They may be hard to see but if you're willing to look you'll see that even in bad times gifts abound!
Here they are in short form:
1. Gift of Choice: You have a choice, even in bad times...which road are you going to take? Your response to bad times is always YOUR choice. Will you see what's wrong or what could be very right?
2. Gift of Starting Over: You get a chance to go back to square one and ask yourself again, "What do I really want?" And then you give yourself another chance to go for it!
3. Gift of Perspective: You get the opportunity to see where you have given away your power, either to a person, idea, and/or belief. Who or what hasn't been serving your HIGHEST good? You also get a chance to remind yourself of what really matters. Has your attention been on things that in the end really don't matter much?
4. Gift of Faith: Has the pressure made you forget to have faith in your creator (God, Universe, etc.) and that whatever happens is always for your highest good? What might the Universe be trying to tell you?
5. Gift of Power: perhaps the greatest gift you get from making it through rough times is the gift of knowing your own power, courage and strength. After all, if it weren't for "bad times" you would never know all the good stuff you're made from! And that's a gift!
Cari Vollmer, The Passions into Profit Mentor and Founder of shows you How to Turn Your Passions into Purpose, Freedom and Profit. To receive her F.R.E.E. Special Report, 3 Keys for Turning Your Passions into Profit and receive her weekly how-to articles visit
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