Imagine for a moment that you come in three layers. (Actually, the human has five main layers, but three will do for clarity’s sake.) Picture a pyramid, point up, divided into three horizontal bands. In order of frequency/vibration (highest to lowest) we find Spirit at the top, Soul in the ... Views: 3385
The human energy system is somewhat like a computer.
This does not mean that people are mechanically logical. Rather, in the same way that human are made in the image of God, computers are made in the image of humans. Every work of art is a self-portrait; creation can only be formed from ... Views: 1354
The four most popular religions -- Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, in order of their antiquity -- were all created in authoritarian cultures that rely heavily on 'rules and roles'. This type of society is hierarchical, demanding legalistic obedience to authority. There is always a ... Views: 1047
Two hundred years before Gregory the Great identified the Seven Deadly Sins, Evagrius Ponticus (one of the Desert Fathers) listed eight temptations as most likely to distract us from God and/or the spiritual path:
1. Gluttony: inordinate desire or self-indulgence
2. Lust: craving or ... Views: 2931
Human Energy Science is a set of transformational tools and techniques based on Geotran™, the “language of creation”.
Imagine for a second that you operate like a computer: you have hardware (a body), wiring (nervous system, synapses, brain/body connection), and software (the ways you go about ... Views: 1509