Isn’t that the case every year? On a personal level, sticking to my goal is a serious issue even when I know exactly what I want. I’ve always needed help on how to really set a goal and stick with it long enough for it to become a habit. How do you achieve everything that you want in life by ... Views: 1000
A merry, snowy Christmas is what our founder - Otis expected when he took a trip to the States to visit his family this Holiday season. After all, why not? That’s how it has been every year in Washington DC during Christmas, right? Well maybe not, but 45 degrees Fahrenheit isn’t too bad either. ... Views: 646
Have you ever wondered why the most successful people are almost always workaholics? Success is directly related to consistent productivity and results which is related to having a very strong work ethic. But most people don't even like their jobs and look at it as a chore let alone want to ... Views: 729