First of all, no one, not decluttering gurus, best friends or anyone else can tell you what to get rid of and what is important to keep. Only you know the stories behind your possessions and how they affect you.
There is no "should." You don’t have to get rid of anything.
But, if you feel ... Views: 1974
On the news the other day, I heard them talk about consumer spending not being up because the economy is getting better, but because of "frugal fatigue." People were just tired of scrimping. Saving is going back down, credit card debt is going back up.
So how can you counter frugal fatigue ... Views: 1187
Many times when I talk to people they tell me they are busy and they don’t know how to stop. They have to take the kids here and here and here. Or work is keeping them overtime. Or they have to attend so many meetings.
The biggest difference I’ve noticed between the "too busy" and the "not ... Views: 1255
A new client of mine is beginning a big project. So the first thing we did was set her up to make the project easier.
Do you have a project or goal you are doing or about to do? What would it mean to set yourself up to win?
Some ideas:
* Get enough sleep
* Get a relative or ... Views: 1265
Where does your time go? We all know we are busy, yet we feel behind and don’t get to do the things we really want to do.
Planning is the best time saver there is. At the beginning of the week jot down your goals that you want to accomplish, fun things you want to do, work that needs to be ... Views: 1098
I love to learn. Information is like catnip to me. So in order not to drown in information, I have had to systemize things.
Library Books
For instance, when I get library books, I look at how many pages the book is and how many days I have before it is due. I divide how many pages by how ... Views: 1289
Standing in line, waiting for the doctor, sitting in traffic do not sound like presents, but if we look closely at them we can see the gifts that waiting gives to us.
The Gift of Downtime
We complain that we have no downtime, but every time we wait in a line is an opportunity to slow down ... Views: 1080
Part of the reason people don’t get the simpler lives they want, is that they feel trapped in their current life. Stifled by obligations, responsibilities and other people’s expectations. It seems that the way life is right now, is the way it always is.
Too often it only feels like you are ... Views: 1159
I believe in authenticity. It’s a great gift to the world to be yourself.
I also think that sometimes a persona is helpful.
The dictionary defines a persona:
1. A voice or character representing the speaker in a literary work.
2. The characters in a dramatic or literary work.
3. ... Views: 1476
Many times when I talk to people they tell me they are busy and they don’t know how to stop. They have to take the kids here and here and here. Or work is keeping them overtime. Or they have to attend so many meetings.
The biggest difference I’ve noticed between the "too busy" and the "not ... Views: 946
One of the big reasons people lives don’t seem simple, is the lack of looking ahead.
Is it more relaxing to fill up the tank one evening or go to the gas station, wait in line, on the way to work in the morning?
Is it easier to plan a weekly menu and get your groceries at once or think ... Views: 1099
A lot has been written lately about unplugging. Taking a day a week or a month at unplug from technology so you can re-connect with yourself and with the ones you love.
But are you doing it?
Since we don’t see it as a necessity, we can find all sorts of excuses – my family will get mad at ... Views: 1050
Clarity is an important piece to having a simpler life. Otherwise you end up with a simpler life, but one that is not fulfilling.
Too often we think we are confused and don’t really know what we want. But, really we aren’t listening.
I’m sure you’ve gotten inklings that something wasn’t ... Views: 1094
This week in the Money Class we have been talking about Debt Reduction. It’s easy to slip into too much debt.
But, there are some signs you are too far in debt and need to fix things fast before you get into the debt hole you can climb out of.
* Using Cash Advances on your credit card. ... Views: 943
How do you want to feel when you walk into your home? Soothed? Relaxed? Comforted?
At the moment how to you feel when you walk into your home?
Most of us want a place we can relax in and be renewed. This will be different for different families. Some like a little clutter and homeyness. ... Views: 1091
I’ve been talking about mindset with some of my clients this week. Most of us don’t realize how important it is for success in whatever endeavor you are doing.
If you are trying to declutter and organize, if you begin your session feeling overwhelmed you only lose energy. You quit faster. And ... Views: 1060
Even though I am still reeling from my son’s death, things still must get done – taxes, money stuff, work, prosecution stuff…
Here’s what’s been working for me:
1. Have grief sessions every morning and/or evening. Just a time to let whatever you are feeling out – through music, ... Views: 1433
Some people collect knick-knacks. Some people buy an abundance of clothes or shoes. My vice is books.
As a kid I would ride my bike for miles to get to the library. I always asked for books for holidays. When I finally made an income my first purchases were horse novels.
Being a coach and ... Views: 1114
Recently I have had people ask how they can keep from spending. It’s hard to say no to yourself when the urge to spend strikes. Here are 20 tips to stop spending:
1. Don’t shop for fun. I don’t go on big outlet mall trips and when I am low on cash I stay away from Barnes and Noble. Make a ... Views: 1081
"Happiness is not a destination; it is a method of life." - Burton Hills
Are you waiting until all your goals are completed to be happy? You lose 20 pounds? Your home is immaculate? The kids are doing their chores and getting good grades?
You can be happy right now. Even if you are feeling ... Views: 2235
Many clients of mine have busy lives. They think they don’t have time for what matters.
But, it is rarely the lack of time, but how time is used.
Especially if you are feeling overwhelmed, it’s easy to zone out - too much tv, talking on the phone, surfing the net. Instead of making ... Views: 883
I love the clean slate feeling of a new year. A whole 365 days to design a life worth living. For a fresh start, here are some ways to complete 2003 and make room for 2004.
1. Start Your Calendar
Don't just pick any old calendar. A huge selection is out there, so choose one that makes you ... Views: 1177