What is the one excuse you always hear when you talk to a smoker, drinker, or compulsive eater? “Well you gotta die from something, right?” I mean that is true, everyone does eventually die of something. My question to them is, why would you want to pick the one thing that is slow, painful, debilitating, and preventable? Doesn’t make any sense to me. When I die, I hope it is in my sleep, peacefully and at a very old age. I surely would not pick wearing an oxygen mask, or having a tube breathe for me, or having to undergo open-heart surgery or gastric bypass surgery. Is that really, what you would pick if given the choice?

“No thanks on the peaceful natural death at a ripe old age; I’ll take the slowest most painful option you have at a young age to boot.” Is that what you are saying? Is this seriously the mind set that we have resorted to just because of the fix of a cigarette, or the taste of an overly processed food, or the sip from a bottle? This scares me! It scares me to think that there are people out there that have been given this wonderful body that has so much potential to be strong and healthy, successful, and extraordinarily happy and it is thrown away due to an addiction. Yes, I look at emotional eating as an addiction just the same as alcohol or drugs.

Anything that you abuse over and over again that is detrimental to your health is an addiction. Now, I can’t speak for cigarette smokers or drinkers, but I do know a thing or two about emotional eating. I was a sufferer for many years. I have hid many depressed feelings in a bag of mini chocolate donuts. Oh yeah! However, I am here to tell you that there is no fix out there more sweet tasting than a fit mind and body. When you change those destructive behaviors, exercise, and eat clean the things you can achieve are limitless.

Now do not get me wrong, I am not implying that by exercising that you will never suffer from a cold again. No, I am talking about when you take the time and effort, invest it into yourself, your mind will strengthen, become more positive and clear, and you will have the confidence to go after your dreams. Having a fit mind and body has given me the ability to run around with my children, playing those favorite childhood games, which I loved to play as a kid. It has also given me the energy to run a successful business, the confidence to train for a figure competition, and the positive mindset to reach for higher and higher goals.

Imagine being able to go into any department store and pick that cute little top you want and not worry about whether it will show your back flab; being able to walk up a flight of stairs without becoming winded; how about being able to pass by a drive- thru restaurant and not being tempted AT ALL? Living a life full of good health, tons of energy, and positive thoughts is AMAZING!!!

Everyone will have down days and stress in their lives, but if you take your health for granted, life is going to be much more stressful than it was ever intended to be. By eating a clean healthy diet and having positive thoughts your mind can change how you are feeling and help your body heal faster. Go ahead try it for a month, I guarantee you will feel so much better and have a brighter outlook on life because of it. Love yourself today by putting yourself on your to do list.

Author's Bio: 

Julie Wilcoxson is a certified personal trainer and boot camp instructor. Her passion is to educate women to put themselves on their daily to do lists and become healthier role models for their children. For more information visit www.Transformations4Life.com or email her at Julie@Transformations4Life.com