If you are one of those individuals who are just starting a small business online, then you must read this one to avoid being victimized by online scams. It’s quite unfortunate that in reality when most people are struggling to come up with ideas to make money out of, there are also a lot of hoodlums loitering on the internet, waiting for free money.
These scammers are the brains behind various online scams that siphon money from innocent individuals or small business owners who are just starting out. When making transactions online, you would need to get to know about the company or the individuals that you are dealing with. Not just because they have a professional-looking website, you would trust them with your money right away.
The most basic thing that you can do is to do a Google research about the company that you are transacting business with. Before even paying for their services or buying goods from them, you need to make sure that they are not online scams. If in case doing a company search in major search engines won’t give you the results that you need, then you must take the next step in catching these online scams red handed.
You would need to check the address of the company. Most often, internet business owners don’t really bother verifying the addresses of the new companies that they are transacting business with. If you are familiar with the said location then that might be okay but if the place totally sounds strange and unfamiliar, you may want to check it out first.
Just to make sure everything is legitimate and truthful, you can search their addresses. This way you will find where exactly they are located and whether that given address really exists. Many online scams use fake addresses. Aside from the address, you can also check how long the business has been in existence.
It would be quite a relief to know that the said company has been in business for a long time already. There will be fewer doubts about their legitimacy. Furthermore, even the prices set can give you a hint on whether these are online scams or not. For one, most scammers set their prices to an incredibly low price in order to get more people to buy their crap.
When the prices are way too cheap – start to doubt. Lastly, do everything in writing if possible. Don’t just trust verbal promises. When you put everything in writing, you are at least holding on to some evidence of what services you have been promised. You have everything in your power to have a successful business without having to worry about online scams.
The author of this article, Menno Spijkstra, is an underground Internet Marketer who has been successful in selling products online for many years. Discover how Menno increased his sales using his very own Copywriting Manual.
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