The Spiritual Entrepreneur is a maverick…

At least the successful ones are!

You may learn the foundational knowledge that other trainers and successful business owners teach you but when it comes down to it, you go your own way.

You have the courage to find your own path and stay on course until your heart’s desires are materialized.

Somehow you find a way to focus on the goals that you want, the desires in your heart, to have faith that they are absolutely coming to pass and then you act on the intuitive nudges that inevitably appear as you stay connected to Source.

The thing to realise is that you always know what the next best move is for you and your business and in fact, you need to understand that your specific path to success has not yet been created and it is only as you deliberately act on the nudges that you find it.

And sometimes, that path is to learn something new…

Sometimes, it is to go completely contrary to everything you have learnt and then to find the confidence to trust yourself and this novel path.

BUT, and this is a BIG ONE to pay attention to, you cannot just keep giving into conditioning!

Just because your religious guru said you had to act a certain way, does not mean you HAVE TO act a certain way…

Just because people in your family, your town, your networking group, your whatever, act a certain way and live to certain rules does not mean you go join them!  I did say you are a maverick, right?!

To get the success you desire, you will need to act from the heart and that means stripping off all rules, regulations and traditions and that will scare you!

Your rules, regulations, traditions have kept you from having to think for yourself – It felt safe to have these paths to follow but as I say, the truly successful spiritual entrepreneur is a maverick!

And that is why they impact the world in ways not previously seen before.

Honey, you can go the slow way to success which is to reason everything out, figure out the whys and wherefores, read every book out there, go to every seminar teaching whatever it is you think you need to know…

You can keep adding to your list all the things you must do in order to succeed and you create a rod for your own back…


Listen to the internal promptings of what you need to do…

And act on that!

Only work with the person that makes your heart sing…

Only read the books that you feel led towards…

Only take the actions that bubble up within you!


And trust that you are taken care of…

Trust that you do hear Spirit within you!

Trust Yourself!

Trust that you will get all of your heart’s desires because it is part of the divine plan for your life and that is why you dream of it!  ( Instead of giving into the silly and norm-like idea that you must be greedy and selfish to want so much!)

Write out the vision again…

Keep it clear in your mind and get yourself into a high vibe state of possibility.

Then act on the nudges that bubble up within you!

Act decisively, fast, NOW!

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to!

PS – TELL YOUR STORY – The Online Workshop that will show you how to monetize your business using your story, something everyone has and something that makes you stand out from everyone in your marketplace selling the same stuff you sell.

The workshop happens on Saturday – Join in now at


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And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online