Years ago, some people thought that the personal computer would make our society paperless. Boy, were they wrong! We have more paper in our lives than ever before. With mail, delivery services, printed emails, and information off the web, no wonder we have a hard time keeping up with the paper ... Views: 711
So much goes on in a kitchen. It can be the social center, work center, and relaxation center of your home. All this and three meals a day! That's a lot of function in a small area.
Today's kitchen truly is command central of a home. How can you make your space work for you? The first step is ... Views: 774
Living in an urban area means living with traffic and long commutes for many of us. Do you know that the average commuter spends fifteen hours a week in the car? Now that it is summer, are you going to add to your car time by driving on your vacation? If you feel as though your car is your ... Views: 1141
If the kitchen is the heart of the home, the home office is the information center of your home. Does your home office work efficiently? Can you find what you need? Do you enjoy spending time in the space? Let's focus on what you need to bring order to your space: furniture, an effective filing ... Views: 837
The Home OfficeIf the kitchen is the heart of the home, the home office is the information center of your home. Does your home office work efficiently? Can you find what you need? Do you enjoy spending time in the space? Let's focus on what you need to bring order to your space: furniture, an ... Views: 733
If the kitchen is the heart of the home, the home office is the information center of your home. Does your home office work efficiently? Can you find what you need? Do you enjoy spending time in the space? Let's focus on what you need to bring order to your space: furniture, an effective filing ... Views: 966
Oh, how I hate wire hangers! No, I am not related to Joan Crawford, but at times I’d like to utter those famous words of hers. I think someone is playing a cruel joke on us all and wire hangers are actually meant to tangle together in an unruly mess when more than a few empties find themselves ... Views: 780
Do you know that we receive more mail in one day than our grandparents received in a month? These days, it seems as though the mail is an endless task.
The post office does a great job of delivering a pile of decisions to you everyday. On average, it takes ten minutes a day to sort through your ... Views: 632
Did you spend any time today looking for something lost? Do you feel as though you never have time to sit down and relax? If this sounds familiar to you, it's time to get organized. Organizing is not going to bring about world peace. It's just going to make your day run more smoothly and maybe ... Views: 778