Here are the top 5 health news stories for the week.

* 5 Health Tests You Didn't Know You Needed *

It's tough to know which of these are truly essential, especially when they're packaged with dozens of other tests and called an "executive health exam."

Go here for the complete news story:

* Weighing Cancer Risks, from Cellphones to Coffee *

You're sitting in a freshly drywalled house, drinking coffee from a plastic foam cup and talking on a cellphone. Which of these is most likely to be a cancer risk?

Go here for the complete news story:

* 10 Dumb Things You Do at the Doc's Office *

Talking on your cell phone in the examining room, forgetting what medicines you take and lying to your doctor about your personal health habits are all ways of compromising your health.

Go here for the complete news story:

* 14 Myths About Healthy Eating *

Think you know what healthy eating means? Don't be so sure.

Go here for the complete news story:

* Good Sleep Raises Quality of Life, Lowers Depression *

People who get six to nine hours of sleep each night rate their quality of life higher and are less likely to feel depressed than those who sleep less, according to a new study.

Go here for the complete news story:

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