Never before has our society been so cognizant of healthy living. We know that yoga is not just for “hippies,” we utilize meditation apps for our smartphones and commonly use phrases like “organic,” “non-GMO” and “composting.” So it’s surprising to find how many people remain unaware of the ... Views: 967
Do you remember the first time you saw an X-ray of yourself? What a marvel to see inside your body! And wasn’t it a relief when the dentist, after looking at a film of your mouth, was able to pinpoint a particular bicuspid as the source of your pain? We are fortunate to live in an age when ... Views: 977
Many of us are blissfully unaware of our spines: after all, it’s not like our teeth or complexion, staring us in the face every time we look in the mirror. It’s only after we suffer a back injury do we find out that our spinal health affects everything we do. Eighty-percent of Americans will ... Views: 867
According to Ayurvedic medicine, a natural system of healing that began in India 3,000 years ago and is still heavily utilized in that country, the body is not just flesh and bones, but a complex electrical system. While most people in the U.S. may not be familiar with it, thankfully we have ... Views: 1029
I once had a patient who came to me for lifelong hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, as it's known in the medical world. No matter what one calls it, allergic rhinitis is highly unpleasant at best and at worst is severely disruptive to one's life. It includes not only an allergy to pollen, but ... Views: 902
Antidepressant medication is the antidote for depression worldwide. This remedy for depression comes with an increase risk of violent behavior, increase risk of birth defects, and increase risk of suicide. The pharmaceutical approach appears flawed.
When sixty-year-old ... Views: 970
Forty-four-year old Isabella came to see me after a friend suggested I could help with her ongoing vertigo and insomnia. Three years earlier, after Isabella experienced hearing loss in one ear, her doctor found an acoustic neuroma – a tumor sitting on the main nerve that leads from the inner ear ... Views: 991
Do you ever find yourself sad or unhappy and don't know why? You're not alone.
Not long ago, a study stated that for every 100 women, nearly 37 prescriptions for antidepressants are written yearly. These medications typically provide relief of symptoms only after ten weeks of daily intake. ... Views: 899
Americans are literally obese, with over two-thirds of the U.S. population (more than 128 million people) that are, to varying degrees, overweight. Sixty million of those people are classified as obese, and ten million are severely obese. Obesity is a very serious condition that can lead to ... Views: 1131
IBS has been elevated to a major problem in America, because it is now used as an umbrella term for a diverse range of digestive complaints. According to medical circles and Sirius doctor’s radio, IBS affects approximately 60 million people. That’s incredible!
Misconceptions about irritable ... Views: 965
When people come into my office complaining of widespread aches and muscle pain, dizziness, brain fog, balance issues, severe fatigue or auto-immune and neurological disorders, one of the first things I look for is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).
What are the causes of MCS ... Views: 1848
Premenstrual syndrome-- the collection of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle-is so common that many women consider it to be a "fact of life". The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists estimates that 85% of women in their childbearing years suffer from at least one symptom. A ... Views: 1168
During my 25 years of practice, I’ve had the opportunity to treat patients with a wide variety of conditions-- acid reflux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and migraines, to name a few. But I find that whether a patient walks into my office with an allergy, emotional issue, or nutritional ... Views: 1583
Many of us are blissfully unaware of our spines: after all, it’s not like our teeth or complexion, staring us in the face every time we look in the mirror. It’s only after we suffer a back injury do we find out that our spinal health affects everything we do. Eighty-percent of Americans will ... Views: 1246
Heart attacks often occur with no warning and 40% of the people die. Patients have heart attacks following the medical guideline of normal cholesterol. Heart disease is the number 1 killer. Going to a cardiologist is beneficial, but patients still die even though they had their heart checked and ... Views: 1583
Is It Possible?
