying to lose weight. There are tons of ways to lose weight, but one of the most effective forms of exercise is walking. Walking off the weight is easy, affordable, and can be done anywhere. ... Views: 1053
Acne is those painful, red lesions that appear on your skin usually at the worst possible moment. Acne is formed due to blocked oil glands in the skin that become inflamed and the gland or hair follicle ruptures. There are a lot of treatments available for acne, OTC, prescriptions, creams, and ... Views: 1143
It’s estimated that 20% of the population suffer from heartburn, indigestion or acid reflux at least once a week. Acid reflux and heartburn occur when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) allows acid from the stomach to flow back up into the esophagus. This causes pain, burning and discomfort in ... Views: 1654
It’s estimated that only 1% of the population escapes having a headache throughout their entire life. About 90% of the population get at least one headache each year. And of that 16-17% of the population gets a migraine headache at some point in their lifetime. Migraines affect 30 million ... Views: 2186
Acupuncture was first used in China over 2000 years ago. It is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world. Acupuncture is the basic foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is based on the belief that there are two opposing and inseparable forces within the body known as the Yin ... Views: 1795
Acne- just the word itself has a negative connotation and leaves a bad taste in your mouth. No one wants it and no one likes it. But it is a problem that occurs on a daily basis throughout homes across the globe. No matter what age, gender or race you are, you can’t escape it when it ... Views: 1285
Like many other herbs, spices and plant compounds, there is not much scientific evidence supporting the use of Aloe Vera either internally or externally for cosmetic or therapeutic benefit. However, Aloe Vera has been used for well over 2000 years in herbal, alternative and holistic medicine all ... Views: 1250
So you want to improve your health? First take a good look at how you got to where you are now. Do you make wise, healthy decisions when it comes to your health? Do you eat healthy, exercise enough, and get enough sleep? Improving ones health is all about changing the decisions you are making ... Views: 1047
The choices you make in life will determine how healthy you are overall. And your health is important because it will determine the quality of life you lead. We are all born with one body and that body can only take you as far as you are willing to take care of it. That being said, what state of ... Views: 1127
Water is an important nutrient that you need to replenish on a daily basis. We lose water through perspiration, aspiration and respiration. Every cell in the body needs water to properly function. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and sluggishness. Therefore it’s important to ... Views: 1126
Frizzy hair can ruin your hairstyle or even cause you to have a bad hair day. Now a days there are even more ways than ever to keep frizz at an arms length, whether you wear your hair straight or curly, or go outside or stay indoors. Frizz occurs when moisture enters the hair cuticle causing it ... Views: 5535
There are two key ways to lose weight, exercise and proper nutrition. However, ramping up exercise and paring down on calories is a hard task to accomplish. Staying on track and avoiding temptation is hard when you’re trying to lose weight, it takes a lot of determination and motivation. But ... Views: 947
For as much as we pay for face soaps, facial scrubs, acne creams, moisturizers, we could be looking in our kitchen to get even better results. Its important to wash our skin because we get environmental pollutants on our skin daily however its just as important to feed our body and our skin from ... Views: 1136
Acne, pimples, zits, blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes, whatever you want to call them, they appear out of nowhere to ruin your day. No one wants acne, especially on ones face. Getting rid of acne is about prevention, treatment and correction. Preventing acne is about keeping your skin and pores ... Views: 1935
One of people’s major problem areas on the body is the stomach. That’s because for many, fat accumulates around the midsection. Once this starts to happen, it is hard for people to lose weight around the core. Most of abdominal exercises require people to lie on their back on the floor, which ... Views: 2397
Summer is a time for sun in the fun, picnics, and days at the beach, barbecues and lots of fresh produce like strawberries, watermelon, corn on the cob, tomatoes, etc. Summer is the best time to head to the farmers market; roadside fruit stands, and produce markets. Locally grown produce is sold ... Views: 1699
Why do we eat? The most basic reason is hunger, however with the growing rate of obesity this shows us that people eat for more reasons than just hunger. People eat out of boredom, loneliness, hunger, or deprivation. All of which can lead to excessive overeating and added weight gain. By ... Views: 1345
When people think about anti aging, they mainly think about their skin health, however anti aging pertains to the whole body not just its largest organ. Signs of aging appear as we get older and our metabolism slows, our bones brittle and our joints become stiff an achy. Premature aging occurs ... Views: 2007
Vitamin C plays a vital role in how the body functions, even though it is only considered a micronutrient. Vitamin C is essential to immune function, iron absorption, bone building, wound healing, healthy skin, blood pressure and eyesight. Because vitamin C is vital to so many of the bodies ... Views: 2155
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And it really is! Eating breakfast kick starts your metabolism, provides your body with essential nutrients, helps maintain a healthy weight and protects you from disease. Even with the facts about how important breakfast is, 30% of Americans ... Views: 1308
For years people have been saying that pizza, French fries, chips, cookies and junk foods cause acne breakouts. In actuality there is no proven evidence that shows the connection to specific foods causing acne. Eating unhealthy carbohydrates sets off a chain reaction within the body causing the ... Views: 1500
Homeopathic medicine is just one of many alternative medicines making a comeback in the U.S., which is strange since homeopathy is the second most commonly, used form of medicine in the world. Homeopathy like many of the other alternative medicines is based on the body’s innate capacity to heal ... Views: 1188
Today’s healthcare system has become a lot more diverse than in the past. Not only are there a wide variety of doctors specializing in everything from head to toe and specific conditions and disease, but also there are hospitals, clinics, and medical offices available to treat your every ... Views: 1299
