From Appendix I of "The Magic Words", by Jon Lovgren
In the Beginning Is the Word
We often underestimate the power of our words. I remember growing up and hearing,
“Be careful with your words, they are the one thing you can never take back.”
I want to focus on a few of the most ... Views: 854
Chapter 2 from "The Magic Words, by Jon Lovgren.
Two Times to Forgive
The Pathway to Peace
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
-Helen Keller
Welcome to ... Views: 945
Food for Thought
Mental Cleanse
What Are You Feeding Your Mind?
“a healthy outside starts from the inside.”
-Robert Urich
We all spend a lot of time and money on our physical bodies. Yet we so often take our mental health for granted, not really ever giving it a second thought unless ... Views: 1055
Chapter 13 – What Is Blocking You? from "The Magic Words, by Jon Lovgren
What Is Blocking You?
Liberate Your Creativity
“Make an empty space in any corner of your mind, and creativity will instantly fill it.“ ~~~Dee Hock
What does it mean to be creative?
Is it true that ... Views: 786
Ho’o Pono Pono is a very powerful, life-transforming meditation which originated in Hawaii and was brought into its current form by a healer, Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona.
The original form of Ho'oponopono required a mediator, usually a qualified practitioner, to be present to guide the healing ... Views: 4077
I think you will find it is really much easier than you may think.
First of all, you are likely already meditating in some form and have just never labeled it as meditation. At its simplest, have you ever just sat and pondered or just gazed into space thinking about nothing in particular? ... Views: 1054
...Pretty much wherever your feet are planted. Actually, that is not as difficult as it first seems. When you consider that we now have a different idea about meditation and whenever we are lost in our thoughts and in the moment, that is a form of meditation. Another thing to keep in mind... ... Views: 942
Why not? Just kidding. Actually, there is scientific data coming into light showing that meditation does indeed improve your health and well-being.
What those of us that have been meditating for a long time already know is that it slows your heart rate, oxygenates the body, reduces stress, ... Views: 956
Any time is a good time to meditate; however, at a minimum, twice per day, although this is one case where more definitely IS better. The best times to meditate are in the morning upon awakening, and at night, before going to sleep, and if you can, at lunch time or mid-day.
While it is better ... Views: 917
What IS meditation? Where is the first place you turn when you are looking for a definition? Usually, Merriam-Websters dictionary, so let's go ahead and start there.
Definition of MEDITATE
intransitive verb
1: to engage in contemplation or reflection
2: to engage in mental exercise ... Views: 908
It is my belief that everyone should meditate. Now normally I would not say 'should', because that is akin to me imposing my beliefs on you. Not a good idea; however, in this instance, I don't see that as a selfish thing. Meditation is so good for everyone that I truly believe it should be a ... Views: 1177