Stephen J Serva Dei is Meta-Physical Practitioner, lifelong Mystic and practical person. He shares insights into Applied Meta-Physics; the Science of Be-ing and Knowing. He is here to share his Love and Wisdom with all those who seek the Spirit.
The understanding shared in Applied Meta-Physics helps one develop the Spiritual vision required to understand every aspect of existence.
"I was very young when I started experiencing Merkavah, the divine Light Chariot which would embrace me and expand my consciousness and show me the 'future'.
When trying to explain these experiences to others I could not find the words to explain and when I tried, I was hopelessly misunderstood... so I sought to find my own answers, which I share with others.
I draw my inspiration from the 'Well of Living Water' which flows within me, and from the Fyre of God which burns within my Heart with such beauty that words do not exist to describe its magnificence.
As I help others, I overcome my own challenges. The most important thing I have learned is that Life is a Form of Fire, its ONLY fuel is Love. Love is a Law, which when complied with, opens the door to Life Everlasting.
The children of this world are enslaved by the ignorance which causes fear and greed, which holds them in bondage to sickness, disease, and death. Their love of money, and lust for power and sex has blinded them to the fact that we live right here, right now, in the Kingdom of the Heavens.
The only way to realise the Kingdom of the Heavens, here and now is to Kindle the FYRE of God in one's heart and allow its radiant beauty to burn away all the dross of the carnal and mortal mind.
Teaching how anyone can do this is my reason for being here.
Some common misconceptions about Spirituality:
1. Spirituality is an aspect of life that is separate from other areas.
It is not, Spiritual consciousness is essential for Health, Peace and Harmony. It is the 'stone the builders have rejected' when trying to understand life and manifest the Kingdom of God.
Spiritual consciousness is knowing God and drinking from the Well of Living Water that flows deeply within us all. One in Spiritual consciousness works to manifest the Kingdom of God, here and now.
2. "Letting go is easy"
It is as 'easy' for a hu-man be-ing to 'let go' thought structures that we are enslaved to as it is for the earth to 'let go' an oak tree.
It is the earth's nature to 'cling' to the roots of the tree just as it is the roots 'nature' to seek strength through penetrating their way through the earth.
This is why the hu-man race cannot attain peace until it understands its own nature and works to eliminate from consciousness everything that is unlike Love.
The Re-generation teaches the process of how the mind draws energy from the Spirit and then manifests as the body, (the book of life) using the exact same methods that you see in every garden.
We do not 'let go' but consciously become the gardeners of our minds and transform ourselves from unkempt growths into a beautifully cared for garden of Eden.
This requires daily diligence, patience and know-how and caring (meditation) exactly in the same way that a garden requires daily attention to keep it beautiful and orderly.
3. Meditation - what it is...
Is not 'emptying the mind' per se but emptying the mind of all thought structures that produce pain and suffering (as one would 'weed' a garden.)
Meditation is a profund word with layers and layers of meanings among which is 'to care' and is the state of consciousness one must attain perpetually before one learns the highest form of hu-man consciousness: prayer.
To be fully aware is to prepare oneself, one's thought structures, ones reactions, one's vocabulary, one's skills, etc. and to refine them until one is 'meek' - that is extremely sensitive and highly trained to be able to recognise the deceptive work of the satanic consciousness and overcome it.
4. Personal power is desireable
The satanic consciousness manifests as 'personal power' but what people really need is SELF mastery - these are not to be confused.
Personal power is selfishness and egotisitical and deludes people into thinking they have succeeded where others have not.
SELF mastery sees through this illusion and enables one to recognise that we are one and that as long as there is ANY suffering on the planet, NO ONE HAS SUCCEEDED.
Personal power is the great enemy of the hu-man race it is the root of deception and desire that keeps the whole race in bondage to sin and death.
We are ONE and any teaching that does not recognise this fact arises from the genius of evil; the satanic consciousness.
5. Heaven is where the 'good people go'...
The Kingdom of the Heavens, the Kingdom of God is here and now - the race does not experience the bliss and harmony of heaven due to the multitude of false teachings perpetuated since the dawn of creation.
YOU have but one enemy, your own poisoned and selfish ego - your poisoned ego prevents you from manifesting Spiritual consciousness and from bathing in the Waters of Life.
6. "This is mine" - Ownership
Just as the illusion of personal power overwhelmes most people, so too does the concept of personal ownership - it is impossible to own anything.
From the concept of ownership arises all inharmony between people.
The moment you deceive yourself into thinking that you 'own' something, 'anything' you cut yourself off from the Well of Life within you and commit suicide.
