Debbie holds a doctorate of philosophy in Holistic Health. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor with an MS in Clinical Psychology, and is a Certified Holistic Life Coach. In addition, Debbie has a BS in Human Development from Cornell University and has many years experience working with adults and adolescents and their families, helping them to live in harmony and repair broken relationships. Debbie has experience working with clientele of all ages and developmental range. Debbie’s experience includes: Holistic Life Coach, Program Manager of Social Service Program, Therapist to Adults, Adolescents, & Families, Clinical Group Facilitator, Teacher, Author, Community Service Group Facilitator, Creative Program Developer for Transitional Adulthood, Holistic Health Researcher, Needs Assessment Therapist, Social Advocate for children, animals, and environmental issues, Debbie has facilitated numerous groups focusing on personal and holistic growth, meditation, self-knowledge, and creativity. Debbie is interested in holistic health issues such as improving the energy level, nutrition and herbs for natural healthier living, producing long-lasting cognitive change, and incorporating principles of peace in nature. Debbie’s publications are in diverse areas including: holistic health management; holistic light, color, and aroma therapies; the power of crystals; transitional adulthood; and cognitive issues and change. Debbie’s interventions of choice include: evaluative health and life skills, stress management, Cognitive/Behavioral Theory, Family Systems Theory, Humanistic Theory, and facilitating change through increasing the energy level. Debbie enjoys working with highly motivated individuals and values diversity of all types. She enjoys helping people improve their health, energy range, fitness level, life balance, self-esteem, relationships, career path, and overall enjoyment of life.
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"Our beliefs about what we are and what we can be precisely determine what we will be."
-Anthony Robbins