With health care stimulating conversations these days, I wonder, where does that leave natural therapists? Is this a time to focus more of our energy on educating the public? I have already spent 20+ years sharing Polarity Therapy and my healing experiences. Yet, people are still willing to grab ... Views: 707
pa-ral-y-sis – noun – the loss of the ability to move in part or most of the body. Immobility, powerlessness, incapacity, debilitation.
Most people have never experienced paralysis. It may be something that is hard to grasp if you are among the individuals who have had the privilege ... Views: 850
As a therapist, I sometimes forget the fears others have about receiving bodywork. Massage therapy, as well as other therapies, have recently come into the spotlight and more people are seeking bodywork in spas, health clubs, therapy centers and doctor's offices. Intellectually, people may ... Views: 817
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Polarity Therapy - by Nancy M. Turcich ~ Natural Massage Therapy
Polarity Therapy
by Nancy M. Turcich, NTS, RPP, RPE
Polarity therapy is a unique and vital way of looking at the human body and its parts. By “parts” I don’t mean a leg or an arm. I am referring to the “parts” that make up a person: the physical, mental, emotional, and ... Views: 1450
Finding Your Way To Therapy
by Nancy M. Turcich, NTS, RPP, RPE
In 1982, I fell off a cliff in southern Illinois. Soon after, I decided to go with the flow of life and not question everything that came my way. Following my fall and subsequent recovery, I enrolled in a ... Views: 941
Patterns and Holistic Therapy
by Nancy M. Turcich, NTS, RPP, RPE
Patterns are ways in which we use our bodies or hold our bodies against the force of gravity. They may be carried through generations, genetically, or they may come to us in-utero, as we form our bodies, our minds. As we ... Views: 1175
Depression & Isolation
by Nancy M. Turcich, NTS, RPP, RPE
I’m not sure what comes first, isolation or depression. I do know the two are twins, perhaps fraternal twins since they are not identical. However, isolation and depression share a common ground... separation. People ... Views: 2340