Do you obsess about dieting yet never get to your ‘ideal’ weight?
Even worse are you sick and tired of dieting and exercising and still don’t feel good about yourself?
Do you hate those mornings when nothing in your wardrobe seems to fit – when you end up with a bed covered in clothes and you ... Views: 1592
To some it doesn’t even matter what diet it is but if they punish themselves for a week or month or however long, they will lose weight.
Go to any Weight Watchers of Slimming World meeting each week and watch those women get on the scale for their public humiliation, some will have lost, some ... Views: 3130
Following on from Bob Proctor of the Secret commenting on my blog ‘FOCUS’
It made me realise how well the Law of Attraction works
In its simplest form what does it say ?
What we give out is what we get back
And it’s so true
How many times have you moaned about ‘your lot’ and what ... Views: 1158
I’ve just read Deena Morton’s inspiring story about how 12 years ago she and her then husband built a house for a dentist (that’s what they did)
But they were broke, had 5 kids and life wasn’t that wonderful
While Deena was in that house she had a ‘moment’ when she wanted to be living in that ... Views: 1029
I had to share this with you
I had a meeting this morning with a guy who was very passionate about what he does;
He told me all he wants is to help people – move from where they are to where they want to be .
As you can imagine we were totally in sync!
He’s very into NLP – ... Views: 1064
How awful that it was reported that 600 young girls under the age of 13 are suffering from eating orders - mostly anorexia. As a young girl myself I suffered from bulimia - eating and throwing up - mine was due to the fact that my body image and self-confidence were totally 'out of whack'
At ... Views: 1171
Are you going away at all? I've just come back from an amazing time in Florida - a week of warm weather, long beach of white sand and the Atlantic ocean.
However it wasn't all 'holiday'-
I was there for a 3 day conference/seminar/workshop on marketing authentically. I met some wonderful ... Views: 1207
I have a little story for you
There’s a woman, of ‘indeterminate’ age who lives in New York. She’s happy, has a good job, great husband, children, grandchildren, friends. In other words she has to all intents and purposes and from what the outside world would consider ‘a good life’.
Yet ... Views: 1186
If you’re American – and even if you’re not –
Happy Independence Day
I like the idea of Independence ;
Freedom - from tyranny not only in the global sense but also on a personal level.
Doesn’t it make you think ?
All those years ago when America declared itself independent from the ... Views: 1063
Interesting stuff. Have you been watching the latest Bob Proctor videos? They are awesome.
But what I find especially interesting is that it’s what I’ve been saying for quite a while now.
Nice to know that Bob and I agree;
Bob Proctor calls them ‘paradigms’; ... Views: 1116
One of the great things about doing what I do is that while I’m teaching, showing, helping someone to move forward in their life I’m also getting my own insights. Which is of course truly beneficial and it then enables me to give even more.
I am always learning not just from my sessions ... Views: 1282
Is age a number?
Well it does so depend on your point of view.
WC Fields said - you’re only as old as the woman you feel
And Mae West said – ‘it’s not the men in my life that count, it’s the life in my men!!
It’s like anything it all depends on your mind set
We all know people who ... Views: 982
I want to give you the gift of Freedom;
Freedom from Fear
Freedom from Doubt
Freedom from Procrastination
And I want to empower you with the ability to de-stress, relax, chill out, take action and reach your goals easily and effortlessly
Bit much for a glorious Friday ... Views: 1187
If I asked you this sunny Monday what you consider to be the three top ‘problems’ that people have – what would you come up with?
Whatever you thought of they would all relate back to Fear, Procrastination and Bad Health.
That’s it.
Think about it –
Fear – of not having enough money, of ... Views: 991
Zig Zigler said : Motivation doesn’t last – well neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily!!
Makes sense doesn’t it?
Yet how many times do we start doing something ‘positive’ only to find maybe a week or so in we’ve lost the ‘motivation’; we don’t ‘have the time’; we’re ‘too ... Views: 1072
Anticipation, The expectation of something good
Having something to look forward to is great – but we tend to only look forward to stuff like holidays or birthdays or Christmas or other things like that.
Wouldn’t it be good if we just looked forward to something nice, fun, interesting ... Views: 1087
As you might or might not be aware I’ve been having my website updated. It’s a much better site now and I’m really happy about it. It now gives you much more information, looks better, and even gives you contact details.
It was mostly finished by Friday. And I wanted to add some things to ... Views: 1007
Would you say you were happy?
