Weightless Workout

Resistance training, also known as strength training, does not require a gym membership or even an expensive home gym. In this book , you will discover the benefits of resistance training, and its effectiveness for fat loss. Weightless strength training still requires:
1. A warm up, with stretching afterwards.
2. A good high protein source of calories after your workout.
3. As with any new exercise regimen, consult you physician regarding any chronic health issues that would cause problems with an exercise routine.
You can lose a lot of unwanted body fat, and develop an impressive physique from doing exercises at home. I am going to write this e-book much differently that most others. I will have you setting (and achieving) goals that will enhance your physique in the shortest time possible. This workout will also be designed especially for the overwhelmed mother and father, and people who work many hours per week. This program will also be great for the business traveler to get a good workout in their hotel room. Here are some other benefits of a home/ weightless workout.
1. Anyone, at any age, can do this workout safely!
2. You can still get maximum tension out of each muscle without the danger of very heavy weights!
3. This workout is extremely effective for only lasting 15 minutes.
4. You can get fantastic results with only doing this 3 days a week!

Before you get started, here are some things you will need.
1. Towel
2. Chairs
3. Steps- most houses have stairs
4. Gallon water jugs
5. Large cans of food.

Now that you know what you need, here are some other tips:
1. If you ever feel pain or discomfort, you can stop immediately, and not worry about dropping heavy weights on yourself. You can just stop, as you should, if you feel sharp pain.
2. You do not have to follow the program EXACTLY as outlined, for it to be effective! If you can not do everything as outlined, you can improvise to make it work for your situation and needs. I will also give you some tips on how you can adjust the workout as needed. Ok, now we are ready to get started. Remember, this is fun, easy, short and extremely effective!!!

Here is a list of the exercises you will be able to choose.
1. Chair dips- This exercise is for the back (triceps) of the arm. This is great for tightening that flab on the back the arm. Here is how you do this exercise. Make sure the chair is up against a wall so that it does not slide back on you.
2. Sit on a chair with your arms behind your butt. Scoot your butt off the chair, while keeping your arms in back of you on the chair. Now, with you butt off the chair, and your arms behind you on the chair, let yourself go down as far as you can. Push back up until your butt is even with the chair.
3. Close hand push-ups. This is also an exercise to tighten up flab on the back of the arms. If you can not do the full, legs out, push up position , that is ok. Just put your knees on the floor and put your hands close together, and push up your upper body. Remember to keep your hands almost touching.
4. One hand door frame pushes- pick a bedroom or bathroom door frame for this. When this exercise is done properly, the back of your arms will feel tight. Put one heel of your foot against one side of the door frame. Put one hand on the other side of the frame. Now put you head on top of you hand. Slowly, push with your one arm , and push you head back to the frame that your heel is pressed against the other side of the frame. Do this slowly, so that it takes 5-10 seconds to push yourself back to the other side of the door frame. Switch arms evenly. Another way to get the most out of this exercise is to push against the frame as hard as you can with each arm in the L position. For example: when you bring your head back towards your hand, hold yourself in the L position for 15- 30 seconds.
5. Towel pulls- Take a towel and tie it to something that can’t be moved. If you can not find something to tie it on that can not be moved, have someone else help you with this. Put a towel in both of your hands, and raise you hands over you head behind you. Pull on the towel with both hands as id you are trying to pull it behind you to the front of your face. If you do not have a sturdy object to hold the towel on the other end, have someone else pull it the opposite way to give you resistance.
6. Push- ups- Most people know what push- ups are, but if you can not do them in the legs extended position , do them with your knees on the floor where you are just pushing up your upper body. Push- ups work the front shoulders, chest, back, and back of the arms.
7. Biceps- (front of the arms) exercise # 1 is pull-ups with a close palms facing you grip. Use a beam, door frame or monkey bars to do close grip, palms facing you pull-ups. If you can not do a full pull- up, just pull yourself up as high as you can.
8. Towel curls- Lay on the ground and place a towel under your feet. Now, hold both ends of the towel, and use your feet to push the towel down away from you, as you pull the opposite way with your arms.
9. Opposite arm resistance curls- Take one arm and put it in the L position. Now, take your opposite hand and push down on you L position arm. Try to curl your L position arm up to your shoulder, while giving resistance with your other arm.
10. Front grip pull ups (back). You need a pull up bar or monkey bars, or you can slide under a table to where you have your head by the edge of the table. Grab the end of the table and pull yourself up. Make sure the table can not tip, or have anything that can fall on you. For all pull- up exercises for back, whether you use a pull up bar or monkey bars, use a palms facing you grip.
11. Side raises with milk jugs or dumbbells- same as above, you are just raising your arms up to parallel in front of you.
12. Tip toe stair climb- Run up you stairs on your tip toes. This will develop awesome calf muscles in the back of your legs.
13. One leg press ups- hold on to a stair rail and put one foot on a step. With your tip-toes, press up as high as you can with one foot, then let your heel down. Almost touching the next step.
14. Wall squats- Lean back against a wall, squat down to a sitting in chair position, and hold this position for 30-90 seconds.
15. One legged squats- Stand on one leg and squat down to a sitting position, slowly.
16. Sissy squats (not for sissies!) hold a wall, lean back and squat. As you lean back, it increases the tension on the thighs.
17. Leg raises- Lie on your back and raise one leg up and down as many times as you can, slowly.
18. Leg curls- lie on the ground and place a pillow under you heel. Now, try to curl (press) the pillow in the ground. You will only push it down a little, but the tension is still there.
19. Leg extensions-Lay on your stomach and have a towel wrapped around your foot. Now, try to straighten your leg out while holding the towel as resistance.
20. Pillow squeezes- Place a pillow between your elbows while standing up, and squeeze the pillow as hard as you can, for as long as you can.
21. Abs- Abs- crunches (not sit-ups) and partial double leg raises. The bender ball you see on t.v. is the best, easiest thing you can use for abs. Also, it comes with a good routine. Go to benderball.com

