Introduction: In the landscape of personal growth, few modalities promise the swiftness of change that hypnotherapy does. It’s a realm where science meets the subconscious, offering individuals a direct route to profound transformation. The question on many minds is: How rapidly can one expect ... Views: 289
There are things we realize that we need to do, must do, however reluctantly. (Examples: clean the kitchen, get more exercise, eat healthy...) And then there are other things we love to do, no prompting needed. (Examples: eat ice cream, watch the Seahawks, weekend in Vegas…) We each have ... Views: 927
There are things we want to do, behaviors we want to adopt, and there are things we want to stop doing. And it seems the conscious, rational, analytical part of the mind is not up to the task of putting these changes into effect long term. If the conscious mind could handle change easily and ... Views: 1411
How do people come to do the things they do? How are habits formed and maintained? How do we create behavioral change on demand? These are important questions if one is in the business of selling change, as I am.
I give a lot of thought to helping people change. I’m always looking for ... Views: 1564
It seems that a large percentage of the population is thinking about their weight and dieting at any given moment, reading about this new diet, that new food plan, purchasing diet products, and/or in the midst of dieting. Our weight truly is a national obsession.
So, why do diets and food ... Views: 1622
People often come in to my NLP & hypnotherapy office for very specific habit and behavioral changes. “I want to quit smoking!” “I want to stay away from the sugar!” "I want to sleep better." And so on. We can do that. However, in the course of doing that, we do more. We change larger mind ... Views: 2916
What is hypnosis? The formal definition is: "It's a bypassing of our critical factor, the conscious mind." When we bypass it, we walk in an open door, and we're communicating directly to the accommodating, helpful unconscious mind, the part of us that defines and determines our behaviors and ... Views: 1633
"Not That! This!" The NLP Visual Swish Technique
NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming, is all about effective communications. Some of those communications are between people, and some are within our own mind. When we clearly communicate and instruct our own unconscious (creative, ... Views: 2837
When I was a kid, we were taught to spell by sounding it out. Not very effective and not very useful. Think about "one" which might be "oh-neee" or "two" which might be "Twoh." I ended up with my own creative way to learn to spell by sounding it out, verbalizing how the word looks and then ... Views: 2593
The other day Michael and I were driving, and I noticed the car ahead of me. I said: "There's James Bond." (My sister had dated James Bond for awhile, but that's another story. :) ) The license plate number featured a familiar trio of numbers in it: 007. Also, in the hot, red Ferrari next ... Views: 2197
Today's topic is unconscious communication. We all know about language. Words. TALKING. It's part of how we "get our message across" when we're communicating with someone. But it's a very, very small part. There is so much more going on, information being sent, received, exchanged between ... Views: 8213
Circle of Excellence "Anchoring" is the bread and butter of NLP. It's a technique for capturing and triggering feelings within ourselves. In business, would it be useful to feel flowing confidence on demand? Motivation? To feel persuasive and articulate? Learn an easy process, right here, ... Views: 5029
Discover the freedom to change your emotional states at will, through changing your inner soundtrack. Combat negative self talk and negative emotions, or increase motivation with the power of your own mind! Sounds good to me!
The topic is, speech, how the soundtrack of ... Views: 2118
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The Power Within - by Connie Brannan, CHt. & Licensed Trainer of NLP
Hypnosis is one of the most potent and powerful tools for changing your mind, for priming your mind for success, and for learning to plant your own suggestions/seeds for positive growth, in business and in personal life.
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Why self hypnosis? Simply stated, hypnosis is one of the most ... Views: 2170
Turn the tables on time wasting, needless distractions and excuses which prevent you from doing what you need to do. Learn a simple technique to rev up enthusiasm and passion for your project, and convince your mind to "git 'er done!" Your productive behavior follows.
Mark Twain said: "Never ... Views: 2886
“I hate my life.” “I hate my job.” “I hate _________.” Have you ever caught yourself thinking and feeling this way? Feeling trapped, or suffocated by circumstances? I think we all have. The good news: You can change things. You're not a victim in this ... Views: 1791
Here’s a very appealing word: “relax." It even has a nice sound to it when you say it out loud, slowly: reeee-laaxxxx. Stretch it out, elongate. That’s what we’d like to do in our lives with relaxation as well—stretch it! More, I want it. You want it. It's something we all need more of, ... Views: 2130
Do you fear public speaking, or work situations such as giving a presentation or negotiating a raise, or even simply approaching an attractive member of the opposite sex? Do you have an overall lack of confidence? This article is for you! Here comes an incredibly easy “mind game” with powerful ... Views: 2766
You don’t even need to notice how easy it is for you to read this article now and develop new power and appreciation for words. The power of words! The topic today is language and how words can influence you on an unconscious level, influencing your thoughts, your emotions, and your ... Views: 4917