Many cosmetic and skin care product manufacturers are on the green bandwagon. Natural skin care products, formerly only a concern of environmentalists or people with extremely sensitive skin, are now offered by several companies. One of the greatest advances in natural skin care is mineral ... Views: 985
Although pesticides have been linked to a number of health problems, we are nevertheless inundated with them on a daily basis. They're in our food, our garden, our air and our homes. Researchers have now discovered that, in addition to the other health problems pesticides pose, they can also ... Views: 694
We’ve all been warned about the hazards of too much sun exposure. In fact, some experts would have us slather our skin in sunscreen even on a cloudy day. Although it’s wise to use protection in the sun – at least between 11 and 2 when it’s riding high – you ... Views: 706
Skin care products are often designed for different skin types - dry, oily, normal and sensitive. Dry, oily and normal describe the condition of the skin’s surface, but ‘sensitive’ generally relates to how the skin responds to the cosmetics, soaps, lotions and other ... Views: 610
Calcium is thought of primarily as the mineral that builds and maintains healthy teeth and bones and prevents osteoporosis. In fact, it does much more than that: The body uses calcium to generate a heartbeat and nerve and muscle function and to perform a host of other urgent biological processes ... Views: 593
The skin, like other parts of the body, is designed to heal itself. Despite this, or, perhaps because people aren't aware of it, we're constantly in search of more effective topical solutions for dry skin, eczema, acne, rashes, and so on. Rarely do we find a product that works for long and it's ... Views: 2005
When was the last time you looked at a baby’s perfect skin and wished your skin still looked like that? While it’s true there are natural changes that occur in the body that upset the skin’s delicate balance, it is also true that many of the skin problems we experience as we ... Views: 622
About 100 years ago, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Elias Metchnikoff wrote a book called Prolongation of Life in which he revealed the connection between ‘good’ bacteria, good health, and aging. In those days, and for several decades thereafter, the soil in which our food was grown ... Views: 694
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably never wondered what happens to grape seeds during the wine-making process. The grapes are crushed, the solids are filtered out and, one would assume, they end up in the trash. Right? While that may be true of the skin and pulp, it is ... Views: 826
As we get older we naturally become concerned about the changes our bodies are going through and many of us seek to slow or reverse these changes. One of the major places those changes are evident is our skin. It becomes dry, thin, a little brittle and a little wrinkled. Smile lines and frown ... Views: 618
You have probably heard it said that good skin care starts on the inside: A healthy body manifests in healthy skin. Unfortunately, that’s not altogether true: As I’m sure you’ve noticed, some people who seem to eat well, exercise take vitamins and get plenty of sleep but still ... Views: 595
While most people pay far more attention to their skin in the spring and summer, our winter skin care habits are among the major reasons why every spring or summer we have to do a general overhaul. In fact, heaters blasting, soaking in wet gloves and socks, and blustery cold winds may take more ... Views: 665
The health of your skin, like any organ, is often a reflection of your diet and lifestyle. New skin cells are constantly being formed to replace old or damaged cells but, as we age, our bodies no longer function at the optimal level - the skin loses moisture and elasticity, sebum production ... Views: 567
Are you plagued with tiny veins on your face, legs and other parts of your body? These little veins, spider veins - although generally harmless in themselves, can mar otherwise lovely skin. There are medical treatments available, but natural remedies that eliminate the causes of spider veins are ... Views: 2061
Many people think of taking care of the skin as primarily a summer problem, bathing suits, sandals, bare legs and ungloved hands are more visible to others, and more exposed to the sun. However, every time spring and early summer roll around, we’re desperately trying to bring our skin up ... Views: 715
The influx of products on the market containing botanicals – ingredients that come from the leaves, roots, bark or fruit of plants – is evidence that more people are moving towards natural skin care products. Botanicals won’t give you all day or all night protection – for ... Views: 571
Years ago, when chemical soaps, cosmetics and other skin care products became all the rage, there were only a few natural skin care products on the market. Although they were available, they weren’t as popular as the new ‘beauty bars’ and ‘moisturizers’ hitting the ... Views: 1095
The holidays are usually a time when we worry about our weight – big dinners, food we may not eat during the rest of the year, and plenty of delicious deserts. All of this takes its toll on our skin but did you know that several of the traditional holiday foods are also great natural skin ... Views: 819
Have you ever wondered why skin care manufacturers make different products for different parts of the face? One for the eyes, one for the nose and chin, one for the lips, another one for the area around the mouth - it’s hard to know which product to use for which area and whether or not ... Views: 678
If you’re like most women, you’re constantly fighting two battles: keeping your weight in check, and aging. Even girls in their twenties are fighting the battle of the bulge and searching for skin care treatments that will prevent wrinkles, lines, bags and sags. Although we do need ... Views: 1004
Have you ever been reluctant to see an old friend because you’re embarrassed about how much you’ve aged? Cosmetic surgery has become all the rage �" some people don’t hesitate to go under the knife. But a lot of us prefer to age gracefully, if only we knew how. Some ... Views: 636
The holiday season is just around the corner. Most of us look forward to it all year, but it also requires a lot more work than we’re used to. On top of our daily work schedule and regular chores, we’ve got more entertaining, extra cooking and cleaning and, and several evenings of ... Views: 572
In a recent article it said that there’s no link between diet and breakouts. The author called it a myth. While it’s true that some people don’t seem to get blemishes no matter what they eat, and others get blemishes even on the healthiest diets, it is not true that what you ... Views: 676
Do you remember the days when there were only three skin types – normal, dry and oily? Somewhere along the line, ‘combination’ was added to the list to describe the oily forehead, nose and chin with cheeks still normal or dry. But a new skin type has entered the market: ... Views: 662
There’s always something new to discover in the skin care industry: new products are being developed every day. But the most intriguing and worthwhile discoveries have actually been around for centuries �" or longer. They’ve been used by indigenous peoples as dietary and ... Views: 1206
You may have heard of the health benefits of black tea, but did you know it’s also a great all round skin care product? Loaded with antioxidants and trace amounts of other nutrients, black tea can help tone the skin, reduce fine lines and puffiness, and get rid of blemishes. If ... Views: 742
Never to be outdone, Las Vegas entrepreneurs have opened a new spa that offers a unique skin care treatment �" winter. Doesn’t sound like much of a spa to you? Well, believe it or not, it works, especially when combined with a very hot, and possibly humid - summer. This spa takes a ... Views: 733
In an article about skin care solutions, it was revealed that people with itchy, dry skin often use petroleum jelly, moisturizers and over-the-counter medications containing hydrocortisone cream. There is so much information out there regarding the damage some of these products could do to the ... Views: 997