Now that you have plenty of exercises to choose from, let’s put this together to develop a 3 day per week workout plan.
Day 1
1. Pick one exercise for each body part.
2. Warm up- Run up and down stairs, ride, the treadmill, bike, swim or run in place for 3 minutes. This will get the heart rate up and the blood flowing. After a 3 minute warm up, decide which exercise you want to start with.
3. Do 3 sets (rounds) of each exercise, for 10-12 repetitions each. Test 60 seconds between sets.
4. On exercises 3,4,7,8,14,15,18, 19 and 20, hold the tense position of each exercise for 30- 90 seconds. Start with 30 seconds for the first week, then work you way up each week, to 90 seconds as your goal. Do 3 sets of holding each set, and rest 60 seconds between sets.
5. Remember: push ups- do partial push- ups with knees on the ground) if necessary. If you can not do 10- 12 repetitions each set, do as many as you can.
6. Same for pull-ups- just do as many as you can, and pull-up as high as you can. You will eventually work up to full pull- ups.
7. After 3 sets of each exercise, do whatever you did for your warm-up, for 3 more minutes.
8. You’re done!! Now drink some orange juice and have a whey protein shake or a high protein food such as yogurt or cottage cheese. You can get more diet tips from the 50 ways to prevent diabetes e-book by signing up for our newsletter. These tips will help you plan a good diet plan along with your home/ weightless workout.
9. Each week try to add a set to each exercise.
10. Pick a different exercise per body part for each workout so you so not get bored too fast.
11. Change your rest between sets ever 3 weeks. Go from 30-90 seconds rest between sets. You choose the rest, just keep whatever rest you pick, consistent for 3 weeks.
12. Change the order in which you do each exercise, every workout. This will keep your body guessing and adapting.
13. If you fid more ways, or even better ways to do each exercise- do it!
14. The point is to have fun and just stay active without worrying about a gym membership!!

Author's Bio: 


Dushawn co- founded breakstransforms.com with Grant Warren in September, 2010. Dushawn has worked in the fitness, and fitness supplement industry since 2001. He worked with industry leading product formulator and developer, Dr. Charles Mesko N.D., in research and development, and has consulted with two other major supplement companies on how to properly formulate products. Dushawn has spent the last two decades designing workout training programs for health care personnel. He has also trained MMA fighters, football players and all other types of people that require adding healthy, lean, muscle mass. Dushawn is passionate about sharing his decades of research, training and results producing training regimens, to help as many people as possible. Dushawn is also currently a PhD candidate in Natural Medicine. He is looking forward to the opportunity to use the B.R.E.A.K.S. training philosophy to continue his passion for helping others transform their physique. Dushawn currently resides in Columbus, Ohio.