Smoking is a trillion dollar industry, recruiting new smokers on a daily basis. People don’t normally choose to start smoking rather they are brought in due to the social interaction and “cool” aspect. Thousands of people try to quit smoking however many fail and return back to it. It’s an ... Views: 1192
Feeling rundown, sneezing, coughing, or fatigued? All are symptoms of the flu, a contagious virus that usually spreads throughout the population during the late fall through early spring. The US experiences annual outbreaks of the seasonal flu however other variations include H1N1, bird flu and ... Views: 1172
In today’s fast paced world, many people are eating unhealthy, not getting enough exercise, and getting too little sleep. Smoking, drinking, environmental pollutants, and chemically altered foods have increased the risk for diseases and conditions, which are now plaguing our society. It is vital ... Views: 1396
Humans experience stress on a daily basis, at work, home, with any experience or emotion. Stress isn’t necessarily bad for you. It is all in how one reacts to stress. For one stress may be overwhelming where as the same stress can cause another to be inspired. Stress can lead to disease or quite ... Views: 1015
Millions of people are affected by allergies a year. Everyone who has allergies experiences different symptoms congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sniffling, coughing, red, itchy eyes, and swelling. Depending upon your symptoms will determine your treatment plan. There are several types of ... Views: 1958
Beautify your skin from the inside and the outside. Anti aging is best fought on two fronts, the outside through our skin and the inside on a cellular level. Aging occurs due to free radicals which damage our cells and cause fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, dark spots, and broken veins. Free ... Views: 1304
Split ends can be a girl’s worst nightmare. Split ends can be caused by a normal everyday hair care routine that includes blow drying, flat ironing, or curling ironing hair, but coloring, perming, or professionally treating your hair can also cause them. Even the weather can cause hair to frizz ... Views: 1604
As we get older the signs of aging creep up on our face with sagging jowls, forehead wrinkles, crows feet, brow lines, sagging eyelids, etc. Do you want to erase these signs of aging? Some cover up the wrinkles with makeup tricks, others pay big bucks to remove these lines professionally, and ... Views: 1073
Thinning hair doesn’t just occur as we age or because of disease. Chemical treatments, coloring, and heated styling tools can cause breakage. When hair strands break and die they fall out leaving hair thin and sparse. No one likes the look of thinning hair. Avoid dying, chemical treatments and ... Views: 1606
Stress is one of the leading factors, which leads to health related problems in the 21st century. The economy, your job, family, finances, and even your health can cause one to have stress. When we encounter stress our bodies release chemical hormones, which flood our blood stream causing ... Views: 1323
Meditation is an ancient art form that has been used in the Eastern cultures for thousands of years. Eastern philosophy believes meditation is used to expand your consciousness until you are at one with the cosmos as a whole. Meditation is about transcending the physical body and letting your ... Views: 1159
Most people whom workout today don’t think about flexibility and range of motion when they exercise. Especially for men it’s more about strength, how much weight they can lift and how big their muscles are. For most women, it’s about burning calories through aerobics and cardio. Regardless of ... Views: 1853
There has been a lot of talk about antioxidants and how they help and protect the body from aging. In today’s society everyone experiences oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs from normal metabolic process and exposure to natural or artificial radiation, pollution, sun exposure, toxins in ... Views: 1129
Most mornings you roll out of bed after hitting the snooze button about 4-5 times, with just enough time to jump in a quick shower and decide on what to wear to work. This leaves you with an empty stomach and barely enough energy to make it until lunchtime. To make it through the morning you may ... Views: 1463
Acne is the most infamous skin condition that plagues our society. People from young to old of all ages, races and skin textures get acne on a daily basis. For most having an acne breakout is simple to treat by washing your face and using an over the counter or home remedy acne treatments. ... Views: 1186
Walking is a fundamental part of life. Walking is one of the easiest ways to exercise. We learn from when we are very small and it’s our primary means of movement. However what most people don’t realize is that it’s the simplest most effective ways to exercise. Strength training, weight lifting, ... Views: 1290
Wanna lose weight? You and thousands of other people out there. What’s the easiest thing you can do about it? Get off your butt! Most people who are overweight , are overweight for a reason. They are overeating or are sedentary, or both. A sedentary lifestyle can quickly lead to excessive weight ... Views: 1379
When you decide to start exercising, it’s best to start with a walking program. Walking is gentle, low impact, simple and easy. We walk on a daily basis to get from place to place, so walking, as an exercise should be just as simple. Even if you are out of shape, overweight and haven’t exercised ... Views: 1288
There is quite a list of foods to avoid when trying to minimize acid reflux. After learning what foods trigger your acid reflux it make sit easier to limit the occurrence of your acid reflux. Then you can create an acid reflux diet plan. This will focus on avoiding acid reflux trigger foods and ... Views: 2728
Many things cause acid reflux, but most of the time it’s the foods we eat. Certain foods aggravate acid reflux symptoms, making them the cause of your acid reflux. Its best to limit these foods, some foods that are responsible for a higher occurrence of heartburn should be avoided completely. ... Views: 2255
The body’s metabolism converts nutrients from the food we eat into energy the body needs to function. Every bodily function right down to the cellular level requires energy. Energy ensures that our body repairs and heals itself, fights disease and eliminates toxins. Our metabolic rate, changes ... Views: 8414
People most often want to increase their metabolism to burn more calories, lose weight, and boost their energy. But more importantly is how to increase your metabolism. Herbs are a natural way to increase your metabolism because herbs are made from the leaves of herbaceous (non-woody) plants. ... Views: 2388
A poor diet can cause feelings of lethargy and fatigue. Foods that have a high glycemic rating deliver an immediate, short-lived boost of energy but then cause you to feel sluggish and tired. This includes fast foods, junk foods, energy drinks, sugary snacks, and highly processed foods. To fight ... Views: 1252