Changing patterns of behavior
The Latin roots of 'resentment,' re and sentire, mean 'to feel again' -- to feel over and over again the pain caused by the wrong that was done. Letting go of that resentment is a lot of the 'personal work' done in forgiving, and is often what takes so long
... Views: 1173
Looking deeper
If you take a spiritual perspective, assuming that every experience in life is a potential healing lesson, an invitation from your higher self to learn and to grow, then challenges in your life may have a different “feel” to them. This is a major reframing!
If someone does ... Views: 1381
Blaming others
Scapegoating comes into common practice through processes that have been repeated throughout recorded history – in family, classroom, interracial and international settings. The targets of anger are always dehumanized. These “others” are painted by the blaming group as being ... Views: 1532
Anger expression management
Letting it out in acceptable manners is one way to deal with anger.
Sports activities provide helpful physical outlets for pent up tensions. When I was under emotional stress in the Air Force during the Viet Nam war, I played racquetball or squash six or seven ... Views: 1420
Each of us literally chooses, by his way of attending to things, what sort of universe he shall appear to himself to inhabit.
William James
Anger is a natural response to being endangered or hurt. Challenges that commonly elicit anger include:
Being attacked verbally or ... Views: 1347
Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.
- Pablo Picasso
Who has never set aside unpleasant, tedious or distasteful tasks, hoping that the need to address them might disappear, or that someone else would step forward to do the ... Views: 979
The expectation that something bad will happen stems from the belief that something bad has happened, neither of which, on the most fundamental level, is true.
- Alan Cohen
Our childhood experiences often shape the rest of our lives. When we have suffered from neglect, physical or emotional ... Views: 1440
Labels and titles set the tone and direction for our actions. What we call ourselves both identifies and directs our actions. The ways therapists/caregivers identify what they are doing sets expectations for themselves and for the careseekers who come to them for help.
Complementary/ ... Views: 985
Some people carry their heart in their head and some carry their head in their heart.
The trick is to keep them apart yet working together.
- David Hare
In wholistic conceptualizations, our primary consciousness resides in spirit and is expressed through ... Views: 1217
The work will wait while you show your child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work.
- Patricia Clafford
How we approach each person and each task in life may be as important as the content of how we relate and what we do. This has been ... Views: 880
Have you ever noticed that your mind is chattering constantly? Have you ever been able to stop this chatter? Almost everyone answers, "Yes" to the first question and "No" to the second one.
I call this part of ourselves the busy body. It is like a restless, frisky kitten, pouncing on anything ... Views: 1674
1. Assume as an article of absolute faith: There is no possible way to get out of this hole.
2. Blame yourself for getting stuck in this hole and look for the most exquisitely critical things you can say to yourself about your stupidity for ending up where you are.
3. Say "No!" immediately ... Views: 3000
There are many names we give to caregivers and careseekers. These labels often reflect deeply-held, often unconscious attitudes around health an illness. They also may determine the nature of care that is given and received. Varieties of names are reviewed in Part 1 or this article, including ... Views: 1120
Caregivers and careseekers
We have many terms for those who offer treatments and those who seek them. Each has its own tradition and shapes the relationships of the caregivers and careseekers in subtle but pervasive ways.
The first term I suggest for consideration is respant, asking you to ... Views: 890
What is the opposite of a vicious circle? Think about it! Isn't it odd that we have no common term for this in the English language? German, Swedish and French have such terms, but we don't.
I deal with this issue daily, as I help people release negative, self-defeating patterns of behaviors ... Views: 915
The Doctor-Healer Network - North America (DHN-NA), scattered geographically across the US and Canada, meets for monthly two-hour telephone conference calls. In the DHN-UK, participants are a mix of doctors who are healers and doctors who work together with healers. In the DHN-NA all ... Views: 1356
Networking is often seen to be an activity that promotes the sharing of ideas, activities and sales of products and services. Looking at the concept of networking as energy, networking is an energy exchange. It may be conducted with altruistic or business motives. The altruistic or business ... Views: 1084
The Council for Healing (CfH)
The CfH is a non-profit North American organization including representatives from diverse healing modalities. The Council is a hub for sharing healing experiences, training and wisdom that crosses the boundaries of professional training. Too often, caregivers are ... Views: 1361
Fibromyalgia (FM) is an illness syndrome that includes aches and pains all over the body; muscle tenderness; severe fatigue most of the time; mental unclarity and difficulty focusing (often called ‘brain fog’); depression; insomnia; digestive disorders (vague pains, diarrhea); and multiple ... Views: 1018
I have touched on psychic and spiritual awarenesses that can extend our perceptions well beyond the stage of our life, into the domains of the invisible choreographers and of the Producer. We are told by psychics, healers, meditators and mystics that the pursuit of this awareness is the most ... Views: 1417
Healing can quickly open therapist and client to intuitive awarenesses of underlying psychological problems that may be buried in the unconscious, often brought into consciousness by the unconscious mind through physical and emotional symptoms. Healing facilitates releases of buried emotional ... Views: 1758
The Names that can be given
Are not the Absolute Names.
The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
The Nameless is the Mother of All Things.
---Lao Tsu
I find myself in a peculiar position where everything I am going to tell you is inhererntly wrong. Words and linear language are ... Views: 1376