Marketing and public relations strategy, internal and external communications, business development, web and media advisory, strategy, positioning and content. Strong leadership and communicative skills. Industries include high technology, health & wellness, environmental sustainability and e-cycling, business and financial services, publishing, entertainment and nonprofit.
Recent Speaking Engagements
• “Building Your Brand: Distinguish Your Business from All the Rest” (San Francisco Women’s Initiative which won the “President’s Award” in Micro-Enterprise Development)
• “From Passion to Publicity” (Wild Writing Women Literary Workshop)
• “Goal Setting as a Prerequisite to Successful Marketing”
(Keynote Speaker, Bay Area Independent Publishers Association Annual Institute 2008 and 2009)
• “Marketing and Publicity” (Marketing Panel Keynoter and Breakout Seminar Leader, Bay Area Independent Publishers Association Annual Institute 2007 and 2009)
• “Product-izing and Positioning Your Book in the Marketplace” (Northern California Independent Booksellers Association Annual Conference)
Steering Committee - Center for Attitudinal Healing
President - Bay Area Independent Publisher's Association
Past Vice President- Women's National Book Association - SF
Marketing Advisor- SofTECH (North Bay Software and Technology Assoc.)
Marketing Consultant - Marin County AIDS Project
President - S.F. Chapter International Association of Business Communicators
Councilwoman - American Red Cross (ARC), Golden Gate Chapter
Regional Leader - ARC Disaster Communications Task Force
Commissioner - San Mateo County Advisory Council on Women
Board Member-Publicist - American Cancer Society
I am a Licensed One Page Business Plan Consultant - An Effective Planning and Performance Management System.
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou
"Be content to seem what you really are." Marcus Aurelius
Lin A. Lacombe
Communications Consultants
Your Strategic Partner in Communications
Public Relations and Marketing &
Literary Publicity
Getting Your Book The Attention It Deserves
P. O. Box 1903
Sausalito, California 94966
Off: 415.331.5151
Fax: 610.271.5898
Speaker: From Passion to Publicity
Bay Area Independent Publishers Association
Vice President, Marketing
Past President
Women’s National Book Association
Past Vice President
American Red Cross
Disaster Information Task Force
Team Leader
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BAIPA Get Published! Institute
Was a Great Success! Read about it here: