Many people face the problem of arthritis. As a person grows older this problem of arthritis gets more severe and it adds to the difficulties of old age. A person is stuck between medicines and therapies. However, the problem does not seem to get a solution. It makes life so much difficult that arthritis patients cannot move around freely on their own. If they walk a little distance they suffer from pain. With the increasing problem of arthritis experts have come up with yoga for arthritis. It has helped many to overcome their problems and lead a better life. If you too are suffering from arthritis or know someone who has this problem, the next few paragraphs will help you how to cope with arthritis using yoga.
Poses to help fight arthritis:
This is a simple meditation pose. It is usually practiced after the corpse pose. It helps in spine straightening, helps you keep your mind still and promotes inner tranquillity.
Single Leg raises:
This is a kind of warm up. It helps to prepare your body for other poses. It is beneficial for lower back muscles, leg and abdomen.
Shoulder Stretches:
It helps in relieving tension and stress on your shoulder. Practicing this daily for weeks will create the difference.
Neck Exercises:
This helps release the tension in the shoulder in their neck. It will help increase the flexibility and tone the neck and shoulder muscles.
Standing Side Stretch Pose:
The Standing Side Stretch is another Yoga Pose with two lines of energy radiating outward from your center. This is a simple Yoga Posture with a wonderful stretch in which one line of energy reaches upward from your belly and outward through the arm, and one line travels downward through the legs.

Hand clenching:
Arthritis affects the hands and wrists of the patients. Hand clenching helps the arthritis patient to keep the hands and wrist in working condition.
Wrist Bending:
Your wrists can also be affected by arthritis, specifically Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Take good care of your wrists through stretching and bending. Learn how to improve the range of motion of your wrists by doing the Wrist Bending Exercise.

Ankle Bending:
Ankle exercises keeps you away from ankle arthritis. Ankle rotation is the next step of this exercise.
Relaxation Pose:
The Corpse posse or relaxation pose is necessary because it helps you relax your mind and body. Any yoga practitioner must know how to relax his/her mind and body.
Practice these yoga poses to get over arthritis.

Author's Bio: 

Carmela Mturner is a expart of Yoga Retreats. She provide information about Medttation Retreats and Yoga Teacher Training.