I had a great response to the last newsletter from a friend who,
not long ago, embraced Nature Cure in an effort to get her health
back on track.

Well, to make a short story long, after many months of diligence
and perseverance - she did it - she got her health back.

You might ask - how did she know when she got her health back?

I guess the answer to that is that she no longer felt the symptoms that labeled her as being sick.

She felt good about herself, her life and her future.

And like so many of us, after working hard at her health, she finds that she has abandoned some of those lifestyle disciplines that gave her back her health.

And now - she asks - 'Why, when we know that certain habits produce ill-health - why do we persist in creating an environment that will, if repeated often enough, drag us back into a similar state of ill health?'

I guess because we like to do those things that give us pleasure - even if the pleasure is fleeting and transient.

The advertising moguls know our weaknesses - appeal to our emotions and we are suckered in.

Logic, understanding and intelligence play very little part in the sensuous delights of most people's lifestyle.

...I don't have time for health - I must soldier on - so I go the fast food route.

...I don't have time for rest - I have a deadline - so I stimulate myself with chemicals.

...I don't have time to get sick - there's too much to do - so I take something to suppress my symptoms.

My mentor, Mr. Jaffrey, was fond of chiding me when I pursued this line of thought with..."Why is the wrong question young fellow - What you should be asking is - What do I do NOW?"

But unfortunately we think - "I'll take care of it later." - But
later never comes - there is only the NOW.

This article is not meant to be a censure on any person or action - but merely an appeal to the intelligence and willpower that brings your thought process to the very essence of Nature Cure - Health is the result of building a lifestyle on very simple principles - however, it takes practice, patience and persistence.

I wish each and every reader all the best in the pursuit of your
health and happiness.


Author's Bio: 

"Kevin Hinton is a renowned Natural Health Educator and Advocator who has assisted a broad range of people to re-invigorate their lives through common-sense Natural Health practises.
He is a trusted advisor to many in the corporate world in Australia and North America who recognize the life-improving value of Natural Health habits.
His experience is the field reveals that adopting practical
Natural Health habits usually helps drive successes in other areas of life."
Business Acumen, Queensland Business