Rob White is The Official Guide to "Empowerment". You can find complete information on Rob White and his products by visiting
Right now, at least one area of someone’s life might not be going as they want it to go. This area of their life might have also been this for as long as they can remember, which can add to the pain that they are experiencing.
So, they might have wanted to be in an intimate relationship for ... Views: 4
Deep down, someone can have the sense that they are only worthy of meeting their basic needs. Consequently, they can generally create a life where they survive but seldom if ever thrive.
But, if this is something that they are not consciously aware of, they can believe that this is just what ... Views: 6
In general, a man could do a lot for his mother, and he may have been this way for many years. He is then going to be more like her parent than her son, which will mean that he is out of balance.
However, no matter what he does for her, he could end up doing even more if she becomes ill and ... Views: 6
If a man was to look back on his life, he may see that he has experienced a lot of frustration over the years. He could see that this is because his needs have largely not been met in one or a number of areas of his life.
Being deprived is then going to be normal and this will have naturally ... Views: 7
Right now, someone may be in a relationship that is anything but loving. So, they could be with someone who undermines them in a variety of different ways.
For example, they could rarely be seen or heard, receive affection, often be put down and humiliated and even be physically harmed. They ... Views: 9
Not too long ago, a man may have experienced a breakup. He may have been with a woman who didn’t treat him very well and be relieved that their time together has come to an end.
If so, this would have been a relationship that was anything but harmonious and there wouldn’t have been a great ... Views: 9
Even if someone’s early years were anything but nurturing, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this. They might not remember a great deal about this stage of their life; then again, they might believe that this stage of their life wasn’t that bad, with it being a time when they received what ... Views: 10
Over the years, someone may have put a lot of effort into their career. Thanks to this, they might have been able to make a lot of progress, with them achieving a high position and doing well financially.
However, regardless of whether they hold a high position or are well off financially, ... Views: 11
Even though someone can want to achieve one or a number of things, it doesn’t mean that they will be fully aware of why this is. This is because they can be out of touch with what is truly driving them.
What this illustrates is that there is their conscious mind or conscious sense of ... Views: 12
If someone were to step back and reflect on their life, what they may find is that they rarely feel happy or experience joy. In general, then, they are going to spend a lot of time feeling flat or down.
What might stand out is that they have been this way for as long as they can remember. If ... Views: 12
Recently, someone may have gone through a breakup, and, since then, they might not have been in a good way. This may have been a relationship that was going well or it might not.
Either way, there can be moments when they experience fear and anxiety, and other moments when they lose touch ... Views: 13
If a man is in a relationship but is overly focused on his mother, his girlfriend is likely to be frustrated with what is going on. This is because he will spend a lot of time doing things for his mother, having very little time for himself, let alone her.
She might have kept her true ... Views: 14
Even though a man will be physically separate from his mother, it doesn’t mean that he will act like it. This is also likely to mean that he won’t feel emotionally separate from her either.
He will then often be doing things for her and his emotional state will largely be defined by her. Now, ... Views: 15
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, what they find is that they are often not treated very well by others. So, when they are around their friends, perhaps family and at work, they could often be put down and ignored, for instance.
Then again, they might typically ... Views: 15
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, what they can find is that they have the tendency to please others. This can largely take place without them consciously choosing to do so.
Being this way will mean that they typically focus on other people’s needs and ignore ... Views: 16
What can be normal is for someone to play a role when they are around others. For example, they can typically come across as easy-going, selfless and do what they can to please others.
As a result, they are rarely if ever going to fully show up around others and freely express themselves. ... Views: 19
Over the years, a man may have been with a number of women who he was unable to get close to. So, he may have been with at least one woman who was already in a relationship and he was having an affair with.
Along with this, he may have been with at least one woman who lived a long way away or ... Views: 19
For a little while now, a woman may have been with a man who is overly focused on his mother. Thanks to how caught up he is with her needs, he might seldom be physically, let alone emotionally, available.
If so, a lot of his time and energy will be directed toward his mother, leaving him with ... Views: 18
If someone were to step back and reflect on their life, what they may see is that they spend a lot of time trying to fix other people’s problems. This can be how they are with their friends and their partner, that’s if they are in a relationship.
Along with this, they could often be this way ... Views: 20
What can be normal is for someone to focus on other people’s needs. But, if this is just what is normal, they might not realise how focused they generally are on other people’s needs.
Consequently, they will often overlook their own needs, which will cause them to neglect themselves. Yet, ... Views: 22
What someone may find, if they were to step back and reflect on their life, is that they have the tendency to act as if they are an object that exists to serve others. So, they could find that they are often doing things for others and seldom there for themselves.
Therefore, if they are not ... Views: 20
Practically from the moment that someone’s wakes up, they could experience anxiety to one degree or another. Shortly after this, they can think about one or a few of the things that they have to do that day and be filled with dread.
What might change what is going on is if they have a coffee ... Views: 20
What someone may find, if they were to step back and reflect on their life, if that they often end up in situations where they need to be saved. Their life is then going to be anything but harmonious and there will be a lot of ups and downs.
It can then be normal for them to feel helpless, ... Views: 19
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, what they may find is that they are often treated badly. Along with this, they could see that they generally don’t treat themselves very well.
However, they could see that being treated badly feels comfortable and that it takes a ... Views: 23
Right now, a woman can be in a relationship with a man who is rarely physically let alone emotionally available. The reason for this is that he could spend a lot of time being there for his mother and taking care of her needs.
