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There are two hefty yet hidden forces in our lives, two elephants in the room that many people don’t see or talk about, yet they affect us in a mammoth way. The discovery of these elephants has hugely transformed my life.
The first elephant is the jumbo awareness that misery is addictive and ... Views: 1582
What is radical ownership? It’s seeing and owning that life is a mirror reflecting me back to me. All the things that happen in my life have one thing in common…ME. I am the common denominator in all that keeps showing up. Mike Dooley describes it beautifully in his Notes from The Universe: ... Views: 3057
Resentment is like quicksand…it really sucks! It pulls us in and holds us down, and we become stuck in our own self-imposed suffering. Forgiveness offers freedom from that suffering, but getting to forgiveness can sometimes feel like an arduous odyssey. Our defensive egos hang onto wrongs with ... Views: 1493
Loosening the grip of negative emotions through play is one of my favorite ways to shift out of misery into happiness. It’s not only fun but it’s healing as well. I’m quoted about this topic in a new book called Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds by Dr. Kelly Turner, which ... Views: 1241
When I'm upset about something and feel challenged, a higher voice within lovingly says, “Put on your Big Soul panties and deal with it.” Putting on my Big Soul panties means shifting out of the limited view of my little ego self into the expansive perspective of my Big Soul Self, seeing the ... Views: 1378
We all have something about us, maybe not readily apparent to others (or even ourselves), that is nonetheless golden, some long hoped for achievement, some rich intrinsic value that makes us superstars in our own life. Sometimes we need something to wake us up and help us claim our unique ... Views: 1071
Many of us long to live in a state of unshakeable tranquility. What I’ve come to realize is that tranquility is unshakeable ONLY when I’m unattached to outcome, when I’m willing to roll with whatever’s happening. “Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm.” Resisting is ... Views: 1344
Richard Bach said, “Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they are yours.” By the same token, argue for your blessings and they are also yours. I have a friend who wanted more love in her life so she set her watch to beep once an hour to remind her to take a deep breath and choose to feel ... Views: 2116
Do you ever have a cluster of similarly themed messages coming your way in a short period of time? That’s what I’m experiencing right now. The current message that keeps recurring for me is this: it is my choice to enjoy or not enjoy life, no matter what is happening.
Lately, pesky fears ... Views: 1283
There’s a saying, “Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.” For me, of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the LEAST. I often had a chatterbox mind; when I was unsettled, my busy mind was like a crazed acrobat, tumbling from thought to thought, leaping to conclusions. After my ... Views: 1581
Since my cancer journey began over 3 years ago, I’ve been motivated to live fully while I’m alive, savoring each moment, relishing this precious life. As a result of that, something wonderful has happened: the quality of time has changed for me…time has miraculously expanded! I told a friend ... Views: 1331
I was playing cards with my husband recently and it was my turn to draw a card. I needed a queen of hearts, so I decided to imagine and generate the energy of what it would feel like to draw the queen of hearts: my body softened and relaxed, my breath became smooth and easy, and a Mona Lisa ... Views: 1664
“Never eat with people you don’t like because your state of awareness will influence how your food is metabolized.” This is what Deepak Chopra said in a 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey. He talked about a study that was done where rabbits were fed a diet that was extremely high in cholesterol. ... Views: 1445
My diagnosis of uterine cancer over 3 years ago created an ‘emerge and see’ situation, forcing me to emerge to a higher perspective and see clearly what I needed to do to save and enrich my life. Cancer, like any life calamity, is a wake-up call. It opened my eyes in many profound ways -- that’s ... Views: 1543
Einstein said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Quantum physics maintains that nothing is solid; everything is energy in motion, giving the appearance of solidity. It’s the combined power of our intention, feeling, and imagination that shapes and reshapes our bodies ... Views: 2227
“All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.” –(Chuck Palahniuk) That is a darkly humorous and ominous quote, but it has a spark of truth to it. Too much stimulation creates stress, but so does too little. Being stagnant and bored with life stresses ... Views: 1313
"How does one become a butterfly?" she asked pensively. "You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar." -(Trina Paulus) I love that quote! It speaks to our willingness to let go of old patterns and choose a new higher way of being. This is not an easy task ... Views: 4065
I sometimes call my new kitten Buddha-Pest because at times he has the serenity of a Buddha, but at other times he is a pest -- nipping, biting, and digging his claws into anything that moves! This is much like my mind, which at times rests in a sublime state of peace and acceptance, and at ... Views: 2304
Did you know that we each have within us four powerful allies that can help us heal and transform our lives? They are the four archetypes that exist in every culture in the world: The Lover, Magician, Warrior, and King/Queen. When I learned about these four archetypes it helped me delineate and ... Views: 1557
“You are the boss of your own reality.” Those are the words in a handwritten letter sent to me years ago by Jane Roberts, who channeled the Seth books. I treasure that letter, but even more, I treasure that message: I am the boss of my own reality. I am creating and shaping the colorful play doh ... Views: 2019
I’ve been on a cancer journey for 3 years and I can honestly say that my life has been enriched by the experience. I’d like to share 5 ways I’ve learned to consciously cope well with cancer. These tips can apply to any kind of life challenge:
