This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Stress Management. Stress Management is the skills, methods, and techniques involving in managing and reducing stress either a day-to-day basis or on a long term scale. Jim Manganiello is the Official Guide to Stress Management.

Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook, by Martha Davis, Matthew McKay, and Elizabeth R. Eshelman, is a valuable resource for people interested in Stress Management, and it is available through and Barnes & Noble.

Book Description

The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook broke new ground when it was first published in 1980, detailing easy, step-by-step techniques for calming the body and mind in an increasingly overstimulated world. Now in its sixth edition, this workbook, highly regarded by therapists and their clients, remains the "go-to" source for stress reduction strategies that can be incorporated into even the busiest lives.

This new edition is updated with powerful relaxation techniques based on the latest research, and draws from a variety of proven treatment methods, including progressive relaxation, autogenics, self-hypnosis, visualization, and mindfulness and acceptance therapy.

In the first chapter, you'll explore your own stress triggers and symptoms, and learn how to create a personal plan for stress reduction. Each chapter features a different method for relaxation and stress reduction, explains why the method works, and provides on-the-spot exercises you can do to apply that method when you feel stressed. The result is a comprehensive yet accessible workbook that will help you to curb stress and cultivate a more peaceful life.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Stress Management. The Official Guide to Stress Management is Jim Manganiello. Dr. Jim Manganiello is an award winning clinical health psychologist, teacher and author. He’s a longtime innovator in the areas of stress, well-being, personal growth and "inner fitness". He earned his B.A. and his Ed.D. at Boston University, where he was directly admitted to doctoral candidacy under a full fellowship awarded on the basis of outstanding promise for professional excellence.

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Jim Manganiello, the Official Guide to Stress Management