Indian astrologers are very famous and popular in the world for their astrology, they make a mark in different countries with their astrology knowledge , the Indian astrology gives you the information about Vedic astrology they have a good prediction and well know of moon signs, they are ... Views: 492
Bhadra Yoga
Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga or Bhadra Yoga is formed when Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn planets are present in the quadrant in their own signs or in an exalted sign. As these Yogas are formed from either of these five planets and hence is called Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga. For ... Views: 520
Bhadra Yoga
Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga or Bhadra Yoga is formed when Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn planets are present in the quadrant in their own signs or in an exalted sign. As these Yogas are formed from either of these five planets and hence is called Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga. For ... Views: 534
Often when I use the word super science for Hindu astrology with Lahiri ayanamsha and seven, seven only, karakas of Jaimini, many people mistake it for Hindu chauvinism without understanding that our Rishis are super scientists.
Those of the Rishis who were doing astrology had three ... Views: 531
your astrological chart will help you find the best careers for you, the best ways for you to earn money, and to some extent, whether you will have any luck in gambling, and maybe, if you are going to get some inheritance. But no astrologer can guarantee by using astrology that you are ... Views: 643
As per the Astrological point of view having sex in the daytime should avoid if the couple is considered expecting an issue. And the best time of intercourse is late at night around 2 am to 4 or 4:30 am for a good, honest, powerful, and spiritually upgraded issue. There are so many arguments or ... Views: 675
1. When you keep looking at the horoscopes of the known persons and keep getting information about their life events, your understanding of astrology keep getting refined. This is a gradual process and each day.
2. As you read more books there is more confusion because some books are not ... Views: 611
Human beings are Fructivorous (living on fruits, grains, and vegetables) and Frugivorous (Alapahar-Limited diet). Now, let us explore, enumerate, and explain the concept in the light of modern sciences.
1. Human Brain primarily lives on glucose, fructose, and oxygen for optimum contemplative ... Views: 569
Diet is a big factor. If you eat very little sugar, little processed food, and mostly a very simple diet of roti, dal, some fruits and nuts, etc., like most sadhus/babas/yogis do, insects are much less attracted to your body. You smell and taste different. This has been widely reported by many ... Views: 626
You can start by asking for help, just like many thousands of meth addicts have done.
You can call a treatment center and ask about admission to a detox program, followed by an inpatient or outpatient program.
You can check for 12-step programs in your community, such as Narcotics ... Views: 627
1) Why do some people have ample food to eat and some don't get a meal a day? ( According to statistics it is more than 240 cr people in the world with an average of less than or equal to one meal - so I guess it is a pertinent question to ponder about)
2) Many so-called Logical brains say ... Views: 623
Step 1 — Maha Rudra Kriya and effortlessness meditations both are very simple and easy to follow methods to relax your mind. Anyone can listen to these and you can share them with your family & friends safely. I still use these audios often to relax my mind.
Step 2 — Go deeper guided ... Views: 591
Learning what therapies manage to release the inner blocks but from experience contact with your twin brings such blocks to the surface. Seeking psychological support to help decider the emotions and meaning from these helps along with learning to manage the energies such as Reiki, helping to ... Views: 617
Even though the astrologers had collected the data of the type of things that could happen
in our life under various positions of various fixed stars and various astrological
planets in the life of the people having different Ascendant Signs, it has been
established through statistical ... Views: 638
The parameters of our life would have also not undergone any change over time since it had been developed the same way as the relative position of all the so-called “fixed stars” in the sky has not undergone any change since then. As a matter of fact, their relative position has not undergone ... Views: 560
Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It's not obvious to the unaided eye and turned into the principal planet found with the utilization of a telescope. Uranus is spilled on its side with a hub slant of 98 degrees. It is regularly portrayed as "moving around the Sun on its ... Views: 552
1.‘Amatyakaraka’ planet i.e planet holding the second-highest degree gives the most crucial clue to figure out the nature of the profession.
