Obesity is a going concern these days. Obesity is defined as having a BMI of more than 30 kg/m2. When people are unable to curb the obesity with natural things, they opt for surgery. One of such surgery is Gastric Banding Surgery. The surgery is also known as Lap-Band surgery.

What is Gastric Banding?
Gastric banding or Lap-Band surgery is a surgical procedure. It involves inserting the silicone adjustable belt on the upper stomach. The belt can be tightened by adding the saline to fill the band. Also, it is connected to a port which is placed under the skin of the abdomen. This port is used to introduce or to drain the saline.

Why is Gastric Banding known as Lap Band Surgery?
Gastric Banding is known as Lap Band surgery because of the involvement of lap band. A Lap-Band is a device brand name under Allergen Inc. There are different types and size of the bands. There are other companies as well manufacturing the Lap Bands.

Working of Lap Band
It restricts the size of the stomach and the food it holds. It slows down the passage of food to the intestine. Because of this, the signals from the brain travel to the gut allowing a feeling of sensation. These signals are then sent to the small pouch. When the pouch fills completely, the same signal is sent to the brain that occurred previously.

Who all require Gastric Banding?
Those people who have BMI of more than 40 kg/m2 or 45 kg/m2 undergo lap band surgery. This means people who are overweight by 45 Kgs undergo this surgery. It can also be performed on the people having BMI between 35 -40 kg/m2 if they suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes and sleep disorder.

Performing the Surgery
Lap band surgery or Gastric Banding surgery is a surgical procedure done under the full anesthesia. This takes about 1 to 2 hours. This is done with laparoscopic surgery. In this surgery, 3 to 5 small incision of about 1-inch length is made. The bariatric surgeon inserts camera from one incision and surgical instrument and band from the others. The camera allows viewing the procedure on a big screen.

Preparation for the surgery
The preparation of lap band surgery may vary from person to person. The patient may be advised to start taking 5 to 6 small meals a day. Also, the patient has to give up the high-calorie food items like butter and milk. If BMI is more than 50 kg/m2, special medical risk reduction treatment has to be discussed.

Recovery from the surgery
Just like the preparation, the recovery also varies from person to person. This requires shorter hospitalization. Generally, people return to normal daily activities within 1 week of the surgery. This is for those with less physical work. If the person does more physical work, then he/she can return to work after 6 weeks of the procedure.

Side Effects of Lap Band Surgery
• Nausea and vomiting
• Ulceration at the band position
• Dehydration
• Indigestion
• Weight regain
• Constipation

Risks involved in Surgery
The death rate of the surgery is 1 out of 2000. There might be some other risks like-
• Slipping of the band inside the stomach.
• Eroding of the band inside the stomach.
• Infection
• Bleeding
• Abdominal Pain
Therefore, the Gastric Banding or the Lap Band Surgery is a safe procedure. If you are obese and are thinking of surgical procedures, consider Gastric Branding as well.

To know more about your specific condition, please visit an Bariatric Surgeon in a trusted hospital close to you.

Author's Bio: 

Aditya Mewati is a content writer at a online healthcare platform Logintohealth. Please visit www.logintohealth.com or www.logintohealth.com/blog to read more health related blogs.