The misery-causing condition of insomnia is generally characterized by the sufferer having difficulty falling to sleep or staying asleep - it can range from a short-term mild problem to a long-term severe, health-destroying problem. As a sufferer, you could be;

  • slow to fall to sleep or completely unable to fall to sleep
  • waking often throughout the whole of the night
  • waking during the night and then not able to fall back to sleep
  • waking much too early in the morning
  • experiencing extreme tiredness after waking

Knowing and understanding the kind of insomnia that you may be suffering from will definitely help you toward a drug-free method of coping and then dealing with insomnia naturally and effectively. You need to know this along with what might be the possible underlying cause or causes such as stress, depression or poor health etc.

Primary Insomnia - is defined by most throughout the medical field as a sleep disorder that's not directly associated with any medical or psychiatric condition, but probably caused by a prolonged period of stress.

Secondary Insomnia - is generally defined as a condition where the cause can be positively identified as stemming from a physical or psychiatric disorder like substance abuse, pain caused from illness or uncomfortable side effects of prescribed drugs etc.

Acute insomnia - is generally defined as a short-term condition which can last for a period of only one night through to a possible two weeks.

Chronic insomnia - is generally defined as a long-term condition which would ordinarily last for a minimum of three nights per week for a further period of at least one month.

In summary; the need to gently re-train your brain and your way of thinking without the poison of drugs, along with a clear knowledge of the type of insomnia you may be suffering with – and why, is a critical part of ensuring you rid yourself of the misery of insomnia and its' soul-destroying effects on your health.

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Peter EC Kirwan