Some people find that the more they try to sleep, the more they stay awake. They wonder if they need a lobotomy to correct their sleep patterns, but as we all know, brains need not be sliced to get people to sleep. Simple tips to cure insomnia, just like these, would actually save the day.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 1: Get yourself checked.

If you are having difficulty either drifting off to sleep or staying asleep, then you may be afflicted with insomnia. Fear not, you are normal. It's a somewhat common sleep disorder and most of the world's population go through sleepless nights at some point in their lives.

Some of us, actually, are full-fledged insomniacs. No matter what the cause: stress, anxiety, fatigue, or depression--see your doctor for a more accurate assessment. It just may be a part of some underlying disorder.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 2: Have your mate checked.

Maybe the person you share your bed with is the reason for your condition. If his or her snoring affects your sleep adversely, tell your partner to see a medical professional and have his or her snoring problem addressed. It may be the result of an allergy, an effect of hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, or a deviated septum. Whatever the case, seek medical help. Silence the snoring so you'll dream comfortably.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 3: Relax.

Practice relaxation exercises just like yoga, meditation, and tai chi. Rest in bed and take deep breaths for five minutes or until you drift off to sleep. Imagine yourself in a peaceful and quiet place, your own personal paradise. The idea is to be free of stress, even if it's just in your imagination. Try to deal with any fights or concerns before bedtime so you may be rid of concerns and freed to go to bed worry-free.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 4: For heaven's sake, get a plumber.

Say the faucet leaks and the sound of the water drips are keeping you wide awake, a temporary solution would be to tie a piece of string around the tap, and let it hang all the way down to the sink, so the water will just run down the length of the string noiselessly instead of making that annoying dripping sound. Then when you awake, seek a permanent solution and finally call the plumber.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 5: Get rid of that clock.

When you see time passing and still you can't sleep, you have anxiety; and in that anxious condition, it will be more difficult for you to get some slumber. So throw away the clock. Face it the other way if you must. If it's the kind that ticks and tocks annoyingly, get rid of it. Use a silent one instead, the type that doesn't have a second hand so you're not tormented with the sound of each passing second of precious sleep you lose.

Tip to Cure Insomnia # 6: Sing yourself to sleep.

There's a reason lullabies were invented, and if they work for babes, then it will probably be effective on you too. Don't be shy, sing in bed. I have personally tried this and found that it works miracles. Sing only the mellow stuff, however, as noisier song selections might keep even the baying dogs wide awake.

You don't have to have your brain sliced to get to sleep after all. You only needed to take deep breaths! Follow these other tips to cure insomnia, snuggle under the covers, and dream on.

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Get the amazing FREE course that reveals secret tips to cure insomnia and fall into energizing deep sleep at courtesy of self-help expert, Michael Lee.