If you are alert, aware and awake, you will notice your mistakes when you make them. They contribute to your personal growth. However, if you fail to notice them, you will continue to do the same errors indefinitely.
Here's what you can do when you have made mistakes.
Admit the ... Views: 1368
Have you forgotten what it is you want to become and have? Probably you have made a few attempts, found that your strategies didn’t work and lost yourself along the way.
Why not give yourself another chance to realize your goals?
It all starts with the goal.
Define and describe it. Write ... Views: 1191
Negative emotions sap your energy and undermine your effectiveness. In the negative emotional state, you find the lack of desire to do anything. The mind is filled with thoughts of fear, doubts and insecurities. Your body experiences fatigue, tightness and muscle tension.Notice that your ... Views: 1261
Many people dread the times when they are left alone. They feel a sense of emptiness or boredom. They start to look out for things to do or people to talk to. Some get into habits like shopping, eating, watching too much television or anything else to 'kill the time."Anytime is a good time to ... Views: 1242
If your debts are building up, your relationship is leading you astray or your career is at a halt, it’s about time you analyze your situation and start the process of life change.Make a decision today to do all that you can to transform you life. To do or not to do; it’s all up to you.Create ... Views: 1158
Relationship problems either with your spouse, family, business partners or other people affect your personal growth, success and well being. If you value your relationship, you need to make better decisions and take specific actions to make them work.
Here are some ideas to help you avoid or ... Views: 1504
Are you bored with your work, your relationship or your life?
Being bored is a state of mind when you are fed up and sick of what’s going on or the lack of activity around you. Complacency also contributes to feeling bored. Boredom becomes a great concern when it results in procrastination, ... Views: 1344
Uncle Liam was very kind to me again. He gave me more candies when I went to his grocery shop. He always did. But I did not understand why he likes to touch and pinch my cheek.
My visit to Uncle Liam’s shop was quite frequent. He has a daughter about my age and we played together a lot. Mom and ... Views: 1378
I looked at my father for the last time before he was finally laid to rest. And I said to myself, "I forgive you father".
I have forgiven him but I have not forgotten the turmoil, terror and abuse that I went through.
My father was working away most of the time when I was growing up. But when ... Views: 3329
You lost your job. Your partner left you. Your car was re-possessed. You find your life barren like the desert.
Your self-esteem plunged. You don’t think you are good enough for anything.
You will never find another job because you lack the education and the skills required. You are too old ... Views: 1337
Ju was physically abused as a child. She lived with a mother who was diagnosed with post depression and a father who was a wife abuser.
Her parent divorced and left six of them with her mother. She left school at 15 and went to work waiting tables to help her mother feed them all.
At 18 she ... Views: 1417