As per the basic rule, the presence of Mars in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th House is considered as “Mangalik”. The factor “Mangalik” will get canceled if there are the below-mentioned parameters found in the Horoscope.

If Mars is placed in its own sign (Aries & Scorpio), the “Mangalik” factor gets canceled. *This would be applicable to all Ascendants.
If Mars is exalted in the Capricorn sign, then the “Mangalik” factor gets canceled. *This would be applicable to all Ascendants.
If Mars is debilitated in the Cancer sign, then the “Mangalik” factor gets canceled. *This would be applicable to all Ascendants.
If Mars is in conjunction (or) under aspection (or) aspects natural malefic planets like Sun, Descending Moon, Shani, Rahu, and Ketu, then the “Mangalik” factor gets canceled. *This would be applicable to all Ascendants.
If the Mars is in conjunction (or) under aspection (or) aspects malefic house lords like 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th House Lords, then the “Mangalik” factor gets canceled. *This would be applicable to all Ascendants.
If the Mars is in conjunction (or) under aspection (or) aspects Pathaga Graha & Maraka Graha, then the “Mangalik” factor gets canceled. *This would be applicable to all Ascendants.
Question: Mars is in the 8th place of my Lagna. I am Mesha Lagna. Is it Manglik?

Answer: Mars is in its own sign Scorpio sign by being in the 8th house from your Lagna (Aries Sign). Thus, you are not “Mangalik” despite having Mars in the 8th House from your Lagna.

Author’s Opinion: The real Mangalik occurs in one out of 10,000 horoscopes. Hence, the natives who have Mars in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th house need not jump to the conclusion of being “Mangalik” instantly. Do not spoil your life by assuming to be Mangalik by searching for Mangalik Partner.

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Author's Bio: 

Sri Tulasi is an eminent astrologer and blogger from India. She has more than 40 articles on well-known sites. Follow for more content on astrology.