After completing a Master's Degree in English at the University of Chicago, Laura spent two years in the corporate world. Just before her return to graduate school, her dream to become an English professor came to a sudden halt. She suffered a brain injury and could no longer read without debilitating migraine headaches.
Unable to read print, Laura tapped into her ability to “read” in other ways. She began to feel people’s energetic fields and used her heightened intuition to access the mental, emotional, and spiritual patterns affecting their physical health. In some cases, Laura has even predicted future health issues before they manifested in the body. She eventually became a Reiki Master Teacher and dedicated herself to helping others. (She has since fully recovered.)
Over the years, Laura has helped people deal with cancer, addictions, endocrine imbalances, grief, infections, fibromyalgia, stroke, and weight loss. Specialties include diet and herbal remedies, menopause, animal communication, embracing a spiritual path, illnesses that baffle doctors, dream interpretation, and finding blessings in times of crisis.
In addition to teaching Reiki Certification Classes for novices and Master Teachers, Laura works as a Medical Intuitive Consultant, energy healer and Life Coach for personal development. Laura often assists entrepreneurs in clarifying what gifts and services they can offer the world. By allowing their true strengths to shine through, clients find their business and finances naturally expand. Laura spends her free time painting, practicing yoga and meditation, and writing fiction.
A freelance editor and author of numerous essays and articles on natural healing, Laura also wrote the book, If I Only Had a Brain Injury: A TBI Survivor and Life Coach's Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Concussion, Lyme Disease, Migraine and Other "Medical Mystery". Contributors include a neuro-optometrist, a trauma nurse from Seattle's Harborview Medical Center, along with additional treatment providers, caregivers and survivors like Dana Reeve, Sarah Kramer, and inspirational speaker and author Kay Strom.
Laura recently released the e-book, The Lazy Raw Foodist's Guide, originally written for her many clients wanting to embrace the energy and clarity of a raw food diet without the extensive learning curve. This project grew into 192 pages of information, including 45+ recipes from famous raw chefs like Sarma Melngailis, Shazzie, Alissa Cohen, Cherie Soria and others, along with tips and recipes from prominent raw foodists. If you've dabbled with the idea of adding more raw fruits, nuts, seeds and veggies to your life but don't know how to integrate that into "real life," you'll find this e-book a welcome surprise.
Interviews of Laura have appeared in Yoga Journal (under her maiden name of Derbenwick),, and
Enlightened Practice Magazine. She recently completed her first novel, "Schizandra and the Gates of Mu." Stay tuned for publication details.
Laura also offers Awareness, Intuition and Reiki Certification workshops in Sedona, San Francisco, and around the United States. Please view for additional information.
"The world is round, and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning."
---Ivy Baker
"Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows fall behind you."
---Maori Proverb
"We are what we imagine ourselves to be."
---Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
My websites offer many articles, interviews, testimonials and insights into the type of services I offer and why I feel committed to helping others expand their Awareness and joy. Click here to read an in-depth interview. You can also read an excerpt of my paperback by clicking here. I offer free, 15-20 minute phone consultations to answer any questions you may have about the coaching or intuitive process. Since I frequently travel, please use my cell phone number: 775-750-9140.
Laura Bruno, M.A., RMT, IARP
cell: 775-750-9140