Below you will find 3 different ways to give your Energy a daily Tune Up. Sound creates vibrations in the body that balance at the cellular level. Color frequencies harmonize and integrate mind and body. Viewing the body/mind as composed of 5 Elements found in nature allows you to decide what is in balance, what is out of balance, and what to do to be back in balance. I hope you enjoy, and practice,so you may feel the flow of energy in your life.

5-Vowel Sound Toning Tune-Up
Remember when you were young and first learned your vowel sounds – A, E, I, O, U? These same sounds can balance your energy and renew your spirit when toned. Toning is a process of repeating a sound out loud until the vibrational pattern of the tone is experienced inwardly, at a cellular level. It is a simple process and can be done anytime, anywhere you are private enough to “sing out loud” without being embarrassed or bothering someone.
So, the next time you are stuck in rush hour traffic, try this:
Sing the vowel “A” loudly. Sing “AAAAAAAAAAAAA…….” Repeat three times and notice that you can now feel more energy in your throat. Your throat feels relaxed and balanced.
Sing the vowel “E” loudly. Sing “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…”. Repeat three times and feel your chest relaxing and opening. Feel the tension leave your shoulders and breastbone.
Sing the vowel “I” loudly. Sing “IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII…..” Repeat three times and feel your belly relaxing. Feel any anger or resentment leaving you. Feel your personal power returning.
Sing the vowel “O” loudly. Sing “OOOOOOOOOO….”. Repeat three times and feel your pelvis relaxing. Feel a sense of flow returning to your life.
Sing the vowel “U” loudly. Sing “UUUUUUUUUUU…”. Repeat three times and feel a sense of safety and grounding coming into your body and mind.
Our bodies are mostly water. Water vibrates with sound. Use sound to vibrate your cells into daily well being!

7-Rainbow Color Energy Tune-Up
When light shines through rain droplets, rainbows of colors appear. When we mentally shine colors through our energy bodies, we make an internal rainbow of health and healing. The technique is simple and just requires your imagination. Pretend that you are sitting on a warm, sandy beach and the sun is overhead. Feel the sun shine down upon you and enter your body through your head. Feel the warm rays moving down through your body, from your head to your toes. Feel yourself relaxing in the warm sun. Now imagine that as the sunlight moves through your body, it begins to diffuse, just like it does in a rainbow. Sense the color violet appearing in your forehead. This is the violet of intuition and higher understanding moving through you. This is one of the lights the ancients called chakras – invisible wheels of energy that heal body, mind, and spirit.
The next color to appear to your inner eye is blue, at your throat area. Blue is the energy of communications, and can be visualized here whenever you need clarity in your speech and thoughts. Green appears in your chest and heart area and replaces feelings of resentment and judgment with unconditional love. Yellow is diffused in your stomach area, soothing anger and empowering you to speak your peace with calm and confidence. Orange now lights your pelvic area and harmonizes and balances all relationships in your life. Finally, red appears at the base of your spine and gives you a feeling of strength and grounding.
Daily tuning up with colors adds a glow to your cells and strength to your life.

5-Element Energy Tune-Up
Unseen energy flows throughout our bodies. These energy flows are the basis for China’s acupuncture and India’s Ayurvedic medical systems. In the early 20th century, an osteopathic physician, Randolph Stone, D.O., explored these energy systems, ultimately developing his own understanding of human energy in health and illness. Called Polarity Therapy, this system identifies 5 major energy elements that precede physical form. Balancing these 5 elements results in healing the cause of dis-ease in the body and mind. Based on Dr. Stone’s work, here is a quick guide to tuning up your element energy.
EARTH energy flows through the neck, bowls, and knees and feeds the bones in the body. Unbalanced, it is the energetic cause of problems such osteoporosis. Earth energy is vitalized nutritionally by eating foods that grow below the ground (potatoes, carrots, tubers…); physically by “earthy” activities like gardening, hiking, and being in nature; and mentally/emotionally by releasing fear based thoughts and maintaining an attitude of courage and optimism.
WATER energy flows through the breasts, pelvis area, and feet, and feeds the body fluids. Unbalanced, it is the energetic cause of problems in both the male and female reproductive organs. Water energy is enhanced by nutritionally by eating foods that grow on the ground such as melons; physically by activities such as swimming and boating; and mentally/emotionally by releasing attachments and learning to “go with the flow” of your life.
FIRE energy flows through the head, solar plexus and thighs, and feeds the body’s metabolic processes. Unbalanced, it is the energetic cause of digestive problems. Fire energy is enhanced nutritionally by eating foods that grow near the ground, including wheats and grains; physically by exercises such as Pilates, that focus on energizing the abdominal area; and mentally/emotionally by releasing anger and embracing a more loving perspective in your life.
AIR energy flows through the shoulders, adrenals/kidneys, and calves, and governs the body’s nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems. Unbalanced, it is the energetic cause of panic attacks, chronic fatigue syndromes and similar dis-ease. Air energy is enhanced nutritionally by eating foods that grow high above the ground (fruits and nuts); physically by free flowing activities such as yoga and tai chi; and mentally/emotionally by developing the attitude of contentment with one’s life, rather than constantly desiring things to be different.
ETHER energy governs all space within the body. Unbalanced, it is the energetic cause of arthritis and joint problems. Ether energy is balanced by creating “space” in the mind through meditation. The ability to find peace between our thoughts allow us the space to live an active, rather than reactive, life. Pease is attained by not taking our thoughts and feelings too seriously, and allow calm to precede action.

Author's Bio: 

Jill Henry, EdD, PT, APP is the author of Energy SourceBook, The Fundamentals of Personal Energy (Llewellyn, 2004), a Physical Therapist at Mountain Lakes Medical Center in Clayton, GA, and owner, with her husband Charlie, of the Otto Labyrinth Park in Otto, NC. Dr Henry can be contacted at or Toll Free 888-773-2491.