Can you believe that there are a few effective techniques that can be helpful in curing Premature Ejaculation (PE)? Yes! There are a few effective methods that every man can do without any difficulty. The first is the squeeze method where you will have to hold the tip of the penis tightly the moment you want to ejaculate. You should use your thumb and your index finger to hold the tip of your penis for 2-5 minutes. When you know that you can control your ejaculation, you can release it and continue having your sex session. This will help you prolong your sexual intercourse for a longer period of time.

The next easy method is deviation. It means, when you know that you are going to ejaculate, you can deviate your mind from the sexual intercourse and think of something else. This will help you divert your mind and thus help you in controlling your ejaculation.

Next is masturbation before having sex.If you masturbate at least an hour before you have sexual intercourse, you can last longer during your sex session. Your sexual passion may go down a bit after you masturbate but you can indulge in foreplay like kissing, caressing and dirty talks before you penetrate. While doing these foreplays, your sexual desire will be aroused and the stamina required for penetration will be easily built up.

All the above methods have been tried and tested by experts and therefore they are effective to some extend. Some men may complain of ineffectiveness of these methods. Men who complain about the same can be of two types, men who are inexperience about these methods and the other is men who are in the very advanced stage of PE. For the former, practise will make them perfect and for the latter,intake of pills will be required. However, even for the latter, it is advisable to take the pills and continue still follow these methods.
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