You have ended a non-functioning relationship that does not work for you anymore. It was difficult to stop the relationship, because it wasn't horrible, although your heart wished to be truly fulfilled in love. Currently you find yourself being lonesome and have a difficult time shutting the door fully on that previous relationship. Does this ring true for you?

You start to question yourself, wondering if the situation was really that bad.

In order to let anything fresh into our lives, we have to let go of what is already there. It'shard to have a fresh slate and create the one who completes your existence if you're emotionally holding the area of the past. You don't have to necessarily completely expunge the friendship. However, if you find that you are keeping many inhibiting issues from the past, then it is time to clear that energy out. Completion is necessary. You can get the Relationship Advice you need today.

Completion is a action of taking 100% responsibility for how you feel, expressing all that you feel concerning your situation (without laying blame on anyone) with the intention of saying all that must be said as though you're emptying a container. When you've said it all, that container is empty and clear.

It also helps to understand what you want from the clearing conversation. In other words, you want to be complete, you desire to be free from your past so you can create from a new vantage point.

If you find your mind holding on to hurt from the previous relationship, maybe you think that he truly needs to be held accountable for his behavior. Best of luck attempting to break free from that. The longer your attention is on something you do not want, the longer you will create it to you.

Let the vibration you are letting in to be siphoned off from your power. It is a slow leak in your energy level and after a while, it will deplete you, if it has not already. Also, that eventual energy shortage prevents you from having all your power present in this moment. When you don't have your mind in the moment it makes it harder to be a powerful, deliberate creator. Life Coaching and Relationship Advice can help you along the way.

Take all of your presence back by releasing and letting go of the previous relationship, of judgements that bog you down, muss up your energy level and inhibit you from moving forward to the life and love you desire and deserve.

You can learn more secrets to relationship attraction in my FREE VIDEO from the new DVD, “7 Secrets to Find and Keep the Love of Your Dreams.” Just go to

Author's Bio: 

Nanette Geiger is a relationship coach and author of many books and articles focusing on Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Self-Mastery. You can find more helpful articles on the Resource Page and books on the publications page of her website at

You CAN have the Relationship of your Dreams! Download Nanette's latest FREE Video on the #1 Secret to find and keep the love of your dreams.