What defines ‘happiness’ for you?
Is it paying off the mortgage, having your children well and fulfilled, working hard at school or in their chosen careers? Is it being successful? In your marriage, partnership, home life, business life? Do you want more? ... Views: 1190
Are we in danger of having goals that are so big – we’re actually pushing them away?
Are we ‘idealizing’ them rather than being practical about them?
To ‘idealize’ means
“something that exists only as an idea”;
“Exalted to an ideal perfection or excellence”
“A portrayal of something as ... Views: 1159
Self-Image is the way you think about yourself. Self-esteem is the way you feel about yourself. Self- confidence is the way you act.
A Very wise woman once said - Some will, some won’t, so what – Next! Move on - Many people take rejection so personally and let it knock their confidence. ... Views: 1060
But perhaps this is exactly what you need to propel you to where you want to be – in your life, with your business, with your money, your earning potential.
Are you working hard to increase your business and no matter what you do it’s not happening? Are you working long hours ... Views: 1203
Don’t you hate those moments when all of the sudden you hear yourself saying, “bugger, if only I had listened to my gut instinct”?
In fact have you ever asked yourself why you don’t listen?
The reason we don’t tend to pay attention to what our gut is trying to tell us is that, as kids, we ... Views: 1303
These are just some ideas to change your life short-term, long term, to make you feel better, give you more energy, to give you a healthy mind and body. Try 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 – all or some of them - life is not meant for playing small play the best you can each and every day …….
1. If you ... Views: 1962
This monster, for that truly is what it is, sabotages us in so many ways.
This Gremlin Monster is the voice that wakes you at 3 in the morning with scorn and doubt and puts fear into your brain and tells you how you can’t do something, or why you shouldn’t do something.
This voice can be ... Views: 1298
We've all had challenging situations that leave us feeling tired or discouraged. Here is something neat to ponder during those times. Take a look at this report and reflect on this man's record of failure. It is a testament to how humans can learn, grow, and win despite the losses and defeats. ... Views: 927
Or maybe it’s just the words we use…
It's become fairly obvious to me recently from people I speak with that not everyone connects with, relates to or gains value from the traditional personal development language or paradigm.
Or words like paradigm (for that matter). Or NLP, EFT, ... Views: 1591
If I said ‘manifesting’ some people would think I was talking ‘tree hugging’ ‘alternative’ any other label you can think of . But the definition of the word ‘manifesting’ means to show or demonstrate; bring about. So think about this logically. Whether we realise it or not we are always ... Views: 1075
Happiness? Fun? Fulfilment? Dreams of luxury ... Views: 1203
You ever wonder why some people are so lucky?
You know the kind that seem to have everything going for them and things just work out for them
no matter what they do
They have a good relationship, a good job or career, things just go their way.
It's as though luck is always on their ... Views: 1432
Manifesting wealth and abundance should be easy. However too often people are full of fear and anxiety and if you’re constantly worried about how things will turn out you are closing off the ways that money and abundance can actually come to you.
You shouldn’t have to struggle to make money or ... Views: 1501
Interesting – I was talking to a client earlier on and we were talking about goals and I asked the question “what is it you actually want”. The answer was extremely unfocused; the client in question listing about half a dozen ‘things’. So I said let’s just focus on what is it you really want – ... Views: 935
Is your income ‘enough’? Isn’t it all relative? What seems not enough to you might be masses to someone literally living on the breadline but ridiculously small to an A-lister celebrity.
All of your ‘poverty’, your insecurities around money, all of your financial struggles, and every ... Views: 1056
What does that word conjure up for you? Does it make you feel good? Or does it fill you with dread? Do you ‘worry about money’? not having enough – to pay bills, to pay for your children’s schooling, to have holidays, to have a bit left over at the end of the month to go out for a decent ... Views: 1281
the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along." ~ Napoleon Hill
Wise words from a very wise man
Right now, many people are feeling VERY scattered...distracted...unfocused. It ... Views: 1046
I had an interesting scenario this afternoon with a potential client – someone who had enquired a few days ago about how I could help her lose weight.
I had told her that with the processes I use, NLP, Hypnosis, Theta and EFT we could remove the blocks fairly easily and instead of going on some ... Views: 970
Do you feel that it’s time to take control of your life rather than talking about it? To actually make some changes in your life rather than waste another year ?
But why would you spend money on a Life Coach when you have a great network of friends and family you could call on for support?
... Views: 1085