2.If karkamsha Lagna is Sagittarius, that indicates danger from falling from a height once in lifetime.
3. Always check degrees of planets while ... Views: 775
Rahu in the fourth house gives extramarital physical relationship sometimes though, depending on other planets. In the fourth house, it may cause problems for/with the mother. It will decrease the quantum of Sukh(joy and pleasures) in life even if life is successful in all aspects. Rahu will ... Views: 543
If you were born with Saturn in Libra, then you may be clarified and academic; you may be a normal negotiator and have a great feeling of tact. You are communal fairly than active and can operate nicely with others. In maximum cases, you are not extremely personal. When a judgment needs to be ... Views: 601
every combination has both good and bad effects. Do not jump to conclusions by just seeing one combination in a chart. While it is true that Rahu in Lagna may give health problems at your young age (especially before the age of 9), and Ketu in the 7th can give troubles related to marriage and ... Views: 838
Third Lord In The Second House (3rd lord in the 2nd house)
The third lord in the second house of family and savings is in the 12th house to itself. Generally, the 12th house to any house is unfavorable to the house itself. So the third lord being in the second house is not favorable for the ... Views: 596
One of the important sub-branches of Astrology is Vedic Gemology which ideally suggests that the Ruby ( Manak ) should be worn on the Right-hand Ring finger. Further, it is said that it should most ideally be set in Gold. These are all well-established norms for thousands of years.
Ideally, ... Views: 616
Rahu in the 1st house gives good results and if placed in good Rasi, Rahu gives wealth unexpectedly. The native may be short-tempered but with sharp intelligence. The native will achieve a higher position in the profession through his own efforts. The natives witness some obstacles during early ... Views: 595
Astrology and medical science both are extraordinary in discovering the reason for the problem. But when it comes to therapy and therapeutic actions, human feelings come into the picture. That is where the position of psychology comes to be crucial in both medical and astrological science. That ... Views: 547
4th house represents mother/asset/piece etc moon is malefic and placed with ketu not good for you.
10th house represents career/profession Rahu placed in there and aspected by Mars.
So your career sometimes takes you higher and sometimes….
5th house represents ... Views: 543
For marriage 7th house has to be checked thoroughly -Its lord,the aspects and the placement of other planets .
Second marriage is seen from 9th house. Rahu in Fourth house gives extra marital physical relationship sometimes though, depending on other planets. In fourth house it may cause ... Views: 582
Ketu is the planet that shows the detachment and less materialistic approach towards the house it sits in.
Ketu scatters the subjects of the house it sits.
Ketu lacks the passion to lead and come to the top.
Ketu in the 10th house may not support the native to work smart.
Here the native may ... Views: 653
The following are general and complete predictions as per vedic astrology when Ketu is in 10th house:
Loss to position by deception and adverse public conditions
Accidents from conveyance
Against father
Let me explain you more clearly as per my practical ... Views: 574
The tenth house is related to career, a profession in modern times but actually, it sheds a light on karma. At times we mix up these two things and end up in a mess. Karma is the activity which is done intentionally and without any pressure but with conscious mind. Though that means that our ... Views: 574
As for Leo's ascendant, Sun is the ascendant lord. The first thing we need to look into is the position of Sun, in which house, sign, and aspects. Then, only we look into Rahu and Ketu. If Rahu is in 4th, it is in Scorpio sign and Ketu will automatically be in 2nd house, Taurus sign.
I would ... Views: 763
Rahu in the 4th house can say that peace at home can be destroyed.
Rahu-Ketu axis dance in the 4/10th houses: 4th house Rahu means you love working from home and you hate going to the workplace. Though you love your home, you don’t have any peace there, so eventually, you start going to the ... Views: 573
“Benefits of Meditation”
Anapanasati Meditation alone gives spiritual health to a person. Spiritual Health is the root and physical health is the fruit.
Meditation is the greatest gift given by our own efforts to our own lives. We can give so much to ourselves.
