Have you ever met someone that seemed nice enough on the surface, but the two of you just didn’t make a connection? Or, perhaps the opposite is true. You met someone that was completely different from you and you felt an instant connection?
Our reactions to others are based on many different ... Views: 3577
"Things do not change, we change." Henry David Thoreau
Since we get what we think about, talk about, focus on, say to ourselves and believe about ourselves, we first need to become aware of what we are thinking and saying on a regular basis.
Are you in the habit of putting yourself down? Are ... Views: 34510
Do you just let life happen to you and hope for the best? Or, do you decide on a daily basis, or even better, on a moment-by-moment basis, what you want to experience?
Too many people just let life happen and then complain about the results. Setting intentions at the beginning of your day helps ... Views: 2076
Do you begin your day feeling energized and enthusiastic? Are you glad to be alive and anticipate a day of fun, or do you start out feeling grumpy, tired and out of sorts? Do you drag yourself through each day feeling as if you are not receiving the things you desire? Each new day brings us an ... Views: 2802
”Never think that you're not good enough yourself. A man should never think that. People will take you very much at your own reckoning.” Anthony Trollope
How do you picture yourself?
Do you have a positive or negative image of yourself? Many people don't like what they see on the outside, or ... Views: 16206
Ask yourself the following question:
What would I do if I had no fear?
Take a few minutes and think about your answer to this question. Think about your feelings and your reactions to this question.
If you have a situation on which you haven’t taken action, ask yourself why you haven’t taken ... Views: 1933
Do you have a support system that works in your life? Have you surrounded yourself with people who will listen to your new ideas, help you with problem solving
and act as a cheerleader for you?
The work I do as a coach includes support, brainstorming, problem solving and being an advocate for ... Views: 1970
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrow - it empties today of strength." Carrie Ten Bloom
Think about a time when you played the worst-case scenario over and over in your mind. Your spouse or child is late coming home. You worry that they may be in a ditch, in the hospital, or, worst case, ... Views: 1960
Vince Lombardi once said, “Fatigue does make cowards out of us all”.
When you are run down and feeling drained, the choices you make are not the same as when you are feeling energized and alive. It is up to you to make yourself a priority and take consistent action toward supporting your mind ... Views: 7891