Reflect or Affect?
depressionIt’s similar to the age-old question about films. Do movies affect society or are they simply mirror society as it is? The answer, in both cases, is that it’s probably a little bit of each. Facebook is a social networking site that hooks members up with their friends and helps them make new friends. Just about everyone is on Facebook, and many people have a LinkedIn profile. Linkedin is the largest professional network on the globe. Millions of people use LinkedIn to find opportunities, to exchange information and ideas and to stay informed about their industry and their contacts. Doctors are referring to “Facebook Depression,” potential harms linked with social media, it is said that this condition may affect troubled teens who obsess over the online site. Facebook pages can make some kids feel even worse if they think they don't measure up. It can be even more devastating to a child’s self-concept than real-life encounters. Some experts feel that this is merely a continuation of depression some kids are already feeling, and not a condition linked with using the social networking site.

Researchers emphasize that using Facebook does not necessarily infect kids with depression. However, it is common among some teens to post unkind messages on the walls of people they don't like. Facebook is like a huge popularity competition and cyber bullying, and can make the situation more difficult it for those who are already experiencing low self-esteem. Some experts feel that Facebook has engendered an upsweep in marital and family problems. Some users may be cutting their spouse or their families short because they are spending too many hours on Facebook.

Here are a few things to consider when determining if Facebook is adding to, or diminishing the quality of your life.

You are in trouble when:

  • You are having conflict at work or at school because you are signing into Facebook
  • Your Facebook usage is preventing you from getting adequate physical exercise
  • Your grades or work performance evaluations are suffering
  • Facebook is replacing your face-to-face friendships
  • You are neglecting your spouse or your family
  • Maintaining all your Facebook connections is becoming too time-consuming
  • you feel like sharing everything that happens to you with your online contacts
  • Every time you take pictures you need to upload them on Facebook
  • You share too much information with strangers.
  • Facebook is a replacement for close friendships
  • You are not taking time to eat properly
  • You are feeling depressed a lot
  • You do not have enough time for exercise or for face-to-face interaction with people.
  • Your real-time relationships are fading, being replaced by Facebook friends

If you find that one or more of the situations above applies to you, you may find that “Mental Health America” is a helpful Facebook page. Mental Health America is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping all people live mentally healthier lives. With over a century of advocacy, public education, and the delivery of programs and services, Mental Health America is the biggest and longest-running mental health network in the United States. Its mission is to help prevent mental disorders, promote mental health, and to help people triumph over mental illness. “Free Online Self-Help for Depression and Anxiety” is another helpful Facebook page. This free self-help tool is configured in accordance with professional on research studies and you can use it all day, any day, every day, and no one will ever be the wiser.

Even if you decide to delete your Facebook information, you will want to maintain your LinkedIn profile at all costs. LinkedIn is the biggest professional network on the globe. Millions of users have the opportunity to view your profile. LinkedIn enables you to display your skills and abilities so the right opportunities find you.

So, does Facebook reflect or mirror the state of your mental health or affect it? Once again, the answer is a duality.

The material you post on Facebook not only reflects your mental health, it can actually have an effect on your mental wellbeing. Facebook has made it easier for us to share our lives with those we love, and it has also helped us to reconnect with long lost school and college friends, but it can be overdone. You have to work at developing real friendships. It may help to take an objective look at your relationship to Facebook and what it means in the broad scope of your life.

Author's Bio: 

Charlie went to school for six years studying marketing. He got out and got a job. He did some print advertising for a large firm. Finally, Charlie is heading up the internet marketing department. These are his thoughts.