Yoga is s Sanskrit word that means Union. Yoga refers to one of the six ancient schools of Hindu philosophy. Yoga as a theory and practice originated in ancient India as part of the Hindu philosophy that teaches us physical, mental as well as spiritual discipline. Apart from Hinduism, religions like Jainism and Buddhism also considers yoga as a way of life and yoga information is very much a part of their spiritual practice.
Objective of yoga – Though there are many theories about objective of yoga and asanas in different schools and believes – there is one common aspect that we can see in all forms of yoga information that we get now. Yoga is believed to be a way of union of the “atma” (human soul) with the “paramatma” (divine force). Yoga is believed to calm our mind and soul, free our body from toxins and reduce the degeneration of cells. In short it purifies our system and soothes our mind from tension.
Yoga Sutra – Though the theory and practice of yoga existed from ancient time it is Maharishi Patanjali who is credited for bringing different forms of yoga into a systematic practice. He wrote the famous Yoga Sutra that is still followed and considered as the highest form of yoga information. According to the yoga sutra of Maharishi Patanjali there are eight stages of yoga and one need to master this art one by one to achieve the highest goal of yoga. These eight stages of yoga are – “Yamas” or restrain, “Niyamas” or observances, “Asanas” or exercises, “Pranayama” or breathing control, “Partyahara” or withdrawal of the senses, “Dharana” or concentration, “Dhyana” or meditation and the highest form is “Samadhi” that is attaining the super conscious state of mind.
Forms of yoga – As already said according to the yoga sutra there are eight stages of yoga. But today, yoga practice has predominantly two forms – one is the Asana and the other is the Pranayama. While asanas are different yoga postures that are practiced to achieve good health and treat ailments, Pranayama is basically control of breathing. It is a form of meditation and breathing control that frees the body from toxins and relieves our mind from tension. Yoga for beginner should start from the asanas and as they get accustomed with postures and breathing technique and gather comprehensive yoga information they should gradually start doing the Pranayama.
Yoga benefits – Benefits of yoga are many. You get better health, improved immunity, peace of mind and long life. Basically regular practice of yoga purifies your system and relaxes your mind that eliminates most of the health problems that we face in today’s stressful life. No wonder that from Hollywood celebrities to corporate leaders – everyone is practicing yoga for a good health and sound mind.

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There are so many benefits of yoga. But before you start practicing yoga and asanas, you should have comprehensive yoga information.