The most famous fitness routine these days is Yoga. There are many variations of this exercise. Various schools have come up with their own unique styles of attaining physical and mental health. It has its origin in India culture hundred of years ago. The oldest religious scriptures of Hindu namely Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagwad Gita have mentions of this art in the ‘gurukuls’ where the ‘Guru’ (teacher) would train his ‘Shisyas’ (students) and help them to attain physical and mental strength and peace. Out of all the forms of Yoga one very famous is ‘Bikram Yoga’. This form of Yoga is gaining so much popularity that these days people are going nuts for it. Seeing this, others who have not opted for this exercise wonder why are people going mad for this exercise. If you to have a same question, the information given below will help you answer your query.
Bikram or Hot Yoga as popularly known in US was introduced by Bikram Choudhury. It is known as Hot Yoga because the postures in this form of exercise is practiced in a heated room. It basically rejuvenates and strengthens the entire body and mind. This form of exercise has around 26 poses that are a perfect work out for the entire body in just 90 minutes. The poses involved in this form of exercise create a balance in your body. Using strength, gravity and tourniquet technique, this form of exercise builds up stamina, flexibility and energy in your body. It squeezes and massages the internal organs of one’s body through various poses and cleans the entire cardiovascular system of your body. The nervous system of your body is relaxed.
As mentioned above, one session of this exercise is of 90 minutes. There are 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. The temperature of the room in which this exercise is practiced is 105F and the humidity of the room is 40%.
There are many benefits of this form of exercise, it controls the oxygen flow and cholesterol in one’s body.
• The toxins from the body are flushed along with the lymphatic system.
• It strengthens the resistance power of the body by strengthening the immune system of the body.
• It creates a control and balance on the endocrine glands of the body.
• It strengthens the heart, bones, the capacity of the lungs and tones the muscles.
• Performing these poses in a hot room helps in better flexibility of the muscles. It is a good start of beginners.
• With the aging process the muscles and bones of one’s body gets stiff increases the pressure on joints. Stretching exercises in this form of exercise revitalizes your body.
These reasons are enough to understand why are people going nuts for this exercise. So when are you beginning with it.

Author's Bio: 

Carmela Turner is a expart of Yoga Retreats. She provide information about Yoga Teacher Training and Seva.