Over the years I have had the opportunity to study and learn the various traits of a successful, fit and healthy lifestyle. I would love to share with you now some of the things I have learned and practice in my own life. If we want to get fit or stay fit and healthy as we age we need to begin to look at our daily habits and choices. Here are a few of those habits that might encourage you to get on board and start living your life with more va va va boom!

I remember years ago hearing someone say “If you don’t take the time to keep fit and well, you will need to make time to be sick” and that has stuck with me all these years. It’s all about choice.
All of these tips may not appeal to you and I invite you to pick just 2 or 3 to begin with and see what a difference they will make in your life.

• Create successful habits. Yes I know this is obvious but it is surprising how many of us begin new habits with enthusiasm and then into the 3rd or 4th week just slide back into our old ways. Be vigilant. Be consistent.

• Create your environments for success. This one is huge. The environment always wins so it makes sense to set it up for success. If you are in the habit of going for a couple of drinks after work maybe you could just do that on a Friday for instance. If you always have a creamy dessert after dinner, try a piece of fruit or half of what you normally have. Think of as many environments as you can to tweak and re-create for success.

• This is also an environmental issue. Schedule your workouts into your daily calendar before anything else. Make your calendar you friendly! Honestly, once you get used to this you will love it. It becomes a habit.

• Create a weekly menu. Then create a shopping list. This alone will probably free up the time you need to exercise. Then you can do this for the month. Then do 12 of these and you have a menu and shopping plan for the whole year. Imagine that! Ok, this may not be your ‘thing’ but try it for a week at least.

• Create a team of supporters. This is very important. Now, this may sound weird but they don’t even need to be alive. You can have your best friend or have a workout buddy and you can also have someone you really admire who may be no longer with us. Someone you can “talk” to when you need a bit of a hand. I have a whole slew of people, living and dead and I wouldn’t be without them. Create a success team including your coach, fitness expert, mentors and friends.

• Monitor your health levels and keep records. This can be a great boost for your morale but don’t get hooked on numbers. Just know that you are on your way to living a fit and healthy sustainable lifestyle.

• I also recommend you keep a food diary. If you don’t want to do this on a permanent basis, do it at least for a week. It is so easy to eat mindlessly and not even realize it. So for at least one week write down everything you put in your mouth and also write down your energy levels 3 times a day. Awareness is key.

• My last tip is to drink plenty of water. This is recommended on so many levels. You will save fortunes in face creams and lotions when your body is cleansed from the inside out and your liver is healthy; your skin will glow and thank you. That is my favourite beauty tip. Your energy levels will be higher too.

Author's Bio: 

Joan Bell is the Action Queen with a heart. She is a certified Fitness and life coach and lives in Australia with her gorgous partner of 23 years.

Joan helps spirited women (and some men) turn their wildest (and scariest) dreams into reality and shows you how you can live life on your own terms.

With a passion for helping others succeed Joan offers clients accountability, support, challenges and results that will catapult them into the next phase of their lives. She has a fun, no nonsense, focused style and designs her packages to suit the individual and unique aspects of each client.

Contact. www.youractioncentral.com
email: joanbell@lifecoach101.com