A diagnosis of cancer is undoubtedly one of the worst things a person can hear. Numb with shock and fear, they hang on the doctor’s every word as he or she explains their treatment options. While these options depend on the type and stage of the malignancy, most people will ... Views: 1405
Have you or someone you know had cancer? If not, you’re part of a very small minority. Cancer, in one way or another, has touched most of our lives. In the United States it is second only to heart disease as the largest killer; and it has surpassed heart disease in several poor countries around ... Views: 1376
maybe it’s an allergy to radiation
If you’ve ever been jealous of someone’s glorious tan, it may be hard to believe that sunlight can be so unhealthy. Yet we’ve all heard the statistics: overexposure to the sun can cause skin cancer and premature aging; therefore it is highly advisable that ... Views: 1368
The top five health concerns of women are breast cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, depression, and autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and lupus in which the body attacks itself. Although the most common cause of disability for women in the United States is ... Views: 1346
When I was in elementary school, it was very unusual to have a classmate with asthma. Today, at kids’ soccer games, if one child has a breathing problem, you may see half a dozen parents running onto the field with inhalers. Asthma is a pulmonary illness that causes wheezing, tightness in the ... Views: 1500
Have you ever watched everything you ate for one entire day, really keep the calories down low to about 700 calories? Did you have a small breakfast, a small lunch, a very small dinner and then have a very tiny sweet before bedtime, only to find out that you didn't lose an ounce the next ... Views: 1285
Many people like to drink a glass of wine when celebrating special occasions and holidays with friends and family. And who wouldn't enjoy warming up next to a crackling fire with a delicious pinot noir and a great book? Medical research has indicated that people who drink occasionally actually ... Views: 1759
Electromagnetic fields (commonly referred to as EMFs) are all around us no matter where we live. They emanate from power lines, televisions, electrical wiring, microwaves, and other electronic devices. Additionally, we are exposed to information-carrying radio waves through cell phones, cell ... Views: 2002
Simple fatigue. It's pervasive. That tired, run-down feeling can effects your entire life. Fatigue can prevent you from attaining your goals, interfere with your professional and personal life. What causes this fatigue? The answer will surprise you.
Assuming that you don't need just plain ... Views: 1947
In her mid-forties and enjoying a good career in real estate, Deirdre came to my office suffering from fatigue. She had been feeling sluggish, anxious, and prone to mood swings in addition to having diarrhea, nausea, and heartburn. She had also been wheezing and was taking a medication for nasal ... Views: 1004
Lactose intolerance is an uncomfortable condition caused by an allergy to dairy products. The symptoms most associated with this allergy include eczema, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, weight gain, cramps, congestion, and even ear infections. However, since 50% of all food reactions happen in a ... Views: 2063
GERD, sometimes referred to as heartburn, the hallmark symptom, that affects about 100 million people in the United States. The intense pain called heartburn has nothing to do with the heart, but with digestion.
What is GERD?
It stands for Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease. It is when the ... Views: 2117
When I was a youngster, I never met someone who was autistic. The rate of autism then was 1 in 10,000 children. Today, 1 in 50 children is autistic! Also, when I was a child, I think I only knew one person with Asthma. Today, if you’re at a soccer game and a child has a breathing attack, you’ll ... Views: 1642
There are thousands and thousands of children who under perform in school. As one who did not speak until I was almost five years old and who struggled in elementary school, I empathize with children who have learning difficulties.
Why don't some children do well in school? Is our educational ... Views: 1096
In 1931, a cure for one type of anemia was discovered. The treatment consisted of the yeast extract which contains an active ingredient, folic acid. Although this vitamin's relationship to anemia has been recognized for more than 50 years, research in the last few decades has firmly established ... Views: 1632
Who can you trust these days when governmental agencies approves genetically-manipulated foods and chemical additives that are suspected to compromise our health? It is essential to know the source of the food you buy and if it is proven safe.
Organic farming methods include biodiversity, ... Views: 1078
Each year over 25 million people suffer intense migraine headaches. The sad reality is that while most find relief taking medications, the head pain never goes away. It always come back. There is lost of time, quality of life and long term expenses. Migraine headaches are triggered by many ... Views: 1801
Even with an estimated one billion cases in the United States every year, doctors still have few resources in curing the runny noses, sore throats and cough caused by the common cold. Chicken soup as well as time, not antibiotics, are often the best treatment. Antibiotics are for bacterial ... Views: 1016
A month ago, a new patient came to my office with nasal allergies. After 10 years of constant suffering and numerous failed attempts for relief, she decided to give an alternative approach a try. To her surprise, within three office visits, she felt relief.
At age 35, this female Moroccan ... Views: 1213
Most spiritual leaders agree that true success entails, an “inner pursuit.” That is, to grow spiritually, you find God within. That many answers in life can be found inside yourself. That heaven is in your soul and all you need to do is - go within yourself. But for some unknown reason, ... Views: 1439