Due to this, she will be in a relationship but she may as well be ... Views: 21
You can sprinkle love anywhere! Anytime. Just like fairy dust. It’s not love as in “hugs and kisses,” as nice as those are, it’s love by a different description. Namely, “to delight in the presence of.” Nice, huh? You won’t find that definition in any dictionary. I heard it many years ago in a ... Views: 22
Even though someone will have a number of different needs, it doesn’t mean that they will be in touch with all of their needs, let alone do what they can to meet them. Instead, they can only be in touch with a few of their needs and they might not always do what they can to meet these ... Views: 25
A man can be in a position where he not only focuses on his mother and ignores himself but he can be comfortable with this. He can have the sense that he is doing the right thing by being there for her.
So, as far as he is concerned, as he is her son, it can be his responsibility to be there ... Views: 24
What a man may find, if he were to step back and reflect on his life, is that he often feels low and depressed. He could find that this is because he doesn’t feel good about himself and doesn’t believe this will ever change.
If he were to think about why he feels this way, he could think ... Views: 23
If a man is in a position where he is focused on and does a lot for his mother, he is unlikely to have a life that is very fulfilling. The reason for this is that a number of his needs will seldom if ever be met.
Yet, even though he will be depriving himself, this might not be something that ... Views: 24
Even though someone has a mental, emotional and instinctual self, it doesn’t mean that they are generally in touch with each of these parts. In general, they can be in touch with what is going on for them at a mental level but that’s about it.
But, if this is just what is normal, they won’t ... Views: 29
If a woman is in a position where she does a lot for her mother and ignores a number of her own needs, she will be out of balance. But, if living in this way is just what is normal, she might not be aware of what is going on.
Due to this, she could often feel low and drained but believe that ... Views: 23
If a man steps back and reflects on his life, what he may find is that he has been with a number of women who were very caught up with themselves. These would then have been women who were consumed by their own needs and had very little if any time for him.
They would then have expected him ... Views: 26
Even if a woman has the tendency to see other people as an extension of herself and lacks empathy, it doesn’t mean that a man will realise this. Due to this, if a man ends up dating or being in a relationship with her, he can be in for a big surprise.
Now, it could seem strange as to why a ... Views: 30
What a woman may find, if she were to step back and reflect on her life, is that even though she is a grown woman, she doesn’t act like one. Instead, she is more like a little girl who is dependent on her mother and incapable of living her own life.
This could mean that she still lives with ... Views: 30
Even though someone is a human being who has needs and feelings, it doesn’t mean that they will act like one. Instead, they can act more like a machine that exists to perform one or a number of functions.
But, if behaving in this way is just what is normal, they might not be aware of what is ... Views: 34
If a man is in a position where he spends a lot of time doing things for his mother and neglects himself, he could believe that his mother is the problem. Therefore, if it wasn’t for her, he would be able to live his own life.
Due to this, he could come to the conclusion that until she ... Views: 30
What someone may find, if they step back and reflect on their life, is that they tend to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves. Along with this, they can see that they typically do what other people want and what they think they want.
Thanks to this, it will be normal for them to act ... Views: 29
For a little while now, someone may have had issues with their throat. So, they might often have a sore throat, find it hard to swallow and have tension in their neck.
Thanks to what is going on for them in this part of their body, it could often be hard for them to speak clearly and as ... Views: 28
Even though someone is an interdependent human being, it doesn’t mean that they will act like one. Instead, they can typically act as though they don’t need others and are completely independent.
The reason for this is that they could spend a lot of time by themselves and not reach out to ... Views: 38
Over the years, a man may have walked away from a number of women just as things were starting to get serious. Then again, this might have been something that has only taken place on one occasion.
However, regardless of how many times he has had this experience, he might not want to have this ... Views: 30
What a man may find, if he is overly focused on his mother and neglects himself, is that he has the tendency to feel down. But, as he will spend a lot of time ignoring himself, this is to be expected.
If he were to take a closer look at what takes place when he feels down, he can find that he ... Views: 29
At the beginning of someone’s life, they needed a mother who was able to attune to their needs and typically meet them. The reason for this is that they were in a physically and emotionally dependent state.
Therefore, although they had experienced a physical birth, they hadn’t experienced an ... Views: 31
What a man may see, if he is overly focused on his mother and is overlooking a number of his own needs is that he has turned his back on himself. It could go further than this, though, as he could see that she expects him to be there for her.
Therefore, what could enter his mind is that ... Views: 38
After being a model for a little while and/or a cam girl, a woman might join OnlyFans. In the beginning, she might only share naked pictures of herself but as time passes, she can take things further.
Thanks to what she is doing, she could be earning far more than she ever has before. ... Views: 33
If someone has come to see that their early years were anything but nurturing, they can wonder why they were treated so badly. However, it might have taken them years to arrive at this point.
The reason for this is that their brain is likely to have blocked out what happened and they might ... Views: 30
If a man is caught up in his mother’s world and his own life is being overlooked, he could have well and truly had enough. He could be sick and tired of acting like her parent and abandoning himself.
However, on the plus side, at least he will be aware of what is going on and have the need to ... Views: 32
Recently, a man may have found out that the woman he is in a relationship with has cheated on him. Then again, he might have found out that she is having an affair and that this has been going on for a little while.
Alternatively, he might have told her something and asked her to keep it to ... Views: 36
Even though a man will be here to live his own life, if he is focused on his mother’s needs and does what he can to please her, this is not going to be possible. His life will be of secondary importance, whilst his mother’s life will be of primary importance.
If he is aware of this, he can be ... Views: 35
What a man could wonder, if he were to see that he is overly focused on his mother and her needs, is why he is like this. He might see that behaving in this way is causing him to neglect himself and his own life.
But, although this will be the case, he could find that he is not able to simply ... Views: 38