You try your best to protect your little one from getting hurt, but sooner or later you are going to hear your child cry that he or she is in pain. As a parent, it's easy to panic when the situation arises, but take a deep breath and learn how to administer basic first aid to get your child back to playing once more.

Cuts, Scrapes and Scratches

If your child comes to you with a cut, scrape or scratch, wash your hands in order to prevent any germs you may have on your hands from spreading to your child. Stop the bleeding by applying gentle pressure with a clean cloth. After the bleeding has stopped, rinse the wound with warm water and wash around the wound with soap. Try to avoid getting soap directly in the wound as this can be irritating. Any debris, such as rocks or dirt, should be carefully removed with tweezers. Apply an antibiotic cream and cover with a bandage.

When to see a doctor: It may be necessary to go to an urgent care or hospital if the wound doesn't stop bleeding after applying pressure for 10 minutes, if it continually soaks through the bandage or becomes infected.


A burn from a hot stove or fireplace can be extremely painful. If your child gets burned, check over the burn for it's severity. If it's a minor burn (superficial redness, blisters and pain), run it under cool water until the pain is lessened. Never use water that is cold or has ice in it. Once the burn has completely cooled, apply a lotion that has aloe vera and bandage it lightly with a gauze wrap.

When to see a doctor: Burns that are deep, make the skin have an appearance that is leathery or dry, are larger than three inches or appear charred need to be seen by a doctor immediately.

Insect Bites and Stings

The beautiful spring and summer weather means that your child is more likely to be stung or bit by an insect. If your child was stung by a bee, carefully remove the stinger from the site by gently scraping your fingernail against it. Wash the site with mild soap and warm water. Elevate your child's arm or leg on a pillow and apply a cold compress until the pain has eased.

When to see a doctor: If your child is allergic and is breaking out in hives or is having difficulty breathing, call 911 or see a doctor immediately.

Head Injuries

The newfound freedom of running and playing will mean that your child may soon bump his or her head. When your child falls and gets a head injury, apply a cold compress to ease pain and swelling. Check over your child for the signs of a concussion, which include: irritability, vomiting and crying when they move their head.

When to see a doctor: If your child has the symptoms of a concussion or has dizziness or balance problems after an injury, check with a doctor.

You can't protect your child from ever getting hurt, but you can be there for them when he or she does. Use these first aid basics to help your little one feel better and to decide if further action is necessary. If your primary care physician isn’t open at the time of the injury or you don’t think the injury is too severe, finding a close urgent care center can help sooth your worries and ensure your child is healthy and happy. When in doubt, see a healthcare professional.

Author's Bio: 

Dixie Somers is a freelance writer who loves to write for business, health, home, and women’s interests. She lives in Arizona with her husband and three beautiful daughters.