Let's discuss the inner workings of fear. Can the mind, psyche, conscious, ever be totally and completely void of fear? Can you ever be totally void of fear? How can Yoga and Meditation help in our quest to eliminate fear.

First we must begin by defining fear. Since it may have different meanings for different people.

What is Fear?

Fear is a disorder. As one observes fear, one can see how it causes disorder. The whole psychological state becomes tense and insecure. One wishes to escape, but the fear always remains.

Most human beings are afraid.

We are in constant fear of not fulfilling or not becoming. We have fear in relationships. There's employment related fear. There's fear of darkness and fear of death. The very act of living can breed fear.There's fear of the past, the present and the future. Our causes of fear are numerous.

Why have human beings not applied their intelligence to become free of fear?

Certainly no outside agency has ever solved this problem of fear. No religious or political group has ever effectively addressed this problem. Maybe we have so accepted the patterns of fear that we don't want to or believe that it's impossible

One of the main causes of fear is comparison? Let's become beautiful, ugly, or some ideal or pattern of values. Comparing yourself to someone else causes insecurity because there is a desire to be that which you are not, and you fear not being able to achieve it. Where there is comparison there is conformity and imitation.

Another main reason you are fearful is because of your ambition. You strive for success, to accumulate wealth and security. You strive to become better that everyone else. A master at your craft. Ambition ultimately leads to competition, which breads aggression, which in turn breads conflict and fear. As you accumulate, you begin to fear losing that which you have. As you become successful, you begin to fear becoming unsuccessful, losing that which has made you a success. Can you continue to be better than everyone else. You begin to fear losing your edge, etc.

So the question is, can you live without comparison, conformity, imitation, and ambition, the desire to succeed? Of course you can. Then there is no becoming, no desire to become something you are not.

You will think fresh thoughts, unburdened by the past or the future. You will live and learn by observing things in the present moment, all that you need to learn to understand yourself, and this world in which you live, without the burdens of fear. This is the legacy of Yoga and Meditation. This is what Yoga and Meditation teaches us.

Author's Bio: 

For over 35 years I have researched and practiced both the physical and mental aspects of Yoga and Meditation. I am committed to helping people find relief from common psychological disorders like fear, stress and anxiety through the use of Yoga and Meditation. Enjoy a FREE Gift: a guided meditation tour down the "Lazy River" the mystical land of deep relaxation and tranquility. Simply click here now: http://www.yogaawakening.com