Apart from feeling absolutely fabulous, there are many benefits gained by the therapeutic treatment, massage.
Too many people view this therapy as an indulgence rather than a wonderful preventative to health problems. They turn to it for its powerful benefits only when their body has been ... Views: 1320
Is there something you have wanted to do, or more importantly, you know you need to do, to increase your happiness, confidence and motivation, and improve your future? - However, the thought of it absolutely terrifies you?
Is it to learn a new skill for work, or join a networking group to ... Views: 1205
Do you need ‘The Lunch Break Challenge’? Do you often feel tired and lethargic in the afternoons? Do you feel resentful towards your employer or your organization, or your clients? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the lunch break challenge is for you….
Firstly, you must commit ... Views: 1567
Conflict is a good motivator to address problems and to seek solutions for unresolved issues. It is a good warning sign that an area of your life, or your personality may need attention. However, if you sweep the warning signals under the carpet or ignore the motivation to confront and resolve ... Views: 1529
Today, I am going to share with you 6 simple strategies. These strategies may sound too simple to make a difference in your life, however these simple tasks are the ones which changed my life and that of many other very successful people.
Some of these strategies you may feel a resistance ... Views: 1627
We know that living in the 21st century can be similar to sitting on a rollercoaster zooming along at an incredibly frantic pace. It can be a challenging task to pull on the brakes and slow the rollercoaster down, refuel it, and attend to its maintenance, so it can run at its optimum level. Work ... Views: 1396