"Thou shalt not steal" means EVERYTHING belongs to God including YOU. Those that have been freed by the Water of Life recognise that we are stewards of God's bounty. Those that have not, perpetuate the satanic illusion of personal power and ownership from where arises all division, wars, rape and every other heinous crime committed every day all over the world.
Overcoming/Purging the poisoned and selfish Ego
The poisoned, selfish ego is 'satan' - the satanic consciousness that creates and sustains the illusions of division, sickness, disease and death.
It is by the Power of Spiritual Understanding that we develop awareness of the faculties within us that enable us to overcome the selfish ego, 'satan.' (never spelled with a capital because it is a state of consciousness we have created, not an entity that opposes God.)
It is the poisoned ego alone that can suffer; it is impossible for the REAL YOu, the REAL ME, to suffer in any way.
7. Spirituality is 'Boring'
When you feel 'bored' it is time to recognise that the Light of God is trying to 'bore' through the selfish and egotistical defences that you have created that make you feel separate from the rest of hu-manity and from God.
EVERYTHING is relevant in life; everything IS LIFE.
If you are watching a tv show for the third time, ask yourself what it is you have to learn from the show - the answer will range from the simple and mundane to the sublime.
If you are under the house arrest of an ad-diction ask yourself what you need to learn to open the door - the lock and key are always on the inside.
Your duty to yourself is to think about every aspect of life until you are awake and learning the multitude of lessons each day brings.
8. Violence is a solution
All violence is the product of the satanic consciousness that binds the race to death. Through erroneous concepts of personal power, personal authority, megalomania and personal ownership the satanic consciousness has divided the race and through selfish self agrandisement deluded some people into thinking they are superior to others; that they can 'own land and property and resources', that they are 'supposed to rule others'....
This thinking and behaviour perpetuates the idea of death which has held the hu-man race in bondage until now.
This form of thinking and behaviour has been passed from generation to generation for millenia. The only way to free oneself from this form of cyclic thought is through re-generation.
9. "Jesus is coming"
Jesus has never, for even a split second, been away - it is the blindness of selfishness that prevents many people from seeing Jesus.
Jesus teaches the re-generation; the method for renewing our nature until we become conscious of our light body; the Spiritual body not made with hands et-ernal in the consciousness of Heaven awaiting your recognition of it.
'Jesus' means God in You - and God is made manifest through each of us by our Words. The Words we share with the world are the power of the Spirit of God in action. The more aware we are of the Living Waters flowing within, the more powerful our words.
The more powerful our words, the less restricted they are by the illusion of time - they fulfil themselves.
10. The Messiah is 'coming'
Love is the Messiah
If you can not love me as I love you then your 'religious schooling' your 'degree' your 'qualifications' are worthless, a delusion.
Religion is learning to 'Pray' - Prayer is the Highest form of Hu-man consciousness where the mind of God and the mind of an individual are merged; there is no more consciousness of division.
In the Re-Generation, the 'veil' (the illusion of division) has been rent and the New Testament (the New Re-generated and Free Will) manifests on the earth.
That 'day' is NOW.
"Whatever you think; you will create; Change your thinking; change your fate"
(From A Pathway to Freedom; Freedom from Ad-Dictions 2001)
"Your voice is the power that sets God's perfect Law into activity."
"Listen to your heart; God lives there."
(Coined when asked to contribute a quote to an addiction and recovery website in 1998.)
The ONLY enemy you will ever have is your own selfish ego (satan); in overcoming your own selfish ego, you will enter into consciousness of the River of the Water of Life and you will never die.
The One True Religion is your breath; which is your connection to God; your words when Spoken in Love and with Wisdom are God's words. God has no lips, nor eyes or ears, except ours.
"You can not live in Heaven while you are busy building hell."
"Life is a form of Fyre; its only fuel is Love."
"Ideas are the coin of the realm for building the Kingfom of Heaven" - Charles Fillmore
Vist the website: where you can read all about Stephen, as well as learn about A Pathway to Freedom; Freedom from Ad-dictions and A Pathway to Freedom; The Re-Generation, A Meta-Physical interpretation on the Gospel of Thomas, Essays on Applied Meta-Physics, Meta-Physical poetry, Meta-Physical Business Management, The Transition from the sleep of death and entering consciousness of everlasting Life through comprehending the 'mysteries of the ages' and more...
Available for immediate complimentary download is FyreHeart's Meta-Physical Poetry for meditation, contemplation and re-generation:
Also available for immediate complimentary download is the collection: 23 Thoughts for the New Millennium: - previously published here on Selfgrowth as an article titled: 23 Thoughts on the Meaning of Life.
You can contact me directly by email: the_meta-physician AT servadei DOT com.
Or us selfgrowth's message service.
I look forward to hearing from you and to being of service.
Stephen J.