1. Face and feel your feelings fully.
It’s only ... Views: 2132
I am a great believer in the tremendous transformative power of words. As Dumbledore said to Harry Potter, “Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it.” We are all products of the words that were repeatedly said to us as children, and ... Views: 3360
I'd like to share with you several key practices I've learned on my 3-year journey with cancer that can help heal or prevent cancer and other illnesses. I’ve come up with an acronym to help us remember these important points: it’s the vowels AEIOU and Y. The word ‘heal’ literally means ‘to ... Views: 1211
One Very Important Rule for a Successful Holiday
With the holidays upon us, I was recently gift shopping and was delighted to come across a very funny Brian Andreas Story People print that said: “Rules for A Successful Holiday: First, get together with the family. Second, relive old times. ... Views: 960
Wabi Sabi (wah-bee sah-bee) is a Japanese concept of life and art in which beauty is found in things that are weathered, asymmetrical, incomplete, imperfect and impermanent. As I age, my body is becoming all of the above and, therefore, Wabi Sabi has become my new kemo sahbee (faithful friend). ... Views: 2087
“Around the bend, in the unseen, arising from the very uncertainties that may now seem to taunt you, there are some amazing surprises, awesome twists, and spellbinding coincidences about to emerge that you can't even now imagine.” (Mike Dooley)
Coincidentally, I received this quote last ... Views: 1363
In the past I have been appalled by the embarrassing antics of my ego. I've felt like a mortified mother in a supermarket with a little monster who was acting out. To that little monster, the mortified mother was "the Momster", trying to control and subdue it with criticism and shaming. I used ... Views: 1777
I'd like to tell you about the amazing power of worry. Everybody worries from time to time. The good news is, inherent in worry are two very special powers -- the power of VIVID IMAGINATION, and the power of PERSISTENT FOCUS. People who are really good at worrying, like I am, are actually able ... Views: 2064
Are you in your 'right' mind, in a spacious place, tasting life anew in the Now? Or are you in your left mind, stuck out in left field, munching on rehashed leftovers? That's what our left brain does -- it recycles mind chatter and generates a wall of words that separates us from the peace and ... Views: 3277
"Blessed our we who can laugh at ourselves for we shall never cease to be amused." I recently went to see Swami Beyondananda, the Cosmic Comic, and he told us, "Imagine that the creator is watching the comedy channel, and WE are what's on." Laughter is a wonderful thing. It is healing and heart ... Views: 4526
My husband Tom and I have been getting high on some really potent stuff and I want to share some with you. The great thing about it is it's free, readily available and has no bad side effects. What is this great stuff? It's laughter. We laugh on purpose like crazy and before we know it we're ... Views: 1053
My husband Tom and I have been getting high on some really potent stuff and I want to share some with you. The great thing about it is it's free, readily available and has no bad side effects. What is this great stuff? It's laughter. We laugh on purpose like crazy and before we know it we're ... Views: 1100
We all long to love and be loved, but sometimes it just doesn't happen for us. For many years I thought that love had passed me by, until I finally realized that I was the source of love for me. I learned that I needed to BE the love that I wanted to have in my life. I decided to cultivate the ... Views: 2430
I am learning to live in a magical, miraculous, continually growing garden of appreciation. The more I appreciate myself, my life, and the people in my life, the more bloomin' happy I am!
The ability to focus on appreciation is something that most of us are not born with, we have to cultivate ... Views: 1720
I'd like to tell you about a game called The Triangle Game. There are 2 levels to this game, and most of us are already playing on the first level but we're not aware of it. This first level isn't really very fun -- I call it the Bermuda Triangle Game, because basically we get lost in it -- ... Views: 6482
When the chemo and radiation treatment I received for recurrent uterine cancer failed to completely eliminate my tumor nearly 6 months ago, the doctors said there was nothing else they could do and I thought I was a goner. I have since been doing various alternative treatments and I'm feeling ... Views: 1360
I had an epiphany watching Tiger Woods play in The Masters recently. It was the last day of play and he was in the zone, playing like his old winner self and moving up in the pack. But then he made a mistake, and another, and another. He began to grimace, obviously upset with himself. His ... Views: 1521