Creating a good impression is very important. This matter is particularly true during first dates, job interview or when you want to please your latest client. In addition, when we are talking about first impressions, there is nothing more impactful than a brilliant and welcoming smile. If you are not confident about your smile, it is time to visit your cosmetic dentist Dandenong.

There are many treatments that your cosmetic dentist can do to you to have an impressive first impression. Here are the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments that many patients are availing in Dandenong.

Teeth Whitening

Stained teeth create a negative perception about you. When your pearly white teeth are not what it was before, then you need to go to your dentist Dandenong for a quick appointment. This is an in-office treatment, and they are far better than the over the counter gels, pastes and strips. One reason is that they use only professional grade ingredients or a light-activated system that has better results. In addition, your dentist knows how to protect your gums tissue during the treatment.

Dental Veneers

If you have multiple types of cosmetic concerns, dental veneers are the perfect solution for some. These are thin, just the size of wafer teeth façades used to cover minor chips, cracks, unevenness, and gaps. It can also camouflage discoloration, especially if teeth whitening treatment does not work. Most of the porcelain veneers are custom-made.

The porcelain material is durable, but in veneers, they do not last forever. According to Prosthodontics Specialist Dental Center, they are good for patients with bruxism. Your dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for veneers.

Dental Bonding

When a person has bruxism, or occasional teeth grinding, the teeth can develop chips over time. Chipping of the teeth, however, is not solely attributed to this condition; sports injuries, falls and workplace accidents cause it. Dental bonding can fix minor chips. This treatment involves applying a composite resin in place of the missing enamel and can aesthetically restore the shape of the teeth.

Composite Filling

If you still have silver amalgam, you need to have them replaced because this filling is already removed from the treatment. This composite material has posed several health concerns regarding possible exposures to a toxin. It should be replaced by composite filling shaded to match the surrounding teeth. If done correctly by your dentist Dandenong, no one will know that you have a filling.


This treatment is a fantastic milestone in dental technology. These tools are clear plastic aligners that straighten the teeth gently. Most patients rave about its convenience, comfort and discreet characteristics and perfect for all ages. For those who have braces before, they can have Invisalign because their teeth can misalign thru time.

If you need these cosmetic dentistry treatments and many other solutions for your dental issues, Prosthodontics Specialist Dental Center has these to offer. They are known as lunch specialists in Dandenong. Using only the latest technology, they can straighten your teeth, close gaps, and disguise discoloration.

Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.