In Meditation:
Diseases get ... Views: 596
Ayurveda believes food is as important as taking medicine. As per Ayurvedic tradition, good health starts with a proper diet and effective metabolism of food. Hence, a person must take care of what they should eat and what they should avoid. Following a Sattvic diet and lifestyle helps enhance ... Views: 567
Eating a healthy diet is not about strict limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, improving your health, and boosting your mood.
Healthy eating doesn’t have to be overly complicated. If you ... Views: 680
As far as the website is concern it is not logical to get software analysis report because these reports are very general and nothing special will come out of them. So my advice is to go to an astrologer rather than getting a software analysis report.
Now it is very hard to tell which ... Views: 662
Astrology app or websites are good for getting all kinds of charts and details which are used in predictions but for predictions they are not trustworthy. These apps and websites are software-driven and each horoscope is not looked into personally. All answers are generated through software and ... Views: 641
There are two parts of astrology -
Ganit (Mathematics) - It is all about the calculation of Planetary, Bhav position & drawing the birth chart. This comes under the domain of modern-day computer and a computer program can calculate these details and draw charts more accurately than a ... Views: 604
1 st is the beginning point of the horoscope which denotes the body and the unique identity we have taken in this birth as a spirit/soul
1st house rises in the East when we are born and the Sun also becomes visible for the first time in the day from the East.
This means that 1st house is ... Views: 596
First analyse all the planets.The planets which are connected to 1–3–5–7–9–11 are the best planets.
So these planets give very good results to the native.Suggest the stars related to these planets.
For example Saturn is a good planet then suggest Pushyami, Anuradha, Uttarabhadra.
There ... Views: 669
If the 7th sub lord signifies 5-11,after marriage the couples will be affectionate to each other.They lead a very happy marital life without any arguments or quarrels.
If it signifies 5–11 and 4–10 the love between them will fluctuate according to situations. The native experience mixed ... Views: 692
We must ask all the major and important past life events of the client along with the birth details as well as birth details of their family members.
I mean the following event dates play important role in BTR.
Birth details of parents and siblings, Educational qualification, Type of ... Views: 563
If you are Moola Nakshatra Read this: -
You are a good-natured and peace-loving person. You have immense faith injustice. Your relationships with people will be good and your nature will be friendly. When it comes to health, you are very lucky because you are generally neat and strong. You ... Views: 708
In the world, there are many Famous Astrologers and Free astrologers. According to history, that predicts the future is impossible. Don’t think astrology is a business. It is different from business. In the past time astrology used by kings, ministers, and powerful peoples to help advise ... Views: 729
According to Vedic astrology, Hamsa yoga can give rise to terrible luck for diplomats, those in business, eminent identities, and particularly those who are already going through a horrible situation. When five or more planets come in one Rashi nodes not included, it directs to important ... Views: 687
Here are some practical observations by the Top astrologer in Bangalore
If Guru, Surya, Mercury, Venus is placed in the eighth house and u der the sight of the 6th lord, then the person suffers from heart disease.
—- Shani afflicts Mars by the tenth aspect, Rahu in the twelfth house and ... Views: 624
India has some of the best black magic experts in Hyderabad. Black magic is Pseudo belief that someone cursed negative energy upon another. This causes mental tension, eye blurring, confusion, no mental peace at home, job tension, Money loss, and sometimes life in trouble.
These beliefs are ... Views: 648
These planets-dasha/transit also give benefit to the stock market whos are trading
If the dasha of Lagna lord, Ninth lord, Dashmesh, 11th or 4th lord, and 5th lord is going on, the position of the respective lord planets is strong, planets are exalted, transit is favorable, Saturn's sadhe ... Views: 793
Stock Market:
Nowadays the share market is a topic which is attracted by everyone and it is seen as a golden way to earn money and most people invest some part of their money in the share market. They are always interested, but not all people are benefiting from this field, this is